Hey guys, shopping for a Lumia and thought Harvey Norman had the cheapest today at $887.00, looks like Microsoft have a 24 hour promo for $799 for a Black or White one.
Microsoft Lumia 950 for $799 (RRP $899) Save $100 - Microsoft Store

Last edited 18/05/2016 - 15:25 by 2 other users
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As much as I'm loving WP, it's not worth $800.
+1 this sentiment
I'm rocking a 930…and love it but wouldn't pay more than 500 for it.
Waiting for last second EOFY deals….Same I still have my 930. Unfortunately I broke my screen in the corner. If I could get one new for around 250$ I would just get another one…
Start somewhere?
bottom left hand corner of the screen
damn beat me to it.. hahaha
I just swapped from a 930 a nexus 6p.
As much as I love windows phone, the OS is currently still too buggy.
I agree, prices will crumble shortly, i'd pay $450 for 950, no more.
I've a 950 XL, that I picked up from DWI for $600. I'm not sure why people have such hate for windows phone.
Main hate is due to intentional lack of Google Apps Support . Google is masquerading our lives with cheap Chromecast support and mostly free /ad supported products like Youtube ( we pay with our personal preference info ) .
And Windows phone has no easy access to these services , either you have to get 3rd party apps that are not reliable or do without it at all.
My biggest gripe is there is no reliable browser , every thing crashes including IE ( I tried the Win 8.1 Denim on Lumia 735 for 20 days before handing the phone down to my mom )
I've literally never had the browser crash on me. Once.
Lucky u mate , every single browser crashed for me .. UC browser , ie , that parrot browser thing
The hate needs to go straight towards Google for intentially blocking Windows Phone from having access to things like youtube etc.
I agree , I'm just giving the perspective of the haters , I'm not a hater myself , I'm platform agnostic - can work on any machine without gripes
@#%! Google
eglobal sells it for 453 + 25 shipping
I know it's grey but for the price difference I think it's worth it.
http://www.eglobaldigitalcameras.com.au/microsoft-lumia-950-…fk me, I just paid $700 for a 950
ummm you paid 100 less.. ??LOL
If this was Android, it would tick just about every box - all the bands, Yuuuge replaceable battery, displayport, great camera. It may be a bit early to write Microsoft off, as as a part of an enterprise integration package, they still have the massive inertia of the Office/Outlook lock-grip on business. It may be just in time in the same way Apple came back in the noughties.
Windows phone integrates really well in an enterprise and is really nice for MDM in office 365.
Enjoying my $69 Lumia 640. The only phones worth buying when it comes to windows phone are budget ones. The 950 was over priced on release and still is. It's pretty much G4 specs, but then you have compromises of using a windows phone.
The LG G5 is now available in the $700 territory.. What an unreasonable price from a company who wants to 'capture' market share.. or may be I am wrong they probably are not after the market share otherwise there is simply no sense!
800$ for a windows phone?
tell em they're dreaming lol
Honestly, I'm a Windows Phone fan, have been for like 6/7 years. But, not not at this price, the phone just isn't worth it.
Why not? are we just being sheep and following others?
Replaceable battery is a big thing and this can prolong the life of your phone
Display port, USB-Type C
Fantastic camera
Expandable memory, How the (profanity) are you meant to record in 4K on a 16GB iPhone 6S?
Great AMOLED resolutionYou gotta be realistic and not just smash the phone because it's running Windows
Only thing I cant stand on Lumias is that they overheat too much, browse a few sites and watch youtube and the device is on fire. Something that Apple has mastered. I'm sort of regretting selling my Iphone 6S for that very reason
No because the design sucks - it is the most boring looking flagship Lumia ever. I have a LUmia 1520 right now - is it worth the upgrade? No because I have the insider preview of WM10 on it.
So piss off with your sheep comments.
There is an exhaustive review here http://www.techradar.com/reviews/phones/mobile-phones/micros…
There are some flaws e.g. no apps, sure but it is definitely a good phone and with Continuum it is worth it as well.
I have used iphone, multiple Androids and Windows phones. I still prefer Windows.
we use them at work (my recommendation from the get go) but i unfortunately don't see the future being bright for windows based phones, we've been MS phone users for many many years (even before smartphones) but even we are looking at alternatives, watching them (M$) side step questions about the windows mobile environment is worrying …. i used to have a lot hope for it in a business space but MS has done squat to improve the apps and the environment and with W10 just feels like they've started all over again (like back in windows mobile 7)..
seriously. whats there to be a fan of? the 4% market share?
just let it die in peaceThe universal app development to coincide with windows 10 will see a much better marketplace on the phones.
Time will see Microsoft make it the next big 'thing'
Ah, you must be one of the glory hunters. New Soccer team winning? They're the best. Who cares about 4% marketshare tbh
Having run a 530, 630, most recently a 735, and having just picked up a 930 new for $200 from HN in a deal a few weeks ago… Windows Mobile is a good OS. I use an iPhone for work and run a Lumix CM1 (android) when travelling. But my personal phone is a Windows Mobile 930. I have no issues with the OS at all.
In saying that… Wait until they're down to $400. Microsoft are sitting on the current range of Lumias until 2017 by all accounts, after which hopefully we'll see a Surface Phone, which with the uptake of Universal Apps across PC's and the like might very well see Microsoft back in the game…
TL;DR - Good phone. Still pricey. Wait a while longer.
That uptake of "Universal Apps" has been said since:
- Release of Windows Phone 8, when MS ditched Windows 7 Mobile users
- Release of Windows Phone 8.1, when Windows tablets became a thing with Intel subsidising their chips.
- Release of Windows 10 Mobile, with release of continuum
Just saying.
With Intel out of the mobile phone chipset business, I kinda have a dobut that Surface Phone would be something different. Especially given how because you can run normal programs, there are not much development on universal apps to start with.
Actually, no. "Universal Apps" have only been a thing since Windows 10. They have been talking about it for a long time, sure, but it's only been reality recently.
Windows Phone 7/7.5/8/8.1 never had the luxury of sharing the hundreds of millions of desktop Windows users as a market.
I should've been more clear with my comment, but the point I was trying to make was, this whole more apps for Windows Phone users have been around whenever there was an upgrade to newer version. My quotation mark was more to say that they have been saying that "something" will close the app gap.
Also, fyi, the talks about universal apps has been there since 2013 with Windows 8.
https://gigaom.com/2013/02/08/microsoft-posting-points-to-un…Here are articles about how app gap will be closed from various point of time.
Here is one from 2013, when Windows Phone 8 was around:
http://www.engadget.com/2013/07/26/nokia-key-windows-phone-8…Here is one from late 2013 and 2014, when the talks about Windows Phone 8.1 was there
http://betanews.com/2014/03/05/windows-phone-finally-gets-fa…Also Surface Pro series has been around with Windows Phone, starting to sell well from Surface Pro 3 (I think that was when they started making profit? It might have been Surface Pro 2). There has been influx of Windows OS tablets when Intel had Baytrail tablets at unreasonably cheap price when Windows Phone 8.1 was around. What was the outcome of that? Windows 10 Mobile looking into running Android apps because there were no app developments.
If you ask me, I think the reason is simple. Windows 10 runs programs, people buy Windows OS devices for that reason, so why make a metro app for it?
I've been using WP for about 4 years now, so I've been following the status of it .
I think there's two points to say about your articles though:
To a large extent, the app gap has lessened. Those articles were written back when there was no Instagram, Fitbit, or decent Facebook apps around. So in some ways, the platform has matured. This is only going to get better with the UA platform.
One of the articles you posted said - "While the two platforms are meant for different device types, they do share many core components". What the were introducing with W8, is now fully here with the UA platform. They don't share "many core components" … it's the exact same code, with UI scaling differences being the only differential.
That tweet from Belfiore is interesting. That was a time when WP actually had momentum. It's sad they didn't continue on with it. But I remember that time, WP was increasing in market share every single quarter. Now it has crashed :)
@Stubo: I followed WP probably less than you did, I had a WP 8 device, Lumia 925, went onto WP 8.1 (beta testing one that was pretty much finished product and actual released one). Back then I had a Surface Pro 1 too, kinda was expecting what Apple was doing with their OS X and iOS (integration and all) which never happened until W10M. Kinda was on Windows 10 Mobile alpha builds for fun, though my main driver then was Galaxy S4 Active (which was my brother's, he wasn't using it so I took it from him). I still do have a fond memory of 925, since it was in many regards better than S4 active (though I've ultimately chose to move onto Galaxy S6).
I kinda don't agree with you in the sense that, it was ultimately the app problems that caused me and my girlfriend (yes, I made her buy Lumia 925, I even bought her a yellow wireless cover for it) to move. It's a pity, because out of 3 major mobile OSs, she preferred Windows Phone most.
Yes, the offical apps started to get released, but the quality was so much worse than the counterparts in other OSs. I kinda listed the apps that I had issues with below (the major one was ironically, SNS apps). I still have my Windows Phone as a spare, but I don't think I will ever touch that one; I can do more things with an Android phone.
I still am following W10M stuff (more because I like these techy news stuff, rather than Windows Mobile specific). I kinda think these talks of more apps and better apps has gone on long enough. The gap is not closing in, more developers are going for other OS while MS ships more and more features onto those OSs like MS Office, Cortana and being able to see Android notification on your Windows desktop and to less extent Arrow Launcher and Word Flow keyboard.
To quote Windows Central and one of their editorial, "smartphones are dead". I kinda chuckled at that editorial because it seriously sounds like someone who've lost the war making excuses. Plus I personally think the guy is fooling himself by saying Windows RT like platform is the future. Intel pulled out of mobile phone SoC and there are rumours of Snapdragon 830 powering new Windows 10 Mobile device, which is more than likely to be the rumoured Surface Phone.
It depends on what apps you need……user on a train it's free games social media etc …. corporate use it might be custom app you company owns…..
I'm over the millions of crap Android apps ….give me a few essentials.
You mentioned social network apps as if they are not important, but for some people they are, especially if you have family members and friends overseas. Wechat and Kakaotalk both sucks on Windows Phone (that was the main reason for my gf and one of main reason why I stayed with Android).
Bank apps were mostly lacking, therefore a lot of features that bank apps bring i.e. NFC payment, easier log in, etc, were not available.
I couldn't check my phone credit without going into the websites whereas most major telco Android apps have widgets as far as I know (Haven't checked Voda, but Optus and Telstra does at the very least).
YNAB didn't have a free app for Windows Phone and third party app was not free.
A big issue I had was, a lot of apps that did exist in WP usually lacked features that other OS counterparts have.
If I were to add apps that I use but I think are not "essential". TV Remote Control app, a lot of google apps, dedicated apps for few websites I visit, games, printer app, Nova Launcher + icon packs, Ampere, and printer app.
If I add apps that I think are better on Android. Gallery app, Youtube, Gmail, PC remote app, SNS apps, Dropbox, File manager, video player, music player, NFC related apps and browser.
I don't have list of "essential apps" and even if I do, it's kind of subjective. If I had to choose for myself, it'd probably be bank apps and SNS apps that I use to contact my family. That said, app gap in my opinion is more of a convienience thing in some sense that depends on people. In a lot of cases, there are ways to bypass these (third party apps and/or browser) or it's not impossible to live without those features. Though, that in my opinion kinda negates the reason people get a smartphone.
Give it a little longer and the prices will crumble. Having troubling sales and lack of support will bring it down like previous Ms phones. Wouldn't pay anything over $400 for the non XL.