Tom Clancy's End War $6 @ GAME.COM.AU
Normally $49.95
IGN Rated as 8.0 / 10.0
Not sure if the game is any good, but for $6 cant really go to wrong. Always can be used as trade bait later on.
Tom Clancy's End War $6 @ GAME.COM.AU
Normally $49.95
IGN Rated as 8.0 / 10.0
Not sure if the game is any good, but for $6 cant really go to wrong. Always can be used as trade bait later on.
Damn, I'd really appreciate this, but don't have a credit card to pay
if you want i got 2 copies, you can direct deposit 6 + what ever the postage is i will send you the extra. its like 3 or 4 dollars for an express bag..
You might be out of pocket if you quote like that ;o)
Express bag is more than $5+ unless you mean Express envelop?
500g express satchel is $4.50 ;)
i'll take a copy if you still got it?
It's back to $6 now. Rather than having him do Direct Deposit, and you post it off, why don't you take the direct deposit, and have GAME pay for postage direct to whoever needs it?
Nice find, thanks.
ordered 2 thanks :) cant go wrong with game online i will have the game by weeks end..there are some other cheapies like saints row 2 ce on pc which i bought last time for 8 dollars i think and it came with a 1gb bullet shaped usb…
Yes, it was $8 Could have saved 1/4 of the price if I waited for this! ;-) Good game.
This isn't a bad game; gets a little repetitive and boring (and the voice controls sucked, at least for me - although I was using a pretty avg. headset), but 6 bucks, it's a steal.
Saint's Row 2 - Collector's Edition (PC)is only for $6 dollar, also with Bullet shaped 1GB USB key.
Was waiting for this to drop, wasn't expecting $6 though, awesome.
it's hit $6 a few times!
Game must be making a serious loss on this… postage would cost a large chunk of the $6!
My guess postage is around $3 for them.
Just wondering why can't we use Reward Card Member @ GAME online :(
Don't you just put your card number in your account settings?
awesome…got both..
By the rate going atm… I hope they have enough stocks!!!
Don't tell me orders cancel tomorrow.
nice ;) ordered
up to $28.00 now…. shit..
Can feel your pain…5 mins late!
got Saint's Row 2 Collector's Ed (PC) for $6.00 though. feeling a bit better now
End War is currently showing as $28 for PS3 :(
GAME online must be reading my comment above :-)
They are watching us guys!
I was about to buy it - it was still priced at $6 - decided to see what else they had on sale then came back and the price went up :( oh well shit happens
Buy this >>> Saint's Row 2 - Collector's Edition and play while waiting for other games on next round.
Here is my tip, buy asap if you think its a good deal and browse around later as it's free shipping…you got nothing to lose :-)
once you add to cart its locked in i believe ..
saints row is hell cheap being collectors edition as well :)
great. I got both for $6 each.
Read the Saints Row 2 sucks but thought with the 1GB bullet shape USB stick it is worth it.
Fingers crossed they do not cancel my order tomorrow.
Edit: Just wanted to add that these games are now available on Amazon for approx $13 & $5 plus shipping.
You've been misinformed! Saint's Row 2 is one of it's kind. A FUN Sandbox game.
Rare to see those words in the same sentence especially with the tedious GTA series. Play it and see what I mean.
You should know that it's badly optimised for the PC though. Need an SSD to get around this issue.
Nevertheless I bought the CE even though I already had a copy on Steam. I BLOODY LOVE THIS GAME!
+1 but not for End War, for SR 2!
Cheap game. Kinda old though.
I ordered the end war game at $6!!! Does GAME have a history of cancelling orders if they dont want to honour it?
i don't think so. i got Age of Empires III Gold Edition in the past for $18. it went up to some other price shortly after but i still got my copy.
They did cancel me once so I'm still 50-50 on this.
But if they cancel again then I will boycott GAME and I'm sure others will do the same. (so don't risk it GAME!!!)
I think it mainly depends on stock and if they're getting anymore in. You'll see below that they honoured a price, even though it was a serious pricing error:
They've cancelled on me before..
When GTA4 for 360 was $28 (back when it was in the $70 range)
it's back to it's original price.
Got Saints Row, missed out on EndWar :(
+ve for Saints Row.
Missed Endwar..
MiSsed both :(
Ordered Saints Row, but was tad to late for end war.
but saints row is back to $109 now
Every time GAME has a sale this needs to be said:
The price didn't go back up.
When the online stock sells out, it shows the instore price.
So if you go into a GAME store right now, their price on Saints Row 2 Collectors Edition for PC is going to be that $110 price. But if the online shop gets more stock (e.g. by cancelling orders people place for eleventy billion copies or recalling stock from stores) then the price will (as long as it's within their current sale period) be the $6 price again.
There's also a good chance the in-store price will drop to something similar to that online price in their next catalogue sale.
Is this online only? Can you buy it in stores?
Read what "lbft" said above, he (or she!) is spot on. :) It's $6 online only.
From past experience, just check Game (online) every few days and eventually it'll be there for $6 again!
This can happen but doesn't always happen..
If anyone happened to buy 2 and wants to get rid of one then I will gladly pay the cost of it plus postage. Please pm me if your interested.
Just received a tax invoice for one copy of EndWar so looks like it might ship today.
same for me as well.
same mine says 'packed' on the order status
It just went down to $6.00 again!
Update title. :)
Yes, both endwar & saint's row 2 are back.
And tomb raider collector version PS3 for $12
Got one in my cart but my confirmation email for account creation isn't coming through..
Back to $6!!!
Bought! ;)
$6 AUS + free shipping = awesome :D
Now, gotta get a headset :P
Do you NEED a headset?
Well the game was made to be played with a headset -> everything is done via voice commands -> that was what made it great (according to reviews) so it would be nice to give it a shot. Bluetooth headsets aren't that dear so it's not a huge investment. (Plus then I have a headset for my phone as well)
Can you use a headset from your phone ie. a Motorola one?
its back online again @ $6
Yea, back to $6! Just got myself one.
Gone again
Hey guys, just letting you know that mine has been posted and it tracks on australia post, so I think its legit!
Back at $6 now.
i got mine this morning lol i am so happy with game online service they are by far the best online site i have ever used..
I missed mine this morning and I can't get to the P/O before 5 so I guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow.
But yeah, very fast delivery.
I only wish they put the name of the product in the 'order history', not just an 8 digit number so it'll be even easier to track your orders.
Received mine today.
Woot! Got it!
The SR 2 USB stick is so shiny! <=O
Got End War today - it definitely appears as if you need a headset to play it.
Can't use for JB's trade bait.
It's included in the exclusion list.
This is cheap for a PS3 game.