This was posted 8 years 9 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Catan (5th Edition) Board Game $49.99 @ Toys R Us


Very good price for local stock. Currently $85 delivered from Amazon US, $68 + delivery at ozgameshop and $70 at Games Paradise. Need to join VIP club which is free.

You can buy it in-store for this price, or add delivery cost. It's also on sale for the same price on their eBay store, if you have any eBay vouchers -

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closed Comments

  • Fairly certain it's been this price (or close to it) for ages at Toys R us, but its a great price for a great game.

    • Yup, says Catan is $49.99 (on sale). Haven't looked in store at their board games for a LONG time, didn't even realise they may it.

  • add plus delivery charges, $10 to Melbourne

    • +2

      You can buy it in-store for this price, or add delivery cost.

  • +1

    Trade you my 4th edition for your 5th edition

    • +31

      I'll give you a sheep and a rock for it.

      • -1

        I'll give you wood for your sheep :p

        • -1

          move the dragon

        • +11

          You must be a kiwi

        • +7


          Seriously, when playing with a Kiwi, the game always includes something like this:

          "I've got wood for sheep. Anyone else looking to get wood for sheep? Oh, except you Davo… you've always got wood for sheep".

      • rock, paper, scissors…. sheep?

    • My WOOD is more superior than his sheep and rock. Trade you for it.

  • +1

    Read that as Toys R Us US. and got confused why you listed as local stock

    Nice Post OP

  • +1

    Wood please.

    • +1

      only for 3 ore

      • +1

        Can't sorry, not until someone rolls an eleven.

        • I don't think I'll consider an IOU… knowing you that would just count for peanuts in the end…

        • @mit: or cashews

    • +2


      • Hah, memories

  • +1

    Is this a good game to play?

    • +2

      I love it but it may not be for eveyone, check out Will Wheaton's tabletop on youtube.
      In one video he plays this game and you should be able to figure out from that if you will like it or not.

      • Is it better than ticket to ride?

        • +9

          Depends whether you want to keep your friends or not…

        • Though they are both euro style games, mechanics are different. If you don't like the trading mechanic, this is probably not for you.

          It's a popular first game for those new to euro boardgames though.

        • +1 for ticket to ride .Anyone have any recommendations on which expansion for Ticket To Ride ?

        • +1

          @troyww: Europe is great fun. Also the new UK expansion is very good from what I've heard.

        • @Shining Soul:
          I have the europe complete game . Ill have to look for UK . Thanks .

        • +2

          If you ever game in a group or two or three, Nordic Countries is basically mandatory. It is ideally balanced for small groups.

        • +2

          @troyww: I've got Asia and India expansion for my base TTR Europe game. The India maps are good.

        • +1

          @troyww: Got the UK expansion recently, the best one so far. Most of the other expansions are just map packs but UK adds great new rules like technology upgrades.

        • +1


          India and Asia are very cutthroat maps! I love playing them.

        • @troyww: Europe is an excellent standalone version of TtR that just increases the difficulty a little. What I like about TtR is how it plays differently depending on player count, making 2, 3, 4 and 5 player games each slightly different. We have Legendary Asia Map (not standalone, you need TtR or TtR Europe) which is double-sided, one side is a neat team version and the other more difficult and with similar additions as Europe. The UK expansion is good, but possibly enjoyed more by serious gamers.

    • It's like the farming version of monopoly. Be prepared to burn some bridges.

  • +7

    This game has made me lose a lot of friends. It can get serious.

    • +1

      Try Diplomacy. That game is always lots of fun with friends.

  • Such a classic. That price is so good I'd buy another one if it was possible to extend the map

    • +1

      You don't need to - what you need is the 5-6 player expansion set which will allow you to do just that

      • Oh what. I didn't see that a couple of years ago when I got it.

        • +1

          I don't see why you can't combine two sets if you have enough players

        • +1

          it doesn't work because there are not enough ports and the border pieces (water) won't fit

        • @p1owz0r: the colours will be the same though, the expansion gives you different colours

  • As Seen On The Big Bang Theory


    • +2

      Does anyone have any wood? Oh, come on! I just want wood. Why are you making it so hard?

      • +2

        Dont listen to him. He has that monopoly card!

    • +2

      Zimbabwe! I mean, bazoonga! I mean, phosphorus!

  • $10 delivery no pickup option

  • I'll give you three sheep for some brick

  • "Trade!! It's part of the game" /rage

  • +8

    Any deals on Cones of Dunshire?

  • My wife wont play with me anymore after I keep telling newbs we teach the game not to trade with her.

    • +6

      Were you a kamikaze pilot in an earlier life?

  • +1

    Hilarious comments thread for anyone that has no idea what anyone is talking about here :)

  • Great game, well worth the buy for a family or friends who want a casual board game at home. I have this board game and 4 of the expansion sets. Its based of strategy games like 'age of empires' and involves a bit of strategy to become the champion of ikariam. When i bought it, i paid 70 dollars for it 2 years ago

  • +2

    Can it be two player? I only have one friend.

    • The base game is 3-4 players, I think because trading doesn't work very well when there are only 2 people. The Traders & Barbarians Expansion expansion includes options for a 2 player game.

    • +4

      I play two player but we usually play 2 players each.

    • There are 2 options. One option involves a smaller map and varying rules for the robber, one involves 2 dummy players who have roads and settlements again with varying rules for the robber. My favourite involves dummy players and if the dummy players roll a 7, the robber goes on the player with higher (visible) victory points.

  • +1

    I don't like this game that much

  • +2

    Games Pardise is actually $55.96 as they are currently running a 20% off sale.

    That might be a better deal if you needed to pay shipping with Toys R Us and could get it up to free shipping (over $89) at Games Paradise and/or had reward points at Games Paradise from a previous purchase.

    Then again I'm sure that Toys R Us has better customer service.

  • Anyone know whether this extends to any of the expansions?
    (Doesn't look like it, can't find any on Target's website/ebay store)

  • +14

    Shout out to me. I am the 2012 Australia Catan Champion :-)

    • +3

      OUT TO ME!!

    • Haha go Zap man!

      When I play with someone new I always tell them that I kind of know you :)

      • Lol. It will put a target on your back!

  • +2

    Highly recommend. It's a good entry level drug onto strategy boardgames. Anyone can learn the rules of this. Children compliant. Teaches kids about business too. If more farmers kids played this they would be selling "beef" instead of "milk" once they inherit the farm.

    • Love this game too, but… Public pressure will lead to current pricing being reviewed by the ACCC and likely go up again close to what it was before (55c/L gross). Assume the farmer nets 15c/L after costs. Each cow can produce up to 50L/day - $7.50/cow. 1000 cows is nice coin and you don't have to kill them to get paid…

  • I have catan junior for the kids. It's really fun

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