This was posted 14 years 10 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Canon IXUS 105IS $198 Harvey Norman Price Smash


Harvey norman catalogued this product 2 weeks ago at $278

Now, limited to one per customer they are selling out for $198!

Also, if you price match at office works, they beat it by 5% = $ 188.1

**Officeworks seems to hold very little stock, however harvey norman is still a great price!

ADD: Thanks to OPASX, remember to enter into the ipod giveaway promotion which you can enter into with every IXUS camera purchase. I had forgotten about it but just registered then and i won! $188 camera and a free ipod! AWESOME!

ADD: As mentioned below Officeworks has now changed its price to match HN and therefore you can no longer get it at 5% cheaper. Still $198 is a great price, and you might even win an Ipod ontop of it!

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Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +4

    Discontinued product, which is why no-one has stock.

    OK price, but not exciting.

    EDIT Oops, made an arse of myself. Only released two months ago. My bad.

    EDIT2 Here's a review. Not bad.

    • +5

      Thanks for rectifying your comments! I was almost scared to post something after ive seen how hard people go at eachother, so when I saw your comment being the first ive ever got, i thought, here we go!

    • Looks the goods…

  • +1

    I tried to post this but my 24hr new account ban is still in effect, as I've always been a lurker here previously.

    I picked one up from the North Ryde store today - They guys there had no idea of the deal when I called, so I took a printout just in case. They had no black units in stock, got a brown one instead.. Which doesn't look too bad, looks a little classier than the silver, imo. The only downside I can think of is that the chrome finish around the lens is a fingerprint magnet.

    They had 2Gig Lexar SD cards for $9 and 4gig Lexar SD cards for $15, however I passed on these as they were only Class 2 cards.

    • donthink they sell in black?

  • Bought a Canon 80 IS about a month ago
    for about $170.
    Wish I'd waited, my 80 IS is a brilliant camera so I can only imagine this ones great too!

  • $275.00 from Office Works…
    Bargain but not sure about quality.
    Only 3.5* from this review…

    • "We disliked:

      At the moment the price is too high - the 105 is very close to lots of other great cameras, some from Canon itself, and most offer the 105's missing 720p video mode.

      Otherwise, the 105 doesn't have a terribly long list of stand-out features. It's nicely made and takes good pictures, but it's not amazingly fast. The lens isn't amazingly long and there's very little for photographers who want to learn while they take pictures thanks to the omission of a manual feature."

      So not too bad.

  • Wow! Excellent deal.

  • Got one in Sydney, Clarence Street. Great price. My 5th Canon in 10 years or so. Really love how they work. Solid, reliable, great pictures.

  • so tempted to buy…

  • +1

    Great camera if you're not fussed about having HD video. I own the IXUS 120IS (slightly older model) and it does HD (1280x720). Price has dropped quite considerably too.

  • Hmmmm to buy or not to buy. That is the question.

    Previous owner of 2 IXUS's. First one was a IXUS 430 which was great and lasted for 4 good solid years. Then my next camera was an IXUS 90IS which lasted for about 1.5 years. However it died a last year during november when the lens opened up in my pockets and now its still got a Lens error msg on it. Don't know if i should stick to Canon or try another brand. Panasonic maybe?

    • I'm a Canon owner as well and their cameras have traditionally been good - esp for first time buyers. This one is pretty average featurewise but is good for the price esp. if if a person doesn't already have a camera and isn't -just- buying as a "bargain". However Canon update their IXUS range regularly (~every six months an announcement is made) so there is never any shortage of models being cleared/new ones to buy. The reality is that actually useful/breakthough features don't come that regularly so most IXUS models are just a minor tweak or redesign of the previous years model. Canon saturate the market (they have 9 models as current in the IXUS Aust range alone) and hope (like others) that once you get one brand you will tend to resist changing to another. Panasonic are definitely worth considering because of their lenses and better (more powerful) optical zoom ranges. I have a feeling that for some digital cameras are like mobile phones and are upgraded each year just to get the latest model/design ;-)

  • I'm a sucker for big-ass LCD screens on cameras; even if it hurts battery life (I know, I know, cameras are for image quality, blah, blah!) ; but 2.7" is a little too small :/

  • great find for your first post

  • +15

    dont forget, if you buy one, register your purchase with canon here

    I bought my wife a new ixus (different model) at start of april, didnt find this link until last week and entered the product details, instantly asked me for a colour choice and shipping details.

    not everyone gets one, but i was well chuffed with a free 8gb nano :)

    • I bought my 80 IS one day too early to be eligable for that promotion…
      I was pissed!!!

      EDIT: I rung up, they decided to let me put the 1st of April as my date and I WON ONE!

    • Hey great comment to add opasx! i completely forgot about it, registered and i won also! $188 camera and a free ipod! AWESOME!

    • Thanks for that link. Won one too. I think its just a giveaway instead of a competition based on luck.

  • Just got one from Harvey Norman Adelaide (City Cross). Bloke said they had about 50 in stock.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  • Looks like everyone who registers wins !! what a comp Canon !

    • Don't get people's hopes up! There are 18 chances to win per day (from T&C/FAQ) and also you don't get to pick colour so may get stuck with a super bright pink one!

      • Yeah you do get to pick colour.

        • I stand corrected if that's the case. Their T&C say "The colour of the Prize to be awarded will be determined by the Promoter, in its absolute discretion", while FAQ says "NB: Colour options available while stocks last." so I guess it depends on what's left/no guarantee of preferred colour.

  • Rang up Myer Adelaide City to price match, they currently have it in their Mother's Day catalogue, don't want to know about it.

    Got price match at OW Gilles Plains + 5% off, they only have one left.

    Awesome deal! :) Now have to try my luck on the Nano…

    WOOT! I registered my camera and won an iPod Nano!!!

  • +1

    My sister won an ipod.

    $188.10 for a new camera and she won an ipod. Wow.

  • just bought it from Office works for $188.10 and won an ipod too…. wowwwwwwwwwww……… it too good to be true..

    • Did officeworks drop the price or did you price match?


  • So basically its just the first 1000 people to register who win an Ipod?

    • and only 18 chances per day

      see the t&C below:

      1. How do I win and how will it be announced?
        There are 1,000 iPods to be given away between 1st April and 31st May 2010, there are 18 chances to win per day. If you're a lucky winner you will receive an instant notification on screen and a confirmation email. Winners, if any, through the second chance prize draw will be notified by phone and mail after 1st September 2010.
      • But i mean does that mean you only have to be the first 18 to register on a day to win or do they actually randomly select the winners?

        • Usually it's just random.

          However tempting this offer is I would not buy it in the hope of getting a free ipod otherwise you will be -really- disappointed if you miss out (see it as a possible bonus if you were going to buy this camera anyway).

          • @daydream: Yeah i do need a new camera. Even if i didn't get an ipod its still a bargain although it'd be a bonus. The only downer for me is that it doesn't do HD video and also unsure whether i should stick with Canons or change brand…

        • maybe i should wait till tomorrow to see if I win??

          • -4

            @pravvy: That's a tough call. Personally I would do it early tomorrow. I'm sure all 1000 will not go today.
            Wonder if you could return the camera and buy another one to get another chance to win if you didn't win the first time?

  • 1.How do I win and how will it be announced?
    There are 1,000 iPods to be given away between 1st April and 31st May 2010, there are 18 chances to win per day. If you’re a lucky winner you will receive an instant notification on screen and a confirmation email. Winners, if any, through the second chance prize draw will be notified by phone and mail after 1st September 2010.

    any one can clarify the with 'through the second chance prize draw will be notified by phone and mail after 1st September 2010.' ??

    • I guess that is for the people that don't win one instantly. Any that aren't claimed by winners will go into a draw.

  • I was going to buy one but now I am worried about not winning the iPod…: ) I will be so upset if I don't win…hehe

  • I'm still using an ixus2… time to upgrade perhaps. Good price I must say. Been looking for a camera.

  • Just won an iPod too

    but bought a different ixus :)

  • what do you reckon about the ixus 100 for $244?

    • Considering I paid $330 for mine back in July, it's a good price. Pips the 105IS as it has a viewfinder and can record in HD. I say go for it. =)

      • It can record in HD? I don't think it can…

        • The 105IS (the camera in this deal) can't. The 100IS that richmond12 is interested in can. I know this because as I mentioned before, I own the 100IS model.

  • What is the size of the internal ROM. I can't find it anywhere on the technical specifications sheet on the Canon website. Thanks in advance. Nice bargain by the way and thanks Opasx for the Ipod Nano competition link I'm sure it will come in handy.

  • +2

    ****UPDATE****: Officeworks corporate has gotten wind of the pricematch with HN and has lowered their regular price to $198… which means they no longer are doing a pricematch (ie its just the same price as HN, not $188). I rang up Officeworks Fairfield, and confirmed the pricematch. When I got there 2 hours later, the system had already updated to the $198 price, so they were unable to pricematch. Still a good deal, just no extra $10 off.

    I also won an ipod on the redemption, it certainly doesn't FEEL random, I don't think there is anyone here that has tried it and lost? It seems like they structured it this way in case they ran into trouble with customers complaining they didn't receive one because of running out of stock if they did a straight redemption. My advice would be to get in on the ipod 'competition' early…

    • +1

      A tip with price matching, never do it on the phone to save you a trip (1) Often it won't matter as when you get there someone else will deal with you and do all the checking again (2) It tips them off much earlier so prices are adjusted (in the case of Offficeworks nationwide) and more people miss out. If you need to ask about stock levels do it without giving them a heads up on their competitors price. (3) It's much easier to fob off someone on the phone as opposed to a customer in their store with $$ in hand.

      • +1

        prices are adjusted at officeworks as result of the competitors advertising it, either on tv, catalogue and so on and customer ringing up makes no difference. measures r already in place for officeworks to keep up with their lowest price promise. the price was likely to be adjusted after 130pm at ow anyway. the basic rule of thumb with price matching officeworks is to do it as soon as the promotion starts because usually within 1 day, the prices r adjusted at officeworks

        • It can make a difference and that's why staff enter it into the system when you ask to price match (of course it depends on the dilligence of the staff) ;-). Buyers regulary check competitors offers but can't check everything, constantly. If H/O feel there could be a lot of stock sold then when the are alerted they adjust the prices as soon as possible (hence your price change during the arvo, generally batch price changes occur overnight). There is no benefit to tip off any store off untill you are actually purchasing the product in any case.

          • @daydream: they only enter the competitor in to the system if you actually price match, and certain stores do the price checking and alert head office, the buyers have nothing to do with it orginally. and it makes no diff. what the stock level is, they match as soon as possible and do not rely on the customer.

  • Tbh i think its the type of camera you wins you the ipod.

    i bought a ixus 100 and didnt win. pretty sure every above bought the ixus 105? please confirm? haha doesnt matter for me anyways

    edit: prolly cos my ipod is old? i noticed Sharp won his owth different ixus. or maybe im just unlucky LOL

    • I one with a 80 IS

    • When did you register for the Ipod?


    • +1

      the camera i bought for the wife was a 100is
      purchased 6th april 2010
      i completed the application, cut out the code, printed out the email they send you and photocopied the receipt they wanted.

      i posted it on the thursday and got an email from them tuesday 27th saying they "have received a valid entry and we are currently processing your claim."

  • +1

    I bought one for $188.10 from Officeworks at lunchtime today. I registered my purchase when I came back from lunch and won an ipod as well. Best deal ever! Thanks bewens and OPASX.

  • I got one this morning from Officeworks for $188.10 and also won the 8gb nano. Very sweet deal. Thanks for sharing :)

  • GREAT GREAT deal even without pricematch. Got one just now, registered and won an ipod. Not only have I saved heaps but gave me a good feeling of winning something as well. Well done guys, this is what ozbargain is all about!

  • Nice, I won a Ipod Nano too. Thanks Opasx. The promotion has been going for a month already, there can't be that many Ipods left can there?

  • +1

    WARNING: 2nd Chance Draw Exists

    How to enter the Second Chance draw

    So you weren't a winner this time, but by entering the Second Chance draw you could still get yourself an iPod Nano. Simply follow the instructions below.


    1. Print this email.

    2. Have a legible copy of your receipt(s). Please note that receipts can only be used once.

    3. Cut out the barcode panel from the box your camera came in. Please cut out the barcode instead of trying to peel it off.

    4. Bundle these three things together and send in to:
      Canon IXUS iPod Promotion
      PO Box 740

    For assistance call: 1800 722 229 (AUS), or
    Email: [email protected]

    Best of luck in the 2nd chance draw,
    Your Canon team

    Oh well… at least I got an excellent price on a camera

    • which camera did you buy?

      also, maybe i put in the wrong serial number? which one is it exactly on the barcode?

      • +1

        This is what the serial looks like on the Ixus 105 box. It's a 12 digit number. It's also on the bottom of the camera.

        • awesome… I wrote the wrong serial number! thanks for clearing it up

          Yay iPod for me!!!


      got my ipod… typed in the wrong serial… refer to maf101's post for the right serial to enter!

  • +4

    I couldn't help myself. I bought one for those days when I wish I owned a compact camera.

    I won the iPod. In the past 23 hours since my sister won her ipod, the claim ID number has risen by 92. If it is counting up to 1000 then there is 602 iPods left to be won.

    • Thanks for the info. Might have to go and pickup the camera then…

  • I swear Officeworks is monitoring this site… They've made their price $198 so now there's no more price matching.

    Update: Apparently I've won the iPod too. Awesome deal! Anyone wanna buy a brand new blue ipod nano off me?

  • Awesome Deal thanks to all. I too won an ipod, just a query do I send the serial on the side of the box or on the bottom of the box?


  • Fantastic Deal, I just bought one at Hardly Normal Sunshine for $198 he tried his best to upsell on a 2 year extended warranty which I turned down in favour of using a Gold Amex to extend the warranty for free. I unboxed it and entered the serial number into the canon website and won a FREE 8GB Nano (Black one) the best part is they post it FREE.

    Nice work!

    CLAIM:1415 @12.35pm

  • Can ppl post their claim ID number to see if it is Sequential? Then we'll know how many Ipods are left to be won maybe? Also does it actually say the colour you've actually won once you've been notified you've won?

  • My claim number is 1435 and i've just put it in.
    There were only 3 colours left when I won mine,Silver,Blue and the Darker Silver.
    My wife wanted silver anyway so it worked out good.
    Great job by bewens and opasx,one of the best deals on this site ever!!

    • How do you know there are only 3 colours left?


      • After the congrats page, it will take you to the page where you could see colour range of the iPod.
        When I won it last night, still 4 colours available.

    • Mine is 1389 and registered today around 10-ish.

    • Thanks whitey, Not a bad outcome for my first post. And excellent addition from opasx!

  • +1

    Alright…going to go buy an IXUS 120 now. $70 more dollars to do HD video recording. lol.

    Anyway should i register to win the IPOD when i get back or should i wait for tommorow since theres 18 given away a day????

  • Just bought one from HN, registered on the Canon site but didn't win an ipod, got the 2nd chance draw instead, oh well, still a great price

    • Did you enter the correct Serial Number in??

      • Yeah the 12 digit one on the box & bottom of the camera per maf101's post above, checked it about 5 times over just to make sure!

  • Just rushed out to the nearest Officeworks to grab the last cannon in the store and also was unsuccessful in winning an iPod :( hope i can win something from the second chance draw though.. :P very nice camera too by the way… amazingly fast and clear compared to my previous one…

  • +4

    There is 30 days left of the promotion. 30 days x 18 iPods per day = 540 iPods left.

    They would have stopped giving iPods to everyone when they reached claim number 1460. 11am yesterday (Friday) the claim count was 1306. Whitey said 3 hours ago the claim count had reached 1435.

    They gave unclaimed iPods from previous days away. That's why more than 18 people won.

    • Exactly what I thought too, that we were mostly winning the unclaimed Ipods since the start.

      Also, for anyone who wants to double check the serial number, it is also stated in the warranty card.

      • so possibility people are losing now?

    • Makes sense, 1 got claim no 1349 on Fri at 7pm. Bought a 120is on 1st April so was stoked to get the free Nano!
      Guess people seldom bother to register unless given an incentive, don't get much better than this!!!

  • Just wanted to mention that I bought this case for it for $4.30 off eBay:…

    The seller has a heap of other colours available, and I'm hoping it has a magnetic seal like the genuine Canon one. I'll try to report back when I get it.

    • that's branded for cybershots?

      • Yes, and no doubt it's not licensed by Sony, but I don't see why it could be so bad for $4.30.

  • -2

    maf101,good theory but I think I can see a few holes in it.
    First off it says there are only 1000 iPods up for grabs.
    Secondly 1460 divided by 18 is about 81 days of the promotion running,it's only been running for 30 days and will only go for another 30 (1080 iPods).

    Possiblities -

    They've made a stuff up.
    They have more iPods than they said (1000)
    The claim number is not indicative of the amount of claims made.

    I hope for the sake of the people who missed out that it's still going.
    It may be worthwhile for the people who said they missed out to try again in the morning considering others on here that entered the wrong serial number got another go after being offered the second chance offer.

    • Daydream said "There are 18 chances to win per day (from T&C/FAQ)"

      1000 iPods over 61 days is 16.39 iPods a day. They probably anticipated people wouldn't claim the daily limit of 18 until word spread of the promotion.

      I don't think the one (1xxx) in the claim number represents a part of the count. I think they wanted a 4 digit number in that field and the programming language they used didn't like showing a 0. It's only a theory.

  • doesn't the camera have a metal frame/cover?

  • That makes sense maf101,I think you're right about that.
    Claim numbers would have started from 1000.
    That makes all the numbers add up,give or take a bit.

    The Harvey Norman store I got mine from knew nothing about the price drop either.
    When I phoned them the guy said "It's in our current catalogue for $278,but we have none in stock".
    He then tried to offer me the Ixus 95 for $244.
    I told him to check their website on the lower price and get back to me if he could get me one from another store.He phoned back about 15 minutes later saying he found a box of them out the back (probably after checking other stores stock on the computer then finding out they did have them after all).

    • It could be worst. He could have found you a box of pink cameras!

      I price matched locally because Harvey Norman is 25 minutes away. The Good Guys said $197 for a pink one. I'm female, not Barbie. I bought a silver one from Dick Smith for $198. They said that's $50 less than what they paid.

      • Good guys refused to price match one for a Friend today as it was too far below cost.

  • Anyone had anymore luck with the Ipods Tonight?

  • i entered this morning and i won a blue nano :P made sure i entered the right serial number this time!!

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