Been waiting for this to drop in price since it came out!
Picked up a copy :)
Next cheapest is at EB Games @ $68
Been waiting for this to drop in price since it came out!
Picked up a copy :)
Next cheapest is at EB Games @ $68
There's copies on both at Big W QV in Melbourne
I managed to price match Target's price at EB for the PS4 ver.
Guy at the counter noted that it was unavailable online but still managed to do it as the website doesn't seem to indicate instore stock.
I wonder if they would have the same cover of they released it now, now that both McGrgor and Rousy have been beaten
In McGregor's case probably not since they have fighters with the same star power to replace him, but Ronda … who they gonna replace Ronda with that has the same star power?
Probably why its on sale lololol
Spoilers, Man!
Any guesses on how long before it is on EA Access?
Do I have to pay extra to get Conor McGregor to turn up in game?
Also $59 at Big W. $49 at Target but it appears to only be in stock only for XB1.