Hi, is there any airline you would not consider flying with LAX to NYC, NYC to Vegas and Vegas to LAX? Thanks
Choosing airlines within USA.

Hoover damn isn't exactly on the way between LA and Vegas though.
Sorry, you are right. I drove from LA to Vegas but also drove Vegas to the Grand Canyon. The latter is where I stopped at the Hoover Dam.
Still like you say, its a very worthwhile place to visit.
Use Imoova.com.au and get free rental car for Vegas to lax.
Use skiplAgged for hidden journey trips that may be cheaper.
Any airline is fine, spirit is cheap but decent.
Thanks. I have chronic pain, and not much time, so driving isn't viable. Was going to do a helicopter ride to Grand Canyon that covers Hoover Dam I think. I will have to pace myself, one big day and one for recovery! Still have to have a life though, eh?
Sounds like it!
For the coast to coast journey's there probably isn't a lot of difference. I'd look at price and who you have FF points with. Personally I think Virgin is my favourite US carrier, I'd recommend against United and Delta(they fly older aircraft, eg Boeing 717 where it feels like someone is yelling in your ear while sitting in the back of the plane).
Other things to consider is LAX is a horrible airport so if you're connecting with an International flight perhaps try and fly out in to the same terminal. Also note the different airports in NYC, if you've booked a hotel already one might be better than the other to get to. I'd rather Newark, especially flying out of but there's not a lot of difference. If you're wanting to catch a train in to Manhattan, Newark is a better option.
The only two decent airlines in the US are Southwest and JetBlue. The rest are absolute shit. Delta is OK, but american and united OMFG the flight attendants are so grumpy and depressed. Southwest bag flies free.
Agreed on jetblue and southwest, southwest have two free check bags. Their boarding system is first in first serve (check in first gets choice of seats when getting on board the plane unless youre paying for the priviledge first. I find that if you're travelling with a big families you will have to split up as most the seat is taken already by single traveller. If you're lucky you will find one down the back, southwest fly boeing aircraft which is a bit narrower than Airbus product with Jetblue. Jetblue was probably the best, free internet on most aircraft, when booking take the second option which you pay an extra $15 US for a check bag and other perks as oppose to paying close to $25 at check in.
I flew Delta from jfk to Seattle, originally it was suppose to be a 757 but they changed it to a 767-300, she's a bit old but it was the most comfortable ride i had and lots of leg room. Service also was good so no qualm there. Overall theres a few good one out there, airports was horrible with TSA strict security, so expect to be in line for 1 hr or more.
If you are flying in/out of Vegas avoid leaving in the arvo, expect plenty of turbulence from moderate to severe as the air heats up quickly and theres a mountain range right behind which makes for a fun departure. Unless you like a good roller coaster ride try to take the morning or late night but still no guarantee.
what out for luggage and weight allowances
if your traveling from aus u get international allowances (usually 2 and higher weights) and once in usa its domestic so you wont get much weight or luggage.
I think southwest was good for luggage, we use them when we went to usa and Hawaii with Hawaiian airlines (Hawaiian has 2 pieces each up to 32kilos)
usually we have one luggage in the other, and take it out when we start shopping (near the end of the trip)
Whoever said by driving you can go via Hoover Dam needs to look at a map again.
Check out Virgin America, they're not going to exist much longer (have been bought by Alaskan Airlines) but their service is more on par with Virgin here, not like the other US airlines.
Delta has got some pretty good pricing on first class which you can credit to Virgin AU
You should be fine on all of them. Just be aware of extra fees like baggage & seat booking fees. I believe Spirit even charges for carry-on. Also, the TSA are having work slowdowns/stoppages so allow even more time to get through security.
Vegas to LAX, I'd look into a getting a cheap rental car as its a nice drive plus worth visiting the Hoover Dam on the way.