This was posted 8 years 9 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Hillel Collapsible Reusable BPA-Free Water Bottle (Optional FREE Registration to Organization)


Shalom ozbargainer's

Grab yourself a FREE BPA FREE Water Bottle courtesy of The Hillel Organization.

Optional: Register for FREE (using the register button on home page) to be part of the community to guarantee you FREE Bottle

Example of How to fill in the form

Proof its working for Australia

Allow 4 - 6 weeks for Delivery



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closed Comments

  • +1

    I'm assuming State we put 'none'?

    • yes.

    • +9

      Unless you live in WA.

  • We're sorry - the page or function you tried to access could not be found on our web site. We would appreciate it if you could take a moment to email us at [email protected], including details of how you arrived at this page, so that we can correct the problem.

    Thank you for your help,

    Hillel International


  • +6

    I might add that this clearly isn't for the general public. "It’s just one way we say thank you for being a part of our Hillel community. "

      • +5

        Doesn't make it right. I put this in the same grey area as the free condoms

        • +4

          Doesn't make it right.


          I might add that this clearly isn't for the general public. "It’s just one way we say thank you for being a part of our Hillel community. "

          Here you go. Its legit now

          Optional: Register for FREE (using the register button on home page) to be part of the community to guarantee you FREE Bottle

        • +18

          I put this in the same grey area as the free condoms

          that would be a very tight fit.

        • +4

          @easternculture: I've always wanted to join the Hillel community, this makes it a great deal thanks

        • +1

          Same grey area as those free Gibbons Legal tshirts last year:

          Mine never arrived… do you think we have a case for a class action lawsuit? lolololol

          I'm thinking the same thing will happen here (i.e. orders not being honoured) once they realise they've been Ozbargained…

        • I put this in the same grey area as the free condoms

          Yours is grey!? o_0

          Just noticed the grey head in your avatar…

    • +1

      I'm a Hillel of a fan of their movies.

    • +1

      … for being a part of our Hillel community. "

      I'm a Heathen. An important part of any religious community.

  • +3

    In case you're wondering, Hillel is 'the largest Jewish campus organization in the world.'

    • Oyyyyy …

    • -1

      in case you're wondering. "free" is the largest stingy organizational word in world
      … i got nothing… :P. its free and i can't help it. i must have

    • +3

      well, I'm a uni student, i don't eat pork or shell fish, I don't work on saturdays, <too much information>, i don't mix meat with dairy, hmmm… i tick a lot of the boxes

      • +5

        oy vey

    • +2

      That explains why my Bacon Butty sandwich stall never took off on campus

      • +1

        It could've been a real niche…

    • +1

      50 Shades Of Oy Vey (look it up, and get a copy)

  • Certainly worth a try, thanks op

  • -2

    Thanks EC, great post.

  • -1

    LOL a free Jewish water bottle?! Whaaaaaat?!

    • Oy vey..

      • The next one to say oy vey…

        • gets a free Jewish water bottle?

        • @Baebs:
          No sure how it even became "Jewish", it's in Yiddish, meaning only Ashkenazi Jews.

    • -3

      Yeah Jewish water bottle, and dont worry there is no blood in there its safe.

  • +11

    Why is this a deal?

    There is no 'proof' that they will honor deliveries to Australia, especially when they figure out two bargains sites are using it.

    • -4

      They will probably honor the deals to spread their organisation message worldwide

      It's free advertising for them . They might even get them shipped directly from China which costs them a few cents each

      • +10

        If that were the case they wouldn't state It’s just one way we say thank you for being a part of our Hillel community.

        Its clearly a targeted offer to Hillel, not Ozbargain Australians.

        Also why would they feel obliged to honor the deal? We have given them clicks to help their google ranking.

        • You can register using the register button at the top of the webpage.

          Then guess what ! Your part of the Hillel Community !!

          Proceed to order a water bottle for being a valuable Community member

        • +4

          @easternculture: It clearly states Graduation year.

          They're not going to honor people filling out the form, especially to a target market that has no interest in what they do.

        • -1


          especially to a target market that has no interest in what they do.

          I'm actually very interested in what they do. They give away FREE water bottles. Can't wait for the next freebie.

          Hail Hillel

        • +2

          @easternculture: So you're only interested in the free bottle.

          Yep when they have a read through the comments on here and they see the OP only wants the bottle, they will surely honor the deal.

        • -7


          This is ozbargain. We are all here for the deals and freebies.

          If your ethics as so high, you shouldn't be encouraging people taking advantage of price errors or creating multiple accounts to get discounts (which clearly breaches T&C of every merchant).

          There are heaps of deal threads you can go to and start debating this.

          But as usual you like to debate my deals whenever you get the opportunity. Its just your nature.

        • @easternculture: Please do point out where I have encouraged people or created multiple accounts? Sounds like behavior you partake in, don't assume I do.

          I choose to address your deal because you're misleading people and used the term 'proof' to deceive users that the deal will be honored.

          The site where you took the deal from has 64k views and Ozbargain has 3k views; if we take a conservative 10% of people taking the deal, there is no ways they will honor the deal.

          The mods should remove this deal because it's a waste of time based on the numbers.

        • -1


          Please do point out where I have encouraged people or created multiple accounts?

          By not addressing the issue in the comments section of those deals, you are passively encouraging them.

          I choose to address your deal because you're misleading people and used the term 'proof' to deceive users that the deal will be honored.

          There is no guarantee than any deal freshly posted on ozbargain will be honored. Any merchant can choose to not honor a deal and claim its a price mistake. It still doesn't stop us from posting deals.

          Anyways, CBB dealing with you now. Enjoy your day

          Feel free to Talk with a Moderator if you have any further issues.

        • @easternculture: > Feel free to Talk with a Moderator if you have any further issues.

          You mean TWAM

        • @CandyMan: What do you think TWAM stands for?

        • +1

          @pmupsinep: Relax dude

    • +1

      Indeed. I remember signing up to some here: which none came

    • +1


      I agree. When they see '000s of orders in a week from Oz. I don't think they'll send any of them. More than likely a nice form reply. Still as EC said, it's worth try.

  • Does anyone know how many ml capacity of water does this bottle hold?

    • +4

      Like it will arrive Lol

    • @knowwhat

      Free hundered ml's

  • Trying and getting one free is two diffrent things, most of the free stuff like this I never end up getting but I keep getting subscribed notifications.

  • Sorry for all the haters. Thanks for posting, a freebie is a freebie! Their marketing team know how it's done.

    • +2

      They could add that a valid student#, from approved university, is required.
      Nice find EC.

    • +4

      Not if it doesn't come.

  • I'm just posting so I can check this in a few months & see if anyone's bottles arrived or if the ozbargain pitchforks come out

  • +10

    Deliberately abusing a targeted offer en masse like this is tantamount to theft IMHO…piss poor even by morally ambiguous OzB standards.

    • +11

      also haven't ppl got better thing to do than scam a free water bottle? u know its a slow bargain day when this kind of deal hits the front page lol

  • +23

    This type of "bargain" is about as low as OzBargain can go, and genuinely makes me embarrassed to be part of this community. Just because it's on offer and it's free, does not make it a bargain. It makes it destined for landfill, and most likely a waste of peoples time and resources at the other end. This is just padding your numbers now, at other peoples expense. And yes, this time I really am crapping on your post @easternculture.

    • +5

      Couldn't agree more. What have we become, OzB?

    • +2

      Yeah. It's worth asking - would I pay even $1 for this? If not, maybe it's not worth getting it for free.

    • +5

      as low as OzBargain can go

      challenge accepted - after u get ur free bottle, head to your local homeless shelter to fill it with free soup

      maybe free soup should be separate post?


    • @sparkles
      Why? That's some people's viewpoint, not everyones. When I see a Steam key, or designer clothing here, I just move on.

      I don't know what the item is like. But would like one to carry when I'm travelling and busy around the city. Might check Ebay for one.

      If free, I could see if it's useful before buying a good one from sports shop.

  • +2

    What rubbish - first of all the crappy "reusable" water bottle, and then supporting a dubious organisation at that.

    • +4

      "dubious" - what do you base that on?

      • -2

        Just a little reading about them on the web.

        • +5

          care to share what's dubious about them?

  • Must be a typo. It's The Halal Organization.

  • +1

    Wow talk about controversial.

    • Have a look at the free rainbow laces and come back!

      • I did and it is hilarious, thanks !

  • +9

    How is this a bargain?, I feel ashamed to be apart of this community, to take advantage of this rather small community and get free water bottles which will end up as landfill anyways

    I am happy that people have the same thoughts as me, this is probably the worst deals you OzBargainers have taken advantage of, like the $10 voucher from Officeworks, the free "Radler" from Liquorland

    TLDR: Just because you can take advantage of it, doesn't mean you should

    • +1

      they're not worth very much, you realise.

      • +1

        they're not worth very much

        to you, but it's a big impact on the environment

  • +2


    • +2

      OY VEY :-/

  • more of a sack than a bottle.

  • -3

    This is a legitimate post, Whoever does not like the item (I mean the organisation) can stop the hate speech and move on to whatever they like.

    • +2

      There is always going to be haters that hold a grudge against you and wait for the right deal post to neg it.

      • +1

        No EC, TBH, This was not my cup of tea. I gave it a pass, but negging it?!
        I don't think anyone negged this post because of hating the @easternculture character, unfortunately, there was a dreamland full of love called Australia, which our ignorant politically-correct politicians killed it at the edge of our border. Now, that Australia is gone, the Love is gone and some haters are more preferred than others.

      • +10

        Haters? LOL, are we now age twelve?

        No, people are negging this deal because they believe it is wasteful, annoying and unnecessary, while the continuing attitude towards freebies at any cost, or for any reason, and at anyone's expense, just completely lacks ethics. It's a shame and actually ironic that the moderators and owners of this site allow this type of rubbish, and by default encourage this attitude to flourish among members, all the while on the other hand donating to charities.

        • -5

          here .. have some tissues (ಥ﹏ಥ)

        • +1

          @easternculture: Keep the tissues dear, you will definitely need them when all the bad karma comes back your way.

        • -1


          The bad karma has already hit you my dear

          here .. have some more tissues (ಥ﹏ಥ)

        • +2

          @easternculture: You already used that line. Try harder next time, because you are just boring me now.

        • @sparkles: Its disappointing that the site has allowed the deal to remain up.

          9000 views from Ozbargain + 70k+ views from the other site, the organisation must be having a night mare.

  • +5

    I have nothing against you EC, at all. Only this type of deal. I do enjoy alot of your posts. However, I am against "deals" like this that waste money and natural resources for an item that most people will just throw out. I feel people who sign up for this have become basically obsessive in their bargain hunt; applying for anything that is free, whether or not it's needed, or meant for them for that matter. Just my opinion on the matter though.

    Not going to neg though, because I am sure one or two people here actually need one and applied.

  • +7

    You have to give them your graduation year, this is a terrible bargain and takes advantage of an organization in another country.


    • -2
      • It has been viral on the web for the last 5 days on multiple bargain sites.

      • If they wanted to take the page down, they would have on day 2 or 3.

      • They are aware with all the sign ups happening all over the world.

      • +3

        So because other people are doing the wrong thing, it's OK for OzBargainers to demonstrate a similar lack of ethic, right?

        A six year old wouldn't resort to that line of reasoning…

        • -3

          You guys just want to downvote for the sake of down voting

          Why are you assuming its the wrong thing? Maybe they are happy to send out the water bottles.

          You really think they cant see the 10000+ water bottle order requests (or probably even more worldwide) by now .

          You really believe they didn't notice that the offer want viral 5 days ago.

        • @easternculture: Why are you assuming everyone who down votes is a hater?

          Perhaps maybe some of us, don't wish to partake in questionable deals?

  • What is a BPA and how do I get one for free? #OzBargain

    By the way - multiple bargain sites??? There's a world outside of here??? Do tell.

    • Slickdeals
      Red Flags

      and more

  • I hope it comes, it's a rare thing to see my last name on something! 😁

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