Our Elastic Virtual Servers lets you manage your servers resources (Disk Space, RAM, Bandwidth, IP Addresses & More) from our Cloud Portal.
Now you can spin up a new Elastic Virtual Server with the minimum resources for as little as $6.34/per month while you can increase your servers resources paying only a pro-rata rate until your next billing due date at anytime. Customers can also downgrade their resources later on through our Cloud Portal and our Cloud Portal will automatically credit your account for the unused portion of your billing period.
Through our Cloud Portal you can also order and instantly active a cPanel license.
Until June 30, use our promotion code 25-OFF-ELASTIC-VPS to take 25% off our Elastic Virtual Servers.
Want to know more?
Check out our website www.exigent.com.au or call us on 1300 252 080 Monday - Friday.