This was posted 8 years 9 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Canon 70-200mm f2.8L IS II USM Lens $2,065 @ The Good Guys eBay


If you're a photographer, you know how good this lens is. And unlike Dickies, tonight TGG eBay had actually dropped the price during the promotion period to $2,565 (down $134 from $2,699 this morning). So using the COLLECT voucher, it will be down to $2,065. And if you use cashrewards it will be about $2,030. For a local stock, this is very cheap. Its even cheaper than buying grey imports! In eBay the second hand lens are selling for around $1850 and lately it even sells for around $2100.

So if you're in the market for one.. this is no brainer.

NOTE: Even though it seems like the price has gone up again.. keep an eye for after dark sale. This could be the reason why the price dropped last night. After Dark Sale

NOTE 18/5/16: Looks like in store stock has been depleted. No more option for click and collect. But it seems like you can still use the COLLECT code. T&Cs also does not say anything about having to pickup in store even though the promotion banner says so

Original COLLECT eBay 20% off deal post

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closed Comments

  • +1

    This item gets posted everytime there's 20% off at The God Guys. Have my upvote.

    • +2

      Thank <deity> for that.

    • You're right. Its been cheaper last year though. Its also because this is the only good lens/camera gear in TGG eBay that allows you to make the most out of the $500 limit.

    • +1

      It's down to $940 now btw :)

    • -1

      Haha Canon fan boi's down vote me haha. Then get a real camera :P

    • Haha Canon fan boi's down vote me haha. Then get a real camera :P

  • +14

    Thanks OP, I've seen those lens mugs around recently and I've been looking for a diy project.

  • +2

    -TRS=$1817. Couldnt resist. 16-35IS will have to wait till next year.

  • This is an extremely good price. edit Combined with Trent86's Amex post for another $50 off, right? Would that work?

    • seems the Amex offer isn't work for TTG's ebay store

    • Nah, I thought about it today. AMEX offer needs to be TGG directly… eBay payment needs to happen through PayPal. Couldn't double up

  • +1

    price back to 2699?
    shame, i was about to buy…

    • +1

      TGG have an “after dark sale” from 7pm-7am until this Thursday (19/05) and they take a few extra dollars off. See note in this post:

      So maybe wait until tonight and have another look to see if this lens is included in that deal?

      • Hmm we'll see what happens tonight. It's pretty weird that sale… I can understand if its on a brick mortar shop. But online?

  • +1

    Price is $2,699 for me now.

  • Use discount code during checkout for 20% off $2,699 = $2,159.20 which is still a great price

    • +1

      $500 max
      will be 2200 after discount

  • aww I was looking at this lens 11pm last night and it didnt drop now i wake up and the price has gone back up to 2699 :(

    • Me too :(

    • Check again tonight, see if it drops again

  • +1

    TGG are smart, the put the price back up. It's been cheaper before anyways guys. Patience.

  • Awesome deal. Would've jumped on the price if I was shooting with a Canon. :)

  • Great price, great lens. I bought for $2088 at last years CTECH20 sale.

    My only comment is that it is HEAVY. You don't notice in the beginning, but after 20min running around with kids you will begin to feel it. IQ is spot on and the build quality is very good.

    I've switched to a lighter prime lens for the kids, but will definitely keep this handy for shots that don't require a lot of moving around.

    • I reckon 24-105mm is best for family events. Cover both wide and tight. Although iPhone is still my go to camera

      • A third of the price, constant F4, I'm happy the 24-105. You really need another body with the 24-70 to be able to take group shots etc if you have the 70-200. More for professionals.

    • +1

      Yer, this deal has beaten the CTECH20 promo last year!!

      It is not that heavy IMO, you get used to it. The only time it bothers is when I need to carry 2 bodies (1DX, 5D3) & 3 or more lenses including this one. My back sore like hell if my assistant isn't around.

      As my stamina isn't as good as before, I am also slowly acquiring mirror-less gears. After hiring a few bodies and lenses. It's not saving that much weight shooting on full frame mirror-less.

      Smaller crop sensors mirror-less is lighter but there is a trade off on image quality and robustness. My two cents.

  • -1

    Does this lens let me take photos from a afar?

    • +17

      If you need to ask this question this is probably not for you.

    • +7

      Any lens let you take photos from afar. Is not like the lens will say "nah, too far.. not gonna let you take photo for this" :P

    • Not really.

  • +2

    DIdn't this product use to be a cup?

    • Looks more like a flask to me.

    • no it's the 24-105.

  • +1

    I have the F4 IS version of the same lens. The sharpest lens I have used bar none.

  • +1

    Hmm what a shame, the price went up again so $2,199 with discount.. Still a good price, but not the best. Glad I've secured mine.

    • The discounted price is available 7pm-7am tonight and tomorrow as well.

  • +2

    The discounted price is back!

    • yup!

  • If price is the only consideration have pretty cheap cameras and lenses.

    They are Hong Kong based, but crazy fast shipping. They do offer a warranty, but never had to test it. I've got my last two phones though them and both took only 3 business days shipping, my brother in law is a photographer and swears by them as well.

    I'm not 100% if the same thing but looks like it might be:…

    • You've attached a different model. TGG is Mark II model.

    • Yeah, the one you posted is not the latest and greatest version, hence the cheaper price.

    • This price for the same lens are cheaper than any grey imports. The link you post is older version.

  • +2

    Any Nikon equivalents on sale?

  • +1

    literally saved me $500 thanks OP!! :)

    • I saved 1k - bought 2 lenses… haha

      • Scrap this comment, got two missed calls and after waiting on hold for 20 minutes got told the order got cancelled.
        Lost the opportunity great 😑

        • Huh? Cancelled? Why?

        • They ran out of stock. Only one of my lens got sent, and they left a message on my phone saying the other one will be sent when new stock gets in.

          Must of sold out thanks to OzBargain 😁

  • Nice lens :)

  • Somebody convince me to trade my 70-300L for this.

    • What camera have you got?

      • 5DIII. Should I get this lens, or a 7DII as a second body? 7D + 70-300L could be a good combo.

        Shooting mostly travel / landscapes.

    • Trade it and buy an extender so you can still have the longer reach.

      • I already have a Kenko 1.4. The only thing that worries me about that set up is it will be huge compared to the 70-300, especially with the extender.

    • f2.8

  • Just a note this should read "70-200mm f2.8L IS II USM" not "70-200mm f2.8L II USM" - there is another lens that doesn't have Image Stabilisation which is a bit cheaper, the title should be clearer

  • Mine was waiting for me when I got home yesterday. I dont think I have ever been so excited about a piece of gear. I paid 1250 for my 6d three years ago and can sell for the same price today. This lens $1817 same same.

    • Yep. Canon lens are good investments especially when you buy it off at second hand price. Keep all the boxes too, people pay more for boxes! Ive been selling many Canon lenses over the years with very minimal loss (sometimes made profit out of it even)

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