How to Buy Bunnings Giftcards at +5% off?

Hi All,

I've been on the hunt to find Bunnings giftcards at a reduced price (something like the Woolies egiftcards ones that are typically 5% off), but I've been struggling to find a place.

I did spot a couple of what seemed to be "dodgy" sites after spending a bit of time Googling, but wasn't game enough to bite.

I'm after a Gerni pressure washer, but annoying thing is the model I'm after is only exclusive to Bunnings. I'll only pull the trigger if I can get it at a % off.

Any input would be very much appreciated!



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Bunnings Warehouse


    • Gerni 2.1kW Super 145.3 Plus(

      I understand that Bunning have a unique model number/product number to eliminate their pos price beat policy. I'm not 100% sure what the equivalent is as I think there are a few different 2.1W (2100psi) models going around.

      I was initially recommended 145.2 version, which I think was discontinued a while back and now superseded by 145.3.

        • Thanks for your time and research mate, I'll suss this one out!

  • Have you tried buying a gift card on the second hand market via Gumtree/eBay?…

    • Thanks for the input!

      I was tentatively looking for private sales, although in two minds about that at this stage.

      Would prefer to buy from a b&m store or a reputable online store.

      Private sale would be last choice if possible.

  • +3

    I often purchase Bunnings gift cards at Coles using discounted Coles Gift cards. I just memorise the pin number on the gift card and when I go to pay I say "on card thanks" when you swipe the gift card it just comes up like a savings card on the screen and if you cover it with your hand while you swipe it then enter the pin without looking at the card they just assume its a debit card.

    • Nice that's a great tip thanks!

    • That another question is how to get a discounted Coles Gift Cards?

  • Can you buy gift cards with gift cards?
    Im looking for bunnings gift cards with a % off i have tried to buy other gift cards from woolies in past but the checkout or self checkout dont allow it.
    Would not mind saving a bit on my purchase but dont want to end up with a few hundred dollars of coles cards.

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