So I Have $50 in My Hand

How can I use this or turn this into Internets moneys so I can buy some stuff. Serous post not joking. I am dum b

I have used a common wellth card before but i forgot how to use it now and I have also been in debt from pay pals.

Rephrase top question to what is the safest way to access our my real money and turn it into Internet money.


  • Either the site will ask for card details (numbers on it) or for Pay Pal.
    You can link your bank account to your Pay Pal account.

    • When i register for a credit card with a bank say cba does it pay my credit card details automatically through my savings account it whether the normal transactions account is called or do I have to pay this manually somehow using my back account. Basically whats the Rajat way to have operate and own a back account I mean credit card.

  • +1

    Open a transaction account with a debit visa/mastercard, as I don't think you should get a credit card. Then, if you haven't had a PayPal account sign up for one. It will ask you to link your credit card and bank account details.

    If PayPal banned you from being in debt, you still usually have the option to pay via Credit card on most websites, in that case you just enter your visa/mastercard details during checkout

  • +4

    Send me the money and I will set it up for you.
    The minimum to set up an internet account is $200 though so you will have to send me $200. Actually probably better to send me $300 just to be sure.

    • +1

      funds have been sent, i really appreciate your help

      • +1

        Hello. I am from the ATO and you must pay me the GST on this deal.
        As it is a manual remittance, you must also pay a service fee of $100 on top. Please pay now by our convenient Western Union service. kthxbai.

        • OK here is five dollars… do I win now?!?!

  • Go to the post office (I think big w, Woolworths sell them too) and buy either a prepaid visa or a reloadable visa.
    This then gives you a card with a visa number which can be used like a credit card for online shopping.

    Easy as!

    • +1

      Remeber to take into account the purchase price for the pre paid card.

    • So with this credit card it is automatically paid for. If I try to overdraw it won't let me. I am basically just looking for the safest and easiest credit card that won't let me overdraw and only use savings or a prepaid amount. Last time I got stupid and gung Ho and went duck it and incurred a $220 over the limit amount I.e. creditors/collectors sent me a letter and came a knocking on my door figuratively speaking. My knowledge of online transactions and credit cards is still not fully 100% that's why I ask. No harm in asking rather than to just be proud and not ask.

      • What shrek4 suggested is not a credit card, it's a gift card but can be used like a cc at the shops eg. You press credit instead of saving.

        Please don't get a credit card, no offence but your basic knowledge on finance is so bad, you'll bankrupt yourself and won't even know how.

        • Yeah that's how I accidentally did it in the first place I really need a basic 101 course in credit cards or basic finance. It's weird I understand programming and coding very fine but not basic financing haha lol.

          BTW so what's cheaper overall if say for long term. Credit cards or prepaid cards. I assume prepaid out gifts cards can be more expensive with the constant initial up front cost.

        • Finance gives me a headache as well and I don't work in finance either

          …..You realise you still need to pay off the credit cards, you don't get free money either way unless you get rewards cc. But since you're so bad with finance, stay away from cc or you're gonna get yourself in a big debt, which means more expensive. Also, I'm not even sure if banks would issue you a cc.

  • +11

    I felt dum b just reading your post.

    • +1

      Haha, member on Ozbargain internets since 2011 also. How is this even possible?

      • magic haha lol.

        Plus, I get around ;) ;) wink wink nudge nudge say no more

  • And the other hand is giving out high fives…

  • Commonwealth has a free debit card that is also a Master card. This is given out with their basic transaction account. I guess it is safe, because you can only ever use money thats in your everyday transaction account. If you find the new cba atm, you can deposit your money (even after hours) and it is available to use straight away.

  • +1

    whats in your other hand?

    • +1

      Another $50

  • +3

    Get yourself a lap dance and be done with it.

  • BTW what's usual PayPal s fees these days monthly and per transaction. Also I guess there is no fee bank accounts these days that you can tie to a credit or debit card (still sorta confused on the about the two). I switched my I think every day saving s Transactions account to a goal saver account because cba kept taking $5 every month.

    • Have you read the faq and the how it works pages on paypal? If you did bother, your answers would be answered, plus you learn more than what others say here.

      • I feel like I always miss small and simple things with financial stuffs that's why I always try and ask or find someone that knows. I needs an fimanciananal expert pleeeeaaassease.

        • The problem is though, you're not asking the small things everyone miss. You're asking the basic stuff, like the definition of a credit card.

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