This was posted 8 years 9 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Audio-Technica ATH-ADG1 Open Air Gaming Headset $165 Delivered @ Mwave

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Hello OzBargainers,

Our special today is the Audio-Technica ATH-ADG1 Open Air Gaming Headset @ $165 + Free Shipping (Market Normal $239 - $299).…

Here is LinusTechTips talk about the headset:

We have about 50 units for sale so its first in best dressed. While Promotional Stock Lasts.

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• PayPal - 2.0% Handling Fee

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Awesome price for one of the best gaming headsets on the market.
    Great soundstage too.

  • +4

    Ehhhhh, I own some ATH-A900X (very similar design, closed back, weird floaty wing supports), and they do provide amazing sound quality and clarity, however the floaty wing supports are very polarizing.

    Some people love them, but I honestly wish I'd worn them for more than a few minutes before I dove in, because after a few hours I find they slip a little or can be uncomfortable.

    These headphones share the same wings - also look like the same 53 mm drivers which are good - and they are also open back so if you have other people in the room they will hear the sounds you hear.

    They also have the same fixed cord, so you can't make custom lengths or any changes or replacement!!

    • +4

      I use the rubber band/hair tie method with the wings, works fine after that. Would be nice if they included a solution though.

      • +1

        I have the opposite problem as I have a big head and wear glasses. I find my A700s to be quite annoying after just 5 minutes of wear. Just can't stand the clamping, and the creaking when rubbing against my glasses (and these are meant to be comfortable cans too!).

        I find that 95% of the time I end up using my koss ksc-75 clip ons.

    • Been using Audio technica for over 10 years. Don't mind the wing supports, but I should mention that I use audio technica m50x now for the deep bass. Not really a fan of the closed back cans. The sound is very artificial and has a poor mid-range.

      Open back is more natural sounding to me.

      • +1

        If you aren't a fan of closed back cans why are you using M50's…?

        I like my M50s but I wanted an over-ear headphone, the ATH-A900Xs are true over-ear but still not what I'm searching for.

        • It was too late to return them and get a refund.

        • @cDNA: Heh same reason I still have my A900x's.

    • The whole point of the floaty wings is that you can barely feel them on your head, its possible your head is just not suited for them.

      Also open back = better sound quality.

      • +4

        Also open back = better sound quality.

        Bleh, use a broader brush to paint why don't you.

        Better is completely subjective, I chose the closed back cans for the stronger bass and softer mids.

        They offer a more natural sound stage, that doesn't mean shit if its not what you want.

        • Hmn. usually for the same price point, open cans are going to sound better than closed cans…

      • +2

        i get it. it is his head's fault, not the design's.

    • +1

      I loved my a900x, but that support strap was complete shit, and one had to use a rubber band to make it work.

      Still sad when one side died after like 18 months

    • Yeah good point. I have the same ATH-A900X and I love them (great sound), they're perfect for my head, but evidently they don't suit some people. Try them out first if you can. I'm not sure what it is about them though that makes them slip for some people. I don't think it's a small head thing, because of different adjustable headphones I've worn, I almost always use the smallest few combinations of the sizes. Maybe you need pointy ear or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • +2

    PCgamer recently did a article on how shitty popular pc headsets are:…
    From what I have this would be a pretty good bang for buck at this price.

  • I bought these a few weeks ago from a different store.

    Sound absolutely amazing. I was unsure with the open back, I normally prefer closed, but I am extremely happy with them.

    Obviously outside noises can impact, however when I turn the volume up it still blocks out pretty much all the noise - not fussed if other people can hear them, it's still quieter than using speakers!

  • Any chance of a deal on the AD900 and the AD900X ?

    • +1

      Just bear in mind that to have decent bass, you'll need an amp of some kind, whether integrated into the sound card, or an external like the FiiOs.

      • I have an Asus Xonar STX card paired with a Senn HD600 (bought from AccessoryJack). Can barely feel the bass with this setup.
        I should probably try Closed cans next to see if it suits me better.

    • They are discontinued by the manufacturer now I believe.

      • was hoping they were stocking the discontinued model and keen to clear them out :)
        looks like mwave only stock the current X version

  • +1

    I've a pair of the PG1 (Closed Back), and they've fantastic sound and build quality.

    I would definitely recommend grabbing this deal. It's a ripper price!

  • +3

    My personal opinions on these, have previously owned AD700, A900x, various in ears:

    They sound better than most gaming headsets, but really lack bass. The sound quality is worse than the AD700 and significantly worse than the A900x. Not much else to say, they are open and have a good sound stage. I remember reading that they use the same drivers as the AD500x, wouldn't surprise me.

    Better than the A900x, but still hit and miss. The ear pads on these aren't sufficient and I just use foam sponge cut as a ring underneath the one already there to give a bit more support.

    Good build quality, dropped plenty of times and are fine.

    The default trrs cable is a shitty length, no other way to put it, it is too short to use comfortably by itself at a pc, if it were about 20cm longer it would be perfect. The extension/splitter is balls, extremely cheap looking and feeling.

    Really lackluster, condenser mic that picks up everything in my room (North Queensland, I run a fan 24/7 for most of the year), needs a foam cover to reduce popping. Voice quality is really raspy as well. It functions but I expected so much more. The boom is short and awkward. Also there is a mic mute button that isn't toggle. It is in an awkward spot and having to hold it to mute yourself is shockingly bad.

    Very flimsy construction, but functional.

    My setup previous to this was a A900x and a Blue Snowflake mic, I bought the ADG1 to eliminate the external mic. I regret this move. The Snowflake picks up less background noise than the headset mic and I can position it better. The DAC has broken and I am back to using my Snowflake. This headset was nothing more than a piss poor attempt to capitalize on the brand name and the AD700 having a great name in gaming. This headset was supposed to be all that I wanted, rad balanced sound, good mic, solid package. It just misses the mark in almost every regard. My opinion is tainted by the price I paid, $310 including shipping (I bought these on release). At $165 I would call them ok, but they certainly aren't leaps and bounds ahead of gaming headsets, they are more of the same. I was an ATH fanboy before this headset, will likely not buy their products again.

    • I remember reading that they use the same drivers as the AD500x, wouldn't surprise me.

      Looking at specs, it's the AD700X, which goes with everything I've heard. First time I've come across the AD500X claim.

      • That's fair, I could only compare against my old AD700s that I sold to my housemates.

    • A900x and a Blue Snowflake mic

      Do you put your mic on your desk or do you attach it to your headphones?

      • I put it on top of my monitor.

    • Thanks for this review man, was going to buy it but if the mic is lackluster then there's no real point. I'll just use my m50x with a dedicated mic.

  • Well this was timely, was looking to buy a new headset for the last couple of weeks.
    Think i'll get a pair, thanks!

  • Worth it over AD700s hmm..

  • +5

    Isn't it against PayPal's T&Cs to charge a surcharge for accepting PayPal as a payment method?

    • Yes it is, I've sent an email to Paypal to clarify

  • "handling fee" what a joke

    • I assume you are talking about the optional fee. Just unticked the box.

  • Awesome. Have been waiting out for a decent price on these since I trashed my ATH-AD700

  • -1
  • The extension cable would at least save the plug failing with these, otherwise I wouldn't buy a fixed cable headphones/headset again. My AD700x plug started failing after a few months of use - the internal wires are insulated by an enamel coating instead of plastic, so wires started rubbing against each other and shorting. Wasn't easy to resolder a new plug on either.

  • i once used hd650 when playing dota2. also tried T1 and momentum. all good.

  • Price is back at 239, so assuming the 50 promotional stock already sold?

    • Missed out. Restocking OP?

      • Sorry to hear you've missed out.
        Unfortunately, we only could get a limited QTY at that special price.

  • i want the ad2000x

    • I have the AD1000X and they're awesome :)

  • Please note this order is subject to a short verbal verification check. Please call us on 1300 727 446

    Why is this required?

    • All 50 customers will be allocated their ATH-ADG1..
      Verification is confirming their order + payment.

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