VPN Disconnects For for a Second Exposing My Real IP

Hey all.

I seem to be having an issue with my VPN lately. Basically, when torrenting and browsing, my internet disconnects for a second and exposes my real IP.

Torrent speeds drop and that's when I know it's going to happen.

Using BolehVpn
Running Windows 7
Client is qBittorrent
Browser used Epic Privacy Browser


  • Does your vpn have a kill switch? If not you will have to use something like VPN Watcher or VPNetmon.

    • It has something called 'lock down ' but the Internet bars in the corner still go yellow and my VPN doesn't shut it down.

      I tried both and can't seem to get them working.

  • Firewall everything except traffic going to your VPN's ip.

    There are some guides on how to do this depending on your OS.

    • I set up commando firewall (a guide found on bestvpn) I disconnected my VPN and it didn't shut down my Internet (as supposed to do)

      • Hmm. I can't be sure what is going on then. It doesn't appear that BolehVPN is using a proprietary executable.

        Something is probably interfering with Comodo? (The only thing I can think of is that the memory is full leading to the process being killed?) Or maybe even something else on the system…

        • So,I'm not sure if you understood me (i tried my best) but here's a photo of the issue i am facing. http://lookpic.com/O/i2/23/8YkppTIN.jpeg

          ps i done a recovery and everything

        • Oh it is using its own program… Hmm.

          Maybe it has something setup to modify the firewall when you open the application. Can you see what rules are being set by the program. Some VPNs provide their own program with their own kill switch built in; usually it attaches to Windows Firewall though.

          Is there an openvpn config file that you can use or do they force you to use the program? I'd recommend using openvpn and downloading the ovpn files.

          The triangle usually means the connection is limited or down, if you have firewalled it correctly, then you won't be able to access the internet if the vpn goes down. Which is what that triangle would imply. If setup properly, the triangle is telling you that you are no longer connected to the vpn, so when you try to browse then you shouldn't be able to browse at all without pressing the connect to vpn button again. At this point in time, there is no leak.

          I'm not very good with windows, but I do have some experience with it.

          However, I did do a google search to find this:

          Is that the guide you are using? I think it's best to setup the "global kill switch" rather than set it up with certain programs. With windows, sometimes the programs spawn their own processes in a sandbox and don't get recognised by the firewall.

          It also mentions:

          These may conflict with existing Firewall rules, some of which may have to be removed (a bit of trial and error may be needed here).

          I'm not sure what other rules you have setup.

  • I had never heard of Epic until you mentioned it. How do you find it for general browsing? I read it plays up on certain sites.

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