Xbox One, The Weaker Console but Much Better Value

I've got XBone and PS4 (and a WiiU to be honest).

Even though PS4 almost always has slightly better resolution and frame rate, does anyone else find that it's a lot easier to get bargains for the XBox?

I hear PS4 outsold Xbox 2:1 but at BigW etc the shelf space is about equal and when ever there's a cross platform sale, PS4 seems to be sold out more often than not.

And I like the XBox controller way more than ps4, Xbox media playback features are far superior supporting hevc/x265 10bit etc and I'm expecting some interesting things to come about with the windows store crossover… VLC would be the shiznit!

I dunno, slightly worse performance on games that you only notice if you watch those Digital Foundry videos and some nice excludives aside, there are a lot of benefits to getting "the crappy" console.

Not sure what the point of this post was.


  • waits for PC Master race comment… XBONE FTW!

    • +4


    • Ha, yeah. PC games are certainly cheaper and since the best PC prices are digital, they never sell out. And they almost always support the XBox controller.

      (I'm not much of a FPS guy and K+M in bed isn't the best…)

      • I prefere pc but diablo 3 isnt offline on pc :)

  • Not sure what the point of this post was.

    Neither do I, but here's my input…

    I've seen about 5 people pay full price for PS4 games and none for the Xbox One.

    I feel the PS4 has managed to persuade a greater target audience, including hardcore and casual gamers. The Xbox One's (and cough Wii U's) PR spin has flip-flopped too much to push away too many casual gamers and only the hardcore will see through that and value what these consoles can exceed in - whereas the casual won't care too much about prices. Just as long as they get to play it at this very moment.

    Remember that casual gamers are the ones who will spend a lot more too - since they occasionally play games as opposed to playing on a daily basis. $80 for a game is not much of a dent for someone who only plays games during the uni/school holidays.

    This in hand causes less demand for Xbox One games to be produced. Casual gamers make up a huge portion of any shop's customer base. And with less Xbox One games sold because of that, this will drive the prices down as they populate the shelves untouched by casual gamers.

    TL:DR Sony has some great PR to persuade casual gamers to buy. Microsoft has messed up too much, pushing them away instead.

    • I paid full (BigW) price for Rise of the Tomb Raider at launch. Also, Skyrim, paid full BigW price within the first week or 2 it came out. That's about it. Both were on 360 also…

  • +1

    never settle for second best!

  • There is merit in being on the side of an underdog with deep pockets like Microsoft. MS is clearly trying very hard because it is in the weaker position, and has the resources and clout to try things.

  • As far as I'm concerned is that many times you will get acceptable performance on the ps4, maybe just under 30fps. If you see that you know you'll get wholy terrible performance on the xbox… ie. sub 20fps.

    The legacy of the ps4 and xbox is that you have to research performance of your particular game before purchase.

    Unfortunately this argument may be moot once E3 comes around.

  • My two cents: I'm regretting my purchase and I only paid $340 for my 1tb version late last year. With the Xbone slim due out soonish and the Xbone 1.5 ("Scorpio") due out in 2017, I strongly wouldn't recommend the current iteration of the console to anyone that doesn't have one already. More importantly MS doesn't invest in new IP to the same extent that Sony does, so the console is a poor investment for casual gamers and hardcore alike. The new dashboard is really poor too. I'm hoping they completely redo it again so that I can have an excuse to take mine out its box once more. I've owned a majority of consoles since the late 80s and the Xbone is by far my least liked one. In fact it's the only one I wish that I never bought in the first place. The days of the original Xbox and Xbox 360 are long gone sadly.

  • It makes sense, smaller user base equals more stock of older games so you get bargains. The flip side however is that less third party titles will appear on the console due to the smaller user base.

  • As someone who has been more on the PlayStation side of the coin for a while, the XBone has taken a few strides forward (and backwards) to peek my interest. One of the main things going for someone like me is Backwards Compatibility… which is weird considering I have owned a 360 for almost 2.5 years and only played 2 games on it. Just the allure of missing the whole previous generation and titles like the Master Chief Collection or Gears of War Remaster coming with the rest of the series… which although they are last gen games, they are really great value for sub-$30 prices.

    I cannot comment on the media output on the XBone (except for Microsoft putting more effort into that by even including a HDMI input into the device), but the PS4 is abysmal for using it for media related things. If I had a choice to watch a video from a USB stick or Media Server, I would use the PS3 over the PS4, which is telling about that side of things.

    As for cost, the XBone has always been the cheaper console (especially when checking the Ozbargain archive). The XBone has been as cheap as $329 with the Kinect and a few games, where I have rarely seen the PS4 reaching below $400. Games have been kind of similar, especially checking brick and mortar stores, where I would try to find a particular game on sale on the PS4, just to have it not in stock, then finding several over in the XBone selection (sometimes even cheaper than the PS4 counterpart).

    All this being said, I still haven't bought myself an XBone.

    As with the OP… I'm not sure of the reason of this post, just some random blabberings of someone sitting on the PlayStation side of the fence. And don't get me started on the Wii U…

  • The Xbox to me leverages Microsoft's strengths. It has the better network. Although the recent outages are a pain they pale into comparison with Sony's problems.

    Microsoft is in perpetual 2nd place so they have to hit their warchest to 'buy' market share. Microsoft gives you more as far as GWG goes because they have the money to do that.

    Microsoft has the better sales but to be fair both these companies sales and the free games initiatives is mostly pretty damn poor however Microsoft does give away some pretty damn good full priced older AAA games mostly on 360 though but hey, if you like Pool Nation FX then yeah, Xbox One is your errr… box.

  • I heard yesterday that Battletoads is incoming. So. Huzzah for Microsoft!

    Except they gave it to Rareware! Boo, Microsoft! (Disclaimer; I love Rareware except anything they've made past 2002 lol)

  • Xbone games I can get cheaper since they don't limit your other regions purchase the way Sony does. However, most Xbone games can be played on PS4,their exclusives are slowly coming to PC as well. I have and love both consoles but I feel like getting more out of PS4 than Xbone

    • -1

      You must be doing it wrong because I buy games from US PSN regularly? Hell you can even buy the digital games directly from Amazon and download them on your US account and/or play them on your existing AU account.

      • Yeah, I'm aware of that but I prefer to keep all my games in one account only. On Xbox, you can also buy from Argentina, Brazil and Korea etc which are also quite cheap compares to US or Aus

  • I recently bought Xbox One 500gb for $250. Some guy wanted to get rid of it as he got this on a plan (sealed with reciept).
    I must admit that it is a nice console for money.

  • Putting a gaming PC together nowadays is like Lego; there are 100s of online videos to help you. I do own consoles because I am an avid gamer and I like to play 'all the games' but I don't get why so many people still buy consoles as their only gaming system. Even a moderate HTPC kicks the shit out of a console. Oh, and you can do really cool shit like run emulators like Dolphin to play beautiful, colourful Mario and Zelda games.

    I hate to sound all "PC Master Race-esque", especially because I buy and own consoles, but if you want the best bang for your buck: build a modest gaming PC and enjoy the versatility.

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