This was posted 14 years 10 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Avatar on Sale Today at Target Bourke St Melbourne, Blu-Ray $20 / DVD ~ $16


I was at Target Melbourne today and picked up the AVATAR BlueRay Disk for $20.
They also had AVATAR on DVD for approx $16 (cant remember).
The Target site says the Blue Ray will be available on 29th April, so not sure why this is early.

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Target Australia

closed Comments

  • Photo of the receipt?

  • -5

    Wouldn't pay more than $5 for that POS. But hey that's just my personal opinion.

    • +1

      I wouldn't pay anything

      • +2

        Most wont…

        • +5

          Given that it's the highest grossing movie of all time - worldwide, I'd say that the general populace would probably have to disagree with that statement ;)

          • -7

            @pais: THey disagree with the statement ? Photo of the receipt? WTF HAHA ?? what are you talking about man!

            • +5

              @vid_ghost: … Huh?

              Avatar (the movie that is the subject of this bargain) is the highest grossing movie of all time. Ever. In the world. By "grossing", I mean how much revenue the film made.

              It's probably a bloody good indicator of how popular this movie is, in contrast to the "most won't" buy it attitude above which is an unfounded statement based on personal anecdote. (And that's perfectly fine if you don't want to buy/watch it.. I'm just saying it how it is)

              Unless I've missed some poor attempt at satire (Poe's law may apply), what are you talking about?

              • -5

                @pais: But when i read your reply to Marvnation it doesnt make sence, he wrote!

                Marvnation 9 hours 17 min ago ¶
                Photo of the receipt?

                And you replied

                pais 5 hours 52 min ago ¶
                Given that it’s the highest grossing movie of all time - worldwide, I’d say that the general populace would probably have to disagree with that statement ;)

                Do you see what i'm getting at here? :) why did you reply with that when Marvnation was just asking for proof of a reciept from the poster of the deal. lol haha

                • -3

                  @vid_ghost: and i also dont get why you would reply to
                  "Most wont" with what you said either… Most wont… what? LOL what does that even mean…

                  • +2

                    @vid_ghost: Read the comments again, in order. You're the only one not making any sense. Marvnation has nothing to do with the reply from pais.

                  • @vid_ghost: You're reading the comments in the wrong order.

                    I haven't replied to Marvnation at all.

            • @vid_ghost: POS = piece of s***?

              • @Piquant: Yes
                BTW How come Paintoad got -5 for rating the movie worth $5 and Trance got +1 for rating it at $0? What up wid dat?

          • +1

            @pais: Just because a movie makes lots of money at the theater doesn't mean it's a good movie, heck it doesn't even mean people liked it. It was marketed massively, so everyone went and gave it a go, doesn't mean they walked out happy after.

            Plus people are sheep.

            • +1

              @PainToad: Agree… look at Titanic for example. Funnily enough, also a james Cameron movie.

            • @PainToad: Please read my post - I have not mentioned the quality of the movie. At all.

              I'm just saying that these silly little anecdotes don't actually amount to anything, so "most won't" is completely invalid.

  • This is pretty cheap for a fresh movie. It's still showing at my local cinema! Maybe it's an admission that everyone who wanted to see Avatar has already seen it, and the disc producer is sitting on a mountain of stock…

  • +1

    I really wanna buy a copy for $20.. cant beat that price for a new Bluray movie.

  • +1

    says 20 for dvd and 30 for blu ray on there new catalog on website…

    so if ya want it

  • +1

    i think there's 20% off at the moment which ends today or tomorrow.
    I picked up quite a few blurays between $10-16.
    For example Troy on bluray was $10.39. =)

    • picked up '300' on bluray for under $14..thx for the heads-up!

  • +1

    Yeah blu ray is $20 and DVD is $15.20 at Target Indooroopilly QLD.

  • +1

    Wow, are they really that desperate to get everyone hook up on Avatar?

  • Just confirmed with store price to go up Thursday when released nationally. Over 300 copies available at Bourke St Melbourne. I got mine.

    Thanks for the tip!

  • Damn, I just missed it!

  • Can anyone confirm this as a nationwide bargain? Some NSW stores are open until 7 tonight.

    • +1

      rang two stores in Adelaide (Marion + castle plaza), neither had it in stock, nor had heard of the offer….

      • It seems to be that only the stores that have stock arrive early put it on sale. It doesn't seem to be an organized nationwide kind of deal.

  • I just bought a copy at the JB Hi-Fi at Marion SA for $25 (blu-ray) and it was $19 for DVD. They said that stock arrived early so they are selling it at a discounted price, I assume price will go back up once officially released. Too bad Target Marion didn't have this deal :(

  • Just went to Target Brisbane CBD and they have Avatar Blu-ray $20. The guy told me that it is good until tomorrow. Several Blu-rays are also on sale, don't look at the price but scan it as it will show you the discounted price. Talking about preemptive strike on all the Avatar blu-ray discounts that will occur on thursday.

    • Got mine from there this morning.

  • +6

    the thing about avatar (along with other movies and studio releases) is that the the studio is going to not double, but triple dip, by releasing this initially (plain jane, "oh we can't fit special features onto the disc because we want to preserve the quality"), then later on this year maybe, they'll release a special edition, with some bonus features and 11 or so minutes of 'unseen' footage, and then a year later or so, the 3D version. I know piracy is rife, but if you treat the actual movie purchasing public like this, who's to blame?

    • +1

      Well at least they've told people in advance about the plans. Theres really not a huge point in releasing the 3D version now either since the televisions are only just entering the market. May as well finish the extra material.

    • Don't forget the limited edition Avatar 1 that comes out when Avatar 2 is released in 2014. Then they'll also be a box set of Avatar 1 & 2.

  • So far this is the cheapest…NICE!!!
    But no SA? :(

  • jUST CALLED Blackburn Kmart - $39.99 im like sif~~!

    JB chadstone $25, prices will go up on official release date.. or so they say

    going there now to collect my copy =P

  • +1

    Just picked up a copy from Ringwood Target for $20.

  • 15.20 for dvd
    20 for blu-ray

  • official release is on thursd right so offer should still be on tomorrow? I was at coles but no bluray there:(

  • Also saw it at Coles tonight. They had the DVD priced at $25.00 or if you spent $150 you could get the Avatar DVD, and a packet of Pringles and something else I forget (a drink?) for an extra $20. Not very attractive deal really but OK if you like Avatar AND Pringles. Haha.

    • To extend upon that, Avatar blu ray is listed at $25 and the DVD is 20 at Big W; that's if you don't spend $150 at Coles all too often.

  • None at Target Chatswood NSW.

    • Thank's i was going to check there myself tomorrow but you saved me a trip at lunch time! thanks allot :) i'm going to buy it on thursday for $25 bux.. i'm sure i'll be able to get it for that much.

      • Will probably head over there to check out JB during lunch today.
        Will let you know.

      • Chatswood JB Hifi have it for $25 and get a free book or PS3 game guide.

      • Plenty of stock as well.

  • can someone confirm… this is not the 3D version right?

    • its not. 3D version out sometime in 2011 or 2012

      • Well… Unless you have 3D bluray player + 3D TV,
        you won't be getting any of the 3D glory.

        • not true, i don't have a 3D tv, rather a 50" Pioneer, run blurays off the ps3 and still get "3D glory".
          Probably not as good as the movie intended though.

  • Man I love that movie. I'll happily double dip…maybe not triple dip though.

    • always use protection ! no matter how much love you have.

  • I'm going to check Target tomorrow. It says sale ends on 28th. $20 is dirt cheap for Aussie stores.

  • Got it on Blu Ray @ 24.98 at Big W yesterday…there were plenty copies on sale

  • DVD is $19 at ToysRUs according to an email I got this morning.

  • Still available at target till midday today… found one at warringah mall.

  • +1

    Picked up a copy at Target Parkes they had loads in stock, $20 normal price $33 according to scanner.
    Movie is overhyped but at $20 it's something to watch with the boy. I'll be interested to see how big the iso is later when I run it through Linux on my PS3 phat, the torrent posted earlier said t was only 10.9GB but the disc is a BRD50 so with no extras that's a lot of space to waste, that or the torrent is a very low quality.

  • Went to target in Camberwell, VIC this morning at 9am. Blu-ray still $20.
    Grabbed one for my friend's birthday.

  • Just bought the DVD for $15.20 in Target Sefton Park SA. The Blueray was there for $20.

  • Bought another one for $19 @ target merrylands. $20 ticketed - coles discount card $1

  • Didnt see it available at Target Knox City.(3:30pm)

  • Dirtybird I got one at Target Knox 4pm just now
    They were behind the video counter and you had to ask for them
    The sales guy even offered the customer in front one because they were "ridiculously cheap today"

  • All the Melbourne stores that are open till 9pm say they are sold out when I tried to call them and ask :(

    They said "more tomorrow"…

    Not sure if they were just trying to stop people from ringing and asking but if I went in I could get it ..

    Stupid Melbourne City store closing at 5.30 :(

  • I bought my Avatar BluRay ($20) from Target at Mt Ommaney (Brisbane) this morning and they had HEAPS of stock… right in the doorway of the front of the store..

  • Got JB HIFI to price match Target's price today. $20 for BluRay and the book.

  • Went to Target Bourke Street, Melbourne @ 9.05 am - were sold out. The Target guy said that I was the third since morning and was very apologetic. He did say that more stock is definitely coming but the price would be $30.

    Sorry for the late post.


  • +1

    Got my Blu Ray copy from Target, Myer Ctr, Brisbane for $20 at 5.00pm last night - it was the last one in store :-)

    The counter guy forgot to remove the security tag off the case mind (which I didn't realise till I got home) and then I spent 5 mins with a knife carefully prising it open - awesome film on the Pana 50G10 !!

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