Sennheiser HD 201 $36.95 @ Officeworks
These are very good headphones for the money. At this price it's a bargain! No need to price match etc… it's in the OW catalogue!
Sennheiser HD 201 $36.95 @ Officeworks
These are very good headphones for the money. At this price it's a bargain! No need to price match etc… it's in the OW catalogue!
Cannot be found now :(
yeah had the same problem
just look up hd201 in the search bar
i think u should change the link to the actual product
just some info these are normally 46 dollars with free shipping from (Headphonics) incase u miss out
but at 37 buks good bargain to be had if ur in the market for some decent quality headphones
It's officeworkds so must be sold out!
thanks mate, I updated the link
I got this last week for $50 from … but returned it and got the 202 for $60 since 201 lacks base.
apart from 202, which phones have good bass?
ATH-M50 for real low bass (exaggerated bass). Get them on ebay for $140ish. Rated top 10 headphones on headroom
haha this reminds me of how some tween aged kid went onto youtube and dissed the crap out of shure se530s because he prefered the sennheiser ie8's because he has a bass oriented listening style
but u have to remember that not everything is about the bass, a good clean mid and treble can make the song so much better, unless ur listening to doof doof music or techno and it's various related genres
audio technica
sony (>$80)
HD 238s are good too, get them off ebay.
There are no fakes of them being produced so it should be safe..
Just looked up the HD238s on eBay and noted a wide margin in pricing… . Surely some of those must be fake!
Strange that one listing I saw showed that the HD238 had a silver plug whilst the HD201 comes with a gold one… .
I bought these about a year or two ago, after trying a lot of different models, and they are fantastic. Easily the best headphones in the $50-ish price range. In fact, they're comparable to a lot of ~$100 headphones.
wow that's surprising
the only brand so far that ive heard to punch above its weight is audio technica, especially with their ad700s
and that sennheiser usually rips you off for what ur paying, i know still good quality sound and build, but could be better for the price
Agreed, have a pair of the AD700s and they're possibly the thing I've ever spent my money on.
How much they cost?
@Trance N Dance: How do they compare with the Sennheiser HD238s?
Im getting two pairs of HD238 off ebay, lucky enough to get one for 20 bucks, the other for 40.. auctioning lol
@cwongtech: I bought them for $165 about two and a half years ago if I remember correctly.
Just found em here too - $165 with free shipping.…
If your after some good sounding in-earphones but a bit cheaper look for Kanen MD-52. I bought 2 pairs for $7 shipped after my dog ate a pair of my sennheisers and they are probably a bit better, have heaps more bass. The cable on the kanens are a cotton which look pretty cool i recon =]
where did u get em from?
i wanna see what ur raving on about, for 7 bucks u cant lose
focalprice, use the coupon 2OFF5
Um,… how on earth do they make the Kanen's for so cheap? Unbelievable. I'll have to get me a few pairs to see how they are.
From china
Nuff said
roflcopter everythings made in china including sennheiser ;)
i have the 202's and i dont like them because the squeeze my (fat) head. According to a friend, the 201s suffer from the same thing.
I don't know, I have a pretty big head, and I find them comfy.
(The 201s that is)
201s are a completely different style. Not clampy at all.
ahh ok, no worries then, i stand corrected.
oh… where can I order get the Kanen's??
lol sifnt fakes?
yeh use the coupon 2OFF5. Have to order 2, or something else to get the cart over $5
I have one, it's nice. Love this brand.
"The cable on the kanens are a cotton" are you sure it's not nylon?
ummm dunno, but its not the normal type of cable everyone would be used to. check out the pic…
I've got a pair of these, IMO they're pretty good for their price, but I think you'd get much better if you were willing to spend a little more for a pair of SRH240s or 440s.
201s are also ~30AUD from chemical records inc. delivery…
I've got a pair fo these and although they lack a bit of bass they are great for how cheap they are. They are very comfortable to wear too.
good price
Picked these up from OW today. They don't have a lot of bass but they're very comfortable and sound good.
I bought a pair of these from DSE AFTER getting them to price match.
Was going to buy more expensive noise canceling headphones but these are great for the train commute,cuts out a lot of background noise.
Sound quality is great,just the right amount of bass,very happy with the price.
Picked a set of these up from OW today. Used those GiftCards which had the 5% off, and got a friend who works for Coles to get their employee 5%, so really paid A$33.35 for it which is an exceptional price for what is a very good head set.
Sure Audio Technicas are nice but that's a different price range. I hope to be able to afford a genuine set of ATH-ES7. Till then, these will suffice.
they look good. :)