This was posted 8 years 9 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Division $39.97, LEGO Dimensions $85, Star Wars Battlefront $29.95, XB1 1TB 3 Game Bundles $449 + More @ Microsoft Store

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2016

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closed Comments

  • Special edition controllers are very cheap too!…

    • +1

      yeah link in post :)

  • +1

    That is really cheap for the media remote actually!

    • +3

      How funny was the review this guy left.

      ★★★★★ 3 out of 5 stars. Adoptedsipdog · 4 months ago
      This has to be said
      The Microsoft remote is great at being a remote, nice to hold and ready to use, but owning this thing for over a year I believe that Microsoft should be in the stealth industry. If planes were built with the same material as this remote no radar would ever pick it up, as soon as I put it down on the couch, is gone I cannot find it for hours. This remote HD been hidden for about 90% of the time I owned it, maybe you should bring out a green one or something I don't know. Think I'm over exaggerating, this remote has no right angle edges and the material is none reflective just like a stealth bomber. Also maybe a Bluetooth version would be nice so I can skip songs from the kitchen like the ps3 remote.

  • The headsets for Xbox One are also cheaper than normal….

  • +1

    thanks OP got the tv tuner

  • +3

    I'm not sure I've ever seen a game shit the bed as badly as The Division did

    • Can you explain a bit better?

      I played for a few hours - it was OK but not brilliant.

      WHat is your beef?

      • +2

        The game is great until you hit the end game and most issues revolve around end game content and the way looting and crafting is broken - they said they will patch it in 1.2 and that should be out by the end of the month so it might improve

        Also there is daily missions - theres i think 12 missions in the game but they only made 4 of them on challenging so you are stuck doing the same 4 missions each day because they are lazy - sometimes you get the same mission twice once on hard and again on challenging

        • +1

          sounds truly like what destiny is (or was? havent touched this game for nearly a whole year)

        • would you say the online play is good? I'm one of those people that don't bother with the single player stuff much. eg Halo I really enjoy MCC online in team slayer and would love some XB1 games that have great online player (any recommendations? lol).

          Heard Division's online was pretty fun? Nah?

        • @murphy84:

          Destimy is very similar to halo, and having played both seetimy and the division I think destiny is a much better game. Mainly for two reasons - hectic combat backed up by top notch shooting mechanics and excellent gear to chase.

          The problem now with destiny is that most players are gone until next major comtent so it might not be easy to do the end game stuff like raids which should be tried.

          If you can get ideally 2 other mates to play with you or roll new characters, or find a community where people want to it's a good buy.

        • Sometimes not even one!

        • The main game 1-30 depends on whos on but you may should be able to find a group to do a mission.

          At 30 you have no problem finding people for daily missions or the incursions but you will be kicked if your gear score is low.

          The other online portion the dark zone is hit and miss but it can be fun.

        • @p1owz0r: Destiny was a great game until the greedy scumbags at Bungie well & truly pineappled users with TTK update, reducing the game to an utterly pointless grind unless you paid the extortion fee to regain the functionality they took away!

        • @StewBalls:

          Can't comment on that because I bought the update but imo taken King improved the loot system significantly

        • @p1owz0r: It didn't improve anything for base game users, I can assure you of that…

      • worth buying ?? im close to

        • +2

          I paid $60~ and whilst it's ok, I've never played such a repetitive, grind of a game. So over hyped. Lesson learnt with all the crap UbiSoft make. It's just Watchdogs in NYC.
          Actually, WatchDogs I think had a much wider array of NPC's, and surroundings. This is a "pretty looking game", but the hackers, the poor AI and constant grind to upgrade crappy weapons make it a purchase that barely justifies $30. IMO.

        • @Maz78:

          yeah fair enough! il wait till it gets closer to $30 before i buy it

        • +1

          I'm not an mmorpg player but i'm loving division on xbox.

          Played now for 4 and a bit days total, intentionally haven't reached end game and i'm having a ball with a mate. The game is engaging with lots of fun. You can always find people to play with, and getting gear in the multiplayer bit is challenging and fun.

          Also it's beautiful to look at, combat is fun, NPC AI can be quiet challenging (though can glitch too).

    • -1

      I honestly think you will get $40 entertainment out of it, at least.

      A movie ticket costs around $20 these days ffs.

      • +3

        no, a movie ticket costs $12.5 these days. if you still pay $20 for a movie ticket, oh well you deserve it.

        • -1

          When? Tuesdays.

          The game is worth $40.

        • +3

          @Mr Wowtrousers:

          If you are on either Telstra or Optus tickets are more like $10.

        • -1

          @Mr Wowtrousers: Just search through OzBargain for cheap tickets. From what I remember AGL customers and entertainment book owners can also get cheap tickets in addition to the telcos.

        • -1

          @Mr Wowtrousers:

          Most Reading Cinema's are $10 tickets 24/7, local cinemas are about $7 a ticket. It's only more expensive for gold class.

        • @Mr Wowtrousers:

          Way to miss the entire point of the post. Carry on.

      • People buy tickets to watch movies?

    • …Destiny?

  • thanks OP…got controller and chatpad

  • +1

    are the games physical or digital codes ?

    • +1

      They are physical man, digital ones look like gift cards :)

      • And still the original price :(

        • +1

          yeah i saw that doesnt make sense

  • +1

    Thanks Just bought Battlefront :)

    • Shame about the cost of the DLC though. I'm STILL waiting for it to go on sale. It's not worth $70 but it definitely does give players an advantage.

      • Do you mean its $70 for the season pass ? but $29 for the actual game is a very good price

        • Yes $29 is a good price for the game, but without the DLC it's very much half a game.

  • Is this a good deal for 1TB XBOX One?

    • +1


  • cheap controllers and adapter!

  • Argh I'm salty that the chatpad is finally a reasonable price, I couldn't wait any longer and bought it for $52 from Big W a month ago.

    • i cant stand when that happens i was waiting forever to buy halo 5 finally bought it at $49 on ebay after waiting months then couple days later its $34 at target….fml

  • Good price on division. How goes the hacking on xbox?

  • What bundle is the best value for money? I'm going to get forza 6 regardless.

  • Could not resist the Master Chief Controller. I have about 4 replacements for my pc controller now and this is my 5th in line! Thanks Trent

  • +7

    Word to the wise, avoid "The Division" like the plague. I've never in my life seen a "AAA" marketed release crash and burn so hard. Not even Simcity Online compares to this complete and utter Cleveland Steamer. The game was beyond a complete disaster at launch, pretty well nothing was fixed about it and it's a complete and utter dumpster fire of a release.

    Brief footnotes for those who haven't followed the Hindenburg disaster of a game so far:

    • Every mistake and usual misleading/deceptive advertising bollocks from a Unibsoft game realised upon release day. Steam reviews in opening week 70% negative. Even paid advertising review sites hammer it.
    • Game release is akin to Diablo 3 or Borderlands 2 where you level your character up to the end game, then get to explore and improve with a massive open-ended end game. Only there is no end game. You get 3 x 10min missions to repeat endlessly, they never change.
    • The realization that the "end game content" is going to be sold to you for $60 as DLC set's in, and that you've been duped into effectively funding a giant kickstarter, because the end game content hasn't just been gutted from the game, the dev's are using the game sales money to fund the creation of the DLC at some random later date. The entire content of the game can be done inside of an hour and multiplayer is a broken disaster, completely unplayable.
    • Lead Dev and most of the dev team resigns en-mass 2 days after the game is released.
    • Season content promised isn't delivered. Not just delayed, but literally not delivered. Players flood Steam and their CC providers to force refunds and charge-backs.
    • Player base drops from 250K to 10K inside of a 6 day period.
    • Game breaking bugs and problems "fixed" with a series of patches released in opening month after release, of which every single one broke the game harder than it was before & never fixed any of the problems either.
    • Hackers so disgusted by complete and utter disastrous state of game being sold to people, they actually release hacking programs for free to the public and even produce 30-min tutorials on how to hack every last part of the game.
    • It's revealed that hacking and glitching possible because despite bold-faced lies from Ubi dev's and social media shills, game hard coded to store everything client side. Leaves the game completely un-fixable unless they re-did the entire game from scratch. Net code completely broken on top of this, as topping on cake.
    • Ubi come out and make laughable claims about "stopping the hackers". It's revealed that anyone caught hacking will face a 3-day ban and that the only way they have to prove hacking is if you record the online game footage and then fill out a Centrelink-sized application form with the details.
    • Ubi dismiss all claims of hacking for 3 weeks straight, punishing no one.
    • The hackers then mercilessly target the community managers and Ubi social media shills while their playing on their live feeds and Twitch channels, to the point where one community leader smashes his controller and quits the Twitch channel permanently. Every other shill and CM relentlessly 1-shotted from 5km away through walls till every last one of them quits as well.
    • Ubi release the mother of all paid social media shill floods on Reddit to try and suppress the disdain users have for being duped out of their money. It fails.
    • Ubi then resorts to banning and deleting any discussion of player base numbers falling off a cliff, any technical or other problem with the game, on their official forums.
    • Ubi announce a "massive ban wave". A handful of players banned for 3-10 days. They are all back and online hacking within 24 hours, because re-naming your player or Ubi account circumvents any ban.
    • Those with Stockholm Syndrome still playing the game understandably less than pleased.
    • Things have only gotten worse, since the above………..
    • Reviews seem alright on Amazon, over 50% gave it 5/5…

      • -1

        Only 25% of the last 6500 reviews on Steam for the game have been positive. It's been universally hammered anywhere that hosts user reviews as opposed to paid reviews.

        Check out some of those top Amazon reviews for the game, they have come back to discuss the disastrous state of the game and then pan it, well after they initially praised it (when obviously they hadn't actually played it much, or at all, yet).

      • +1

        i check amazon's comments for many things, but not for games.

      • +1

        Amazon reviews are a joke IMO.

        • +1

          I find them very helpful for electronic products, it has def helped me stay away from a few dud products

        • @TRENT86: Definitely as in you didn't buy a product that amazon reviews said was a dud or definitely as in you know the product was a dud?

        • @Diji1: As in I was going to buy a product and I read the reviews and they were bad so I didn't waste my money

    • Opposite experience for our group of friends on XB1. We really enjoyed completing the story missions together, but once you've completed them, it does turn into a grind just completing daily missions (same levels) and released story missions to collect loot and update gear. The multiplayer (Dark Zone) is enjoyable with friends but it does reach a point where it becomes monotonous.

      We've gone back to Halo, FIFA, Rocket League, and Overwatch (for some) until Battlefield 1 and FIFA17. :)

      • I think there is a new DLC This month for it too?

        • +1

          Looks like there is (haven't really kept up to date) but appears to be much of the same.

          "The Division 1.2 Conflict update is set to arrive on May 24th. There are new high-end gear sets, a new Incursion and new named enemies missions, called Search and Destroy. The Dark Zone has a number of changes. There’s a new difficulty bracket for max-level players and players can now cut other’s extracted gear off the rope before the extraction is complete. This is update is completely free to all players."


    • ALL THEY NEED TO DO is make an offline mode and I will buy it.

      • +2

        Agreed. Mediocre (or non-existent) single player campaigns in many games nowadays just reeks of poor game development IMHO.

        • +1

          I'm perfectly fine with no single player campaign in a game not designed for single player. In fact, I barely know anyone who buys CoD or Battlefield to play the single player. They might play it for a bit of fun, but if it was removed, the would barely notice it.

        • @SirFlibbled:

          I'm perfectly fine with no single player campaign in a game not designed for single player.

          Like Halo 5 for instance…


    • Important to call out that the vast majority of these issues are with the PC and with hardcore players.

      I know several XB1 players with no such complaints. Sure, there's issues with end-game but as a "casual" player, who isn't at end game, this is an awesome and amazingly fun game.

      I played the beta, which was just as fun, and had no server problems at launch… actually i'm not going to respond to each point, but most of them don't apply or deserve a shrug.

      "casual" = I've played for 4.5 days so far in real time.

  • Hi Fellows,

    I saw Need For Speed Deluxe Edition for 36$ on Xbox Live Gold last night. I am new to XBOX and like racing games. Is that a good game for that price?

  • +1

    Mates have been saying Battlefront is fun at first but lose interest quickly, is it worth buying it at this price?

    • This is currently my 'go to' online shooter if I had a couple of hours to kill. My only real complaint is a few of the toys from the season pass are a little over powered and gives players an advantage. In a few games I've seen people who have the SP get 75+ kills (and less than 10 deaths) in a single game. I'm sure they're great players, but that's ridiculous.

    • yes deffiently worth getting at that price heaps of fun ! and the graphics are unbelievable good

  • Thanks, I grabbed a Forza 6 controller. Mmmmmm rubberised grip!

    • God I miss grip, I use Wii u pro controller and the stick has no grip on it and after a little bit i'm sliding all over the place getting angry lol

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