Another sale except this time it's 40 - 70% selected styles instead of the usual 40%.
Free shipping on orders above $75 otherwise it's $10 and items can be returned/exchanged instore.
Another sale except this time it's 40 - 70% selected styles instead of the usual 40%.
Free shipping on orders above $75 otherwise it's $10 and items can be returned/exchanged instore.
The Mrs says the same about me shopping there. I love their chinos too much.
I have to admit, the chinos do look really good on him. Tell her you're saving money by shopping there now.
My partner always decides to buy when it's full price cos it's urgent, I always tell him to stock up on sale!
Normally it's buy one get one half price. That's how I justify it ;)
@Clear: worked with 2 x bomber jacket or 2 x slim grey chino. Look for "discount" total at bottom of cart and click + button for details. Doesn't have to be the same item exactly either. (Note I didn't buy either of those -just an example)
There also seems to be a "50% off 2nd item" discount when you add 2 pairs of certain pants (not sure if it applies to other items)
with the 50% off 2nd item this is a seriously good deal (also applies to 4th item, etc). wasn't just on pants either, it worked on everything.
Better looking models this time but all have Tatts.
Criminals! :P
Yeah…last time round the models look like part time and doing full time job in Walmart.
Thanks OP! My partner loves RD but I can never justify their prices!