• expired

[SOLD OUT] Absolute Freebie: Mobile Phone LCD Screen Protector, $0.00 + Free Shipping


Mobile Phone LCD Screen Protector
Absolute Freebie: $0.00+ Free Shipping

Perfect for iPhone 3G/3GS, Suitable for other LCD screens(but you may need to cut to suit different screen sizes)

Limited Stock.
Limit 1 per customer.
Reserve your freebie online, please.

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closed Comments

    • +6

      this rarely happens, but if it happens we are more than happy to resend order, all you need to do is email us.

      • I have emailed you and received no response this is why i have commented here, i also called the phone number and it rings out, obviously you are busy.

        I just sent another email to your [email protected] email let me know if you have not received it.

        • +1

          hi mikinoz, thanks for your feedback. i have just informed customer service, who has just replied to your email, please check and get back to us if there is any further issues. generally speaking, refund or replacement is never an issue with us (if the problem is at our end, including shipping etc.), please indicate what you would like us to do, we will be happy to help. regarding telephone, we have been having problems with the phone line intermittently recently, otherwise we always answer phone calls, i do apologize for any inconvenience caused. you can try 02-80847423 if the other number keeps ringing out.


          • +1

            @ozstock: Hi Ray,

            thanks have received your email and replied to Leo will await the replacement and then update

            To be fair you guys were excellent with the replacement of the Laser stb

      • -1

        And what about mine?

        I not only had the same problem as Mikinoz, but the batteries on mine are leaking and hence the light doesn’t work (most definitely mega old stock). The no name tweezer quality is very very average too. A total waste of $6 for something available for a fraction of that at your $2 shops. Not to mention the slow dispatch. Bad product - not one bit impressed with my first OzStock transaction.

        And yes you number rings out with no one picking up. Have emailed and will await a hopefully favourable response.

        • hi McLarenMercedes,

          thanks for your feedback too. our customer service just told me that they had replied to your email, please check and get back to us if there is any further issues. generally speaking, refund or replacement is never an issue with us (if the problem is at our end, including shipping etc.), please indicate what you would like us to do, we will be happy to help. regarding telephone, we have been having problems with the phone line intermittently recently, otherwise we always answer phone calls, i do apologize for any inconvenience caused. you can try 02-80847423 if the other number keeps ringing out.


          • @ozstock: Thanks Ray, I have asked Leo for a refund. Might be advisable to check the product, especially its not even sealed, before it is dispatched. Save pain for both of us.

  • ordered 1. thanks

  • i've not received anything damaged from ozstock before, perhaps your mailman was having a bad day lol

    • -1

      or being in an envelope left little protection from normal conditions for anything that is not flat

      At least the lighter/compass etc had some protection

  • Its free, can't complain :)

  • +1

    Haven't received any damaged goods either. Although the ADSL filters didn't have much protection, they still arrived fine and in a timely manner. +1 Ozstock.

    Never received previous two frebies from you (iphone screen protector and sleep mask)…so lost my faith

    • I received the sleep mask today, so you should get yours soon.

      • same i got the sleep mask yesterday, so surprise lol

      • I too received the sleep mask this morning!

    • hi Bappy,

      we are happy to investigate, please email [email protected], or call 02-80847423.


    • I got my sleep mask today

  • ordered 1. +1

  • great stuff.

  • Can't really see how people can about something that's given to them for free. If you don't like it throw it out.

    • -5

      this is free , other deals are not , who is complaining about this deal ?? the complaints are about the logistics of previous deals etc

      • +3

        You are.
        First post makes it very easy to find and quote you.

        'This is free but useless almost'

        Sounds like complaining to me…..

        • -5

          Lol what are you a lawyer, sure it can be viewed as a complaint , more like a comment on the practicality ie collects dust actually scratches surface of phone.

          But i can see you like jumping on others

          So does this mean you are complaining about my complaint ? which are you the pot or the kettle ?

  • I received my eye mask today…

    oh you could get those iphone screen protectors for 1c (with free shipping) from eBay, so that's almost free as well…

    • i think that ebay seller is us too, haha…

  • It's a freebie, can't complain if I get it or not, it's not like I paid for it.

  • got 1. Thanks for the post.

  • awesome! thanks OP!

  • Tried yesterday and today to purchase from this site but it refuses to take my address details?
    It just keeps retruning me to the form with no error message or anything. Thought it might be IE6 at work, but also didn't work on iPhone Safari…

    • firefox ftw!

      • It ended up being because my name has an apostrophe in it. OzStock you should look at giving users an error message…

        • Mm, maybe their site has a SQL injection vulnerability. Ozstock should investigate before some cracker does.

  • Missed last time free cost + free postage.
    A + for you!

  • Ordered one. Thanks

  • Yep, ordered, thank you.

  • Just ordered one, thanks a lot ozstock, great bargain.

  • sold out :(

  • -4

    Should I vote negative?
    Gone very quickly

    • 6 hours is not very quickly really…

    • Yeah you're just a little slower than others.

    • You snooze you loose!!!
      Don't complaint when it's 3696 clicks with 97+ves

  • Ahh, pity sold out already.

    Edit: Now 98+ :o)

  • +2

    This is what happens when I go to school! I miss out on freebies! >.<
    Damn Education!

  • Yay! :D Received mine today! Came in an envelope like the travel mask. Thanks!

  • Got mine today! Thanks. Not sure why they had to print my phone number and a description of the contents on the envelope though!

  • +1

    Received it today, thanks Ozstock! You've made my wife very happy.

  • Received thanx :)

  • Just got mine today, thanks a lot Ozstock!

  • got it today! thanx so much :)

  • received mine today! thanks

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