Philips Airfryer $179
minus 20% (eBay coupon COLLECT @ The Good guys)
minus $30 (Cashback by Philips)
Final price lowest on ozb so far $112.40
Philips Airfryer $179
minus 20% (eBay coupon COLLECT @ The Good guys)
minus $30 (Cashback by Philips)
Final price lowest on ozb so far $112.40
I think I received my cashback today. Am not 100% certain as transaction details will be available tomorrow, however the amount is the correct one and I'm not expecting any other credits on the account in question.
Yes received it.. Says philips in the transaction desc.
Can confirm that I got my 30 dollars cashback today. Horray, waited 2.5 months, love ozbargain.
Received the rebate. Tonight's fries will be extra crispy!
Just checked the bank and I received it on 28th as well.
I think the joke is on us, saddly.