Election Day
Here at CharGrilled we’ve decided that we don’t need another duck house this year, we already have six. Also, we don’t have any ducks.
This year, instead of voting for the two old parties, or the one not-quite-so-old party, or the several other parties (of varying ages), you should vote CharGrilled for a change! Read our manifesto below.
Why should you vote for us?
Because we want all of you to come with us into Number 10, that’s why for polling day only (May 6th), all our male t-shirts are £10!
All male t-shirts for £10 on May 6th!
Who said that bribery was dead?
See you on May 6th! We’re back off onto the campaign trail to be posh, call people bigots and complain how our competitors are either too posh or call people bigots.
The CharGrilled Team
Hummm, these really are quite terrible.