I just finished school and still trying to learn how to drive. I have applied at at different employers and browsing through all the opportunities for apprenticeships, they all demand own transport or a driver's licence. Is it possible to become an apprentice without at least a licence?
Is It Possible to Become an Electrical Apprentice Without a Driver's Licence?

Last edited 25/05/2016 - 12:04 by 1 other user
It might just be a little inconvenient to them but shouldn't stop you getting a job.
But it could make you less of an applicant than someone else with a license.
I agree it isn't favourable at all but there is no harm in applying. I work with someone who doesn't have their license. It is a huge inconvenience when we need to drive them around from job to job and go out of our way to pick them up from places.
I'd focus on getting the licence if I were you. Travelling is time and time is money, from a business perspective.
This. The fact is that some occupations need you to go out there in a car, either yours or a companys, to visit clients.
That's just the hard facts. If you're not able to get out to meet people and fix their woodwork or plumbing or electricals then you may be the best worker in the world, but you're ulimately useless to companies.
focus on learning to drive firstly and get another job until then. if thats not suitable just apply to every job ad you see and tell them you are very keen, you are learning to drive (and how long you have left to go) and ask them if they have any role to fit you in until then e.g ride along with the sparky who will be supervising you. If you cant fit me in now, would you have any positions coming up in xxx months when i have my license?
look around locally for somewhere you can ride a bike to start the day.
Offer to clean the driving instructors car for a lesson if money is an issue. Do whatever is reasonable and necessary to get what you want.
Once you get a job, find out if your driving instructor can do your lessons on the way to and from work.
You would probably have to speak to each individual employer. It would be difficult to drive from location to location without a license but I imagine they could work around it (you meet at the office and someone drives you out etc). It might just be a little inconvenient to them but shouldn't stop you getting a job.