• expired

2 Glasses for USD $20 or 20% off for Orders over USD $29.99


I just got this email

Deal 1
To avail this offer, place order by selecting frames costing US$ 9.99 with 1.56 Lenses without coating. You must buy two pairs to make a total of US$ 19.98 which is minimum order value. To view frames costing US$ 9.99

  • Select frame costing $ 9.99 with 1.56 lenses without coating.
  • Add to product in cart to make sure the total is US$ 19.98
  • Checkout with credit card or paypal
  • For strong prescription, we may upcharge.
  • For help contact our customer support team.

Deal 2

Select any frame you like with any lens combination, and get 20% off for limited time of 72 hours.

Use Coupon Code : One4Me

Coupon only last for 72h

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closed Comments

  • anyone order from them before ? couldnot see the brands…

    • i don't think they are branded

    • +2

      ….anyone order from them before ? couldnot see the brands…

      Maybe you need one of these glasses :)…lol

  • Also wondering if anyone has purchased from here before. Looks like an amazing deal. Ive bought prescription glasses from www.glassesonline.com.au and was very impressed, simiarly ive ordered from dealextreme.com.

    This looks like the ultimate - a combination of the two!

  • Looks like a great deal! Gotta get my full prescription before i order. How long does deal 1 last for or is this the regular pricing?

    • hello. is it free to get our eyes checked? can i just go check my eyes and not buy any glasses from them (shops) ?

      • If you have a Medicare card you can have 2 eye checks per year (iirc). Just make sure they bulk bill (practically everywhere does, OPSM etc).

        • thanks~! i'll go check mine on tuesday

          • @McMaferMur: I believe it's a full eye check every 2 years, while a simple prescription check can be more often. Just ask if they have an optometrist who can do prescription checks, and if they bulk bill. =)

    • i have no idea how long deal 1 last for

  • Great deal. Are there limits on the prescriptions you can get done? ie is it only lenses of a certain strength like with clearlycontacts ?

  • I've bought from them before. They've got great customer service, and the prescription is fairly spot-on (but then again mine is light). First time the one I bought came with the one of the arms glued the wrong way but they quickly responded by sending me another pair.
    Takes a while to arrive though since its from Pakistan and it comes in a nondescript brown envelope..

  • +1

    "* For strong prescription, we may upcharge."

    Now there's a pleasant euphemism for a higher price.

  • +1

    Just chatted with one of their live chat people, and customer service on that front is indeed great! :) I'd be interested if I didn't already have several. >.> I'm not really sure what the deal with the first one is, though. That they have $9.99 frames? o.O Can I get the discounted $9.99 frames with deal 2 as long as I spend the required amount? XD

    Just to pass on what I asked: like the OP says, non-coated lenses are free. I was quoted $29.99 for coated distance lenses. Photochromic (e.g. Transitions) lenses are $35.99 (glass - heavy?) or $66.99 (plastic). Prices may vary depending on what you need since I asked with my prescription (moderate distance, some astig) in mind, but for those who'd like to have an idea of other lens options without having to sign in..

    • Hi jennkei,

      Were you quoted Gen 2 photochromic lenses? Why is the glass lens cheaper than the plastic lens? $35.99 (glass - heavy?) or $66.99 (plastic)

      The reason I asked was because I have the Gen 1 photochromic lenses which does not go dark while driving due to the windscreen already having UV filtering.

      Gen 2 lenses will go dark even when you are driving.

  • +1

    They don't stock my brand of rapist glasses (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVcyNANK5cY)

    • They don't stock branded glasses in general.

      • are you sure they don't stock rapist glasses?

  • Who needs branded glasses when you can get seemingly good non-branded ones for these prices. No more SpecSavers for me!

  • i found USD 8.95 for 1 glasses ~! check my post :)

  • Just ordered.
    They accept Paypal too if you don't have a credit card

    Thanks for posting

  • "They accept Paypal too if you don’t have a credit card"
    that's interesting, since you need a credit card to create a paypal account in the first place! lol

    • No you don't. Phone and address verification.

  • What a bargain . These guys are super cheap even without the 20% off .

  • website seems very cheap, glasses look ok too. just a bit worried as no one has actually ordered from this website before, nor heard of them.

    i wouldnt enter my CC details, but i might consider using paypal since it offers buyer protection.

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