I am often frustrated about the limited control over the tax I pay (PAYG) and my super annuation.
I understand the overall purpose of funding retirement and reducing stress on pension (super) and eliminating risks of going into tax debt (PAYG) but the lack of flexibility is, in my opinion, stopping many Australians from realising their future goals of owning a house, enjoying a more lavish lifestyle in their youth etc..
In my opinion, you should be able to use super and tax to things that make logical financial sense such as borrowing for a first home or offsetting a mortgage.
To regulate it, they could make a policy that tax and super money needs to be secured - in the case of a mortgage offset, I would see it going something like.
You can use your super to help buy a house and the super trust or whatever also overwrites the loan as primary so in the case of liquidation or sale, the super would get paid first (even before the bank).
Capital gains could be split between super and home owner of the basis of percentage of ownership- eg if the super funds paid for 30% of the house and the capital gains were $100k then the super trust would get 30k on top of a return of its input. This portion could be taxed at the super rate and the remainder as standard.
PAYG should really be a personal choice, at least give people a year to pay their tax in arrears and if they pay in full on time, then let them continue, if not then take the privilege away.
This would increase the cashflow of the average worker by something like 30% + while also creating many economic benefits for the country.
Share your ideas and outrage!
but how will the banks and super industry feel?
they dont donate to both parties for fun, no way the lib labs will go down this path