Conversion Rate taken from
MicroSDXC form factor
Performance/speed:Up to 90MB/s read speed, write speed lower)
Capacity: 200GB
Conversion Rate taken from
MicroSDXC form factor
Performance/speed:Up to 90MB/s read speed, write speed lower)
Capacity: 200GB
USB was developed around 1994 (not finalised or released) and USB flash drives were first sold around 2000.
This isn't perfect but the fast read speed makes it a tempting product in this price range.
You could also consider the great improvements in technology and storage density where 200GB can reliably be offered on such a small square.
Perfect Timing, thanks OP:)Purchased AUD 94.13 inc delivery
Cheaper if you select USD rather than AUD! I think Amazon gives a crappy exchange rate. I paid in USD and it worked out to be 90.62 (including delivery).
Great card, I bought one about the same time as the S7 release day, still holding up strong and have had no stutter/lag during any kind of playback.
My lexus 128gb broke on me after 2 days and had to return it for this :)
Haha 15mbs write just like 1990 usb 2 speed