I was wondering where i could print/stickers and decals. I only need a few, as in, im not after a bulk quantity of 50 or 100, just a few decals/stickers to put on my goalie mask. Fed ex Kinkos is long gone, but you could pretty much print anything there. Anyone know any sticker printing places?
Where to print stickers

diamondtouch1 on 04/05/2010 - 14:19
hmm, looks alright, cheers! Anybody else with other places?
Buy some sticker paper and print it yourself.
Where are you located?
Some shopping centres such as Chadstone in Melbourne has a kiosk place that prints stickers and decals on the spot.
There is normally always a bogan at markets printing stickers as well, eg Queen Victoria Markets in Melboourne, Canningvale Markets in Perth etc.
yeah im located in sydney, lol, i guess i'll go down to the markets and see if theres a bogan printing stickers. I've got an inkjet printer, I'm guessing the ink will run when it gets into contact with water (it is ice hockey after all)
Maybe here: