• expired

30% off Sale Categories at SurfStitch


SurfStitch's Click Frenzy sale — 30% off sale items when you use coupon code FRENZYSALE30. Lots of styles on sale. Offer ends tomorrow (18 May) at 7PM. Extended until midnight 19th May.

Edit: It appears that the coupon code does not apply to all sale items. From the Click Frenzy page (as suggested by franco cozzo), these are the ones advertised:

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2016

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closed Comments

  • ….nvm. looks to be working!

  • i dont know what country you're in, but its already 7:17pm 17th May here

    • Land of Oz? Sorry my bad, it's starting 17 May ending 18 May.

      • sorry, that was my sarcasm kicking in

  • Any codes for free shipping?

    • Spend over $50 :)

      • -2

        That's not a code.

        • +6

          No code for free shipping, and even if there was, two codes can't be used in the same transaction.

  • Anyone else having issues in purchasing with Paypal? Seems to loop me back to the cart.
    Edit: Used Visa checkout instead.


    • yeah :(

      • Code now working for some items that it didn't work on the other day. I just bought a NIKESB Crew for $56 (RRP $90 was already on sale for $81)

    • on click frenzy site its stated that its only on sale singlets & shorts….all the other gear in inelligible. my cart is showing the same message this morning

      • +1

        Code now working for some items that it didn't work on the other day. I just bought a NIKESB Crew for $56 (RRP $90 was already on sale for $81)

  • +1

    A good one for the hardcore Sex Pistols fans: https://www.surfstitch.com/product/universal-sex-pistols-nev…

    $68.24 delivered which is about half the price seen anywhere else… but be warned, these are alternative takes so probably won't interest anyone but the true fans that already own everything else. A good collector piece for some but I think I'll pass.

  • Added 4 sale items to my cart, applied the promo code and get the message "PROMO CODE FRENZYSALE30 HAS NOT BEEN APPLIED TO ALL ITEMS. PLEASE SEE TERMS & CONDITIONS", and "PROMO EXCLUSION" is beside 3 of the items. Doesn't look like this code applies to all sale items. Good if you find something and the code works, but I'm going to pass.

  • +1
  • Cheers, I was eyeing off a pair of jeans that were on sale last night, but obviously waiting for the weekly extra 20-30% off code.

  • hey scotty it looks like its for
    sale singlets & shorts ONLY….
    the code wont work on other items

    • -1


      • a few more categories have been added… lots of product groups excluded

        • -1

          Well I bought pants and a bag last night so I disagreed with your initial comment

        • -2

          @spaghettiman: disagree all you want…. its not working now

        • -1

          @franco cozzo:

          Lol i just put both things i bought and code still applied. No idea what you're on about.


          P.S. Neither of these categories are included in whatever list you linked.

        • -1

          @spaghettiman: the list is the official click frenzy site that surfstitch has partnered with….

          my cart has a shirt in it. this is what i get


          so there are some exclusions clearly…maybe you should read the t&cs before you keep bangin on about what you 'reckon'….

        • @spaghettiman:

          Terms and conditions:

          1. Discount code expires 11:59pm 18st May, 2016.

          2. Discount code entitles you to 30% off Sale Items items in your order.

          3. You must apply the promo code (one word) in the bottom of your cart to receive the 30% discount.

          4. SurfStitch has no obligation to advise an entrant of an incomplete or otherwise non-compliant entry.

          5. Only one (1) promo code can be applied to a single order. This includes free gift offers requiring a promo code to be applied.

          6. If you are unsure how to complete this promotion, please contact customer service before finalising your order. Promotional offers will not be honoured unless the relevant code has been applied in the cart and no refund will be offered if promotion was not completed correctly.

          7. The promotion cannot be applied to an order that has been completed, nor can the 30% discount be applied to an invalid order.

          8. Promo code is for selected Sale Categories only.

        • @franco cozzo:

          Why are you taking things so personally haha. Calm down with your facts fam.

          Great disliking too! Have a good day salty sir.

        • @franco cozzo:

          Alright each to their own :) Keep being mad coz your shirt didn't get discounted. Laters~

        • @spaghettiman: you cant handle being wrong as all f*%k.lol :D

        • @franco cozzo:

          That list of yours doesn't look very official. Also I added items that weren't on your list and discount applied,so I wouldn't say spaghettiman is wrong…

        • @crackermo: ….have a look at scottys updated post….seems to be his source now as well?

    • I bought a pair of jeans using the code..

  • Hmm. Guess now to wait and see if my order gets processed since I seem to be one of the only ones to get the code to work.

  • -3

    here is what the FRENZYSALE30 code is applicable to….

    …maybe the post should be updated so as not to get peoples hopes up?

  • Got me some fairly cheap spy sunglasses!! Thanks!!

  • +2

    Picked up a Bellroy travel wallet which I've had my eye on for a while + a couple of Zanerobe pants earlier today and it's already shipped :)

  • +1

    Code now working for some items that it didn't work on the other day. I just bought a NIKESB Crew for $56 (RRP $90 was already on sale for $81)

    • -1

      seems to be the case…grabbed some sale shirts i was eyeing off earlier today and was able to use the code for 30% off that i wasnt able to yesterday or the night prior…

  • Thanks Scotty grabbed a north face duffle for $95!

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