Last year's deal is back again. Subscribers taking up Lumia 950 and Lumia 950XL plans starting at $80 per month are eligible for a free 500GB Xbox One console & game. Minimum cost is $1920 over 24 months.
Free Xbox One Bundle with Lumia 950 or 950XL $80 (or Above) Plans @ Optus
Last edited 12/05/2016 - 12:45 by 1 other user
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Aldi never offered full coverage until now. But Telstra lets me use my credit for store purchases so i'm happy.
Im in tas regional and joined aldi. Loving it.
You can use that credit on windows phone apps too. Surely the 950 will be around $400 soon? Microsoft in US had the 950s bogof recently. I think they only sold 2 million phones all up last quarter, so have a few full warehouses of stock to clear. :)
You can use aldi credit on windows phone apps too?
$55 / month handset fee (which is waived in the plan) = $1320
So not worth signing up and cancelling straight away for free phone and xbox (No cancellation fees but have to pay off remaining handset charges)What would you get if you sold the Lumia? Would anyone buy it? :)
People aren't buying the Xbox One or the Lumia. Hench this deal.
Well that certainly is embarrassing.
@PainToad: not as embarrassing as the new lumia sales.
Say you get maybe $350 for the Xbox and $800 for the Lumia - take that away from the total minimum cost of $1920 gives you $770, which is about $32 per month for 6gb data…. Hmm…
Nope in two years data will less than a quarter if the price.
Who's going to buy it for $800?
Which shows you how much you're overpaying for the service.
You're paying for that XBox
That's how value-adding usually works.
IMHO signing up for any mobile contract to get any hardware is a mug's game.
Na.. i pass that.
Plus free Fetch and EPL package for all Optus plans over 85.
The EPL will be free on the $100 plan but the Fetch Mini is $5 a month extra.
So let me get this straight, $80/mo ($4/mo extra for the XL) for 6gb of Data (WTF?) unlimited calls.
On a subpar network, for a subpar phone (Windows phone ew), and the subpar console.
I'm good with my $38/mo for 8GB + unlimited calls on telstra network thanks Optus.
At least virgin gave out the PS4.
How is it a subpar phone, and a subpar console?
Outside of regional limitations, Telstra offer nothing more than Optus in the quality of their network.
subpar phone
Lacking apps.
subpar console
Under spec'd compared to PS4 meaning resolution or fps are often lower. Also XB1 sales are faaarrr behind the PS4, which is surely going to start causing publishers skipping releasing games for it. I say this as owner of neither, not a fanboy.
20 million vs 35 million isn't going to cause any issues for the publisher sales wise, it would be moronic to pass up that market.
As for power the ps4 is more powerful but it is pretty trivial in real world terms what that means. Xbox dev kits and engineers are far better than Sony's so the gap will be closed and then near the end of life PS will probably pull away again.
I would say the real test people should do is the exclusives and which controller they like better. Games aren't all about graphics and a shrub here and there and resolution isn't enough to justify buying the console over another.
Having said that my fav and most played console of this gen is the wii U and thats purely because it has the best games IMO of the current gen. Then my Xbox is the next most played due to games like Halo then my Playstation I have barely touched but with uncharted 4 getting released I suppose thats about to change.
I assumed it would be due to the lack some banking apps, snapchat, tinder, and whatever games are in vogue. Outside of these, there are plenty of apps, or native functions to do everything.
You honestly can't tell much of a difference between the two consoles unless you're up close like a PC monitor.
Microsoft will throw enough money at the xbox ecosystem, especially with Universal development now possible for those that develop on PC to bring their games across to XB1 with minimal effort, to keep it on par.
I think we all preferred you better when you were just the resident Apple fanboi troll, Paintoad.
just the resident Apple fanboi troll
Keep up, I've been a Android fan since my Nexus 4 (Redmi Note 4G and Nexus 6 since then).
20 million vs 35 million
Your figures are very out of date. Try 21 million vs 40.4 million now. There's no coming back from that, the Xbox One is done.
pretty trivial in real world terms
Numerous games running at 30fps instead of 60fps is not trivial.
You honestly can't tell much of a difference between the two consoles unless you're up close like a PC monitor.
If you can't tell the difference between 1080p and 720p/900p (which is all some Xbox One games can mange), then 'you should of gone to Spec Savers'.
Plenty of PS4 games don't run at 60fps and many Xbox games run at 1080p. There is probably about 5 titles in the entire Xbox line up that run at 720p. So you probably shouldn't exaggerate as you have stated you own neither console.
There is probably about 5 titles in the entire Xbox line up that run at 720p
Try nearly 30 that run under 1080p.…It doesn't change the fact there are barely any that run at 720p and that actually a large percentage of games run at 1080P. Which is the opposite of what you claim.
You're so good at back peddling, you should enter France de Tour.
@PainToad: Where did I back peddle? The list you linked shows half the Xbox titles running at 1080p and only a few at 720p, with the remainder being 900p or using dynamic scaling. You obviously just want to try to have the last word even though your own link shows you are being loose with the truth.
Your figures are very out of date. Try 21 million vs 40.4 million now. There's no coming back from that, the Xbox One is done.
Doesn't change the fact noone is going to ignore 20 million consoles unless they get exclusivity and well MS seems to be dominating the exclusives so far. Even still MS doesn't publish sales
Numerous games running at 30fps instead of 60fps is not trivial.
Yes it is fairly trivial, FPS and graphics aren't the most important thing.If you are going to talk about that you might as well trash both PS4 and Xbox as they are chumps compared to PC's.
If you can't tell the difference between 1080p and 720p/900p (which is all some Xbox One games can mange), then 'you should of gone to Spec Savers'.
Tell the difference in a side by side comparison sure. Tell the difference when you are playing it at separet times not so much. Like I said before if graphics are that important to you you shouldn't be using a console end of story.
As for power the ps4 is more powerful but it is pretty trivial in real world terms what that means. Xbox dev kits and engineers are far better than Sony's so the gap will be closed and then near the end of life PS will probably pull away again.
This isn't like the previous generation where Xbox360 used PowerPC and the PS3 used Cell. Both of these consoles have x86 CPUs and AMD APUs powering the graphics. If the code works on one it's going to work on the other. The PS4 is just more powerful so I don't forsee the "pulling ahead" from Microsoft in anything except terms of exclusives.
That being said console performance is naturally going to trail behind PC performance due to fixed specs and low cost so it's kind of a moot issue if you have a PC, just get whichever console your friends have / you want the exclusives for and buy anything multiplatform for PC. Best of all worlds.
its more complicated than that if what you said was true graphics wouldn't improve much over the generations but you can see that isn't the case. Microsoft engineers are doing amazing things and their OS using Direct X 12 will be a pretty big push and not to mention how on earth they got backwards compatibility working is truly a massive feat. Every Xbox also being a dev console is also fairly interesting while might not do much for AAA titles will probably have a huge impact with indie games.
Now it's probably not enough to bridge the hardware gap but it will be enough to make it a bit of a moot point.
People buy games for fun, I am sure most gamers don't give a shit about a few frames here or there, if they did they should use a pc.
My fav console of this generation is the Wii U. Has worse graphics than PS4 and Xbox but the games are more fun.
One point that's missed is that if a publisher is going exclusive, the console company will do the following:
- help it market
- pay a fee to the developersalso the fact it's an exclusive game has these advantages
- being exclusive increases the sales of that game for that console (fanbois like exclusives)
- costs the developers less to make because they don't need to port, upload to 2 online stores, produce 2 types of boxes, CD, DLC papers, ship 2 different product codes to the stores, sort 2 different types of products to separate them when transporting/shipping, record sales statistics on 2 different products, report to management the performance of 2 separate products, corporate team doesn't need to break down costing for two products.So if you consider all these it's not like if we sell to sony to make $1million and if we forgo Xbox we loose $500k cos there's 2 to 1 ps4 to xbox in existence. there is many other factors that make it worth it. the marketing help from the exclusive console is massive.
Also by making an exclusive game you have the chance to make a better product.
if you look at the good looking ps4 games uncharted and bloodborne they are exclusive since they don't need to worry about making graphics that work on both consoles and just focus on one. other features such as infamous uses the speakers in the controller and motion controls for the spray painting cannot happen if it was also on xbox or wiiU cos you need to find common ground if you go multiplatform.there is a lot to concider to exclusive or not.
Xbox dev kits and engineers are far better than Sony's so the gap will be closed and then near the end of life PS will probably pull away again.
The gap will never be closed. The PS4 hardware is significantly better and easier to develop for. The sales gap between the 2 will only get bigger, and the performance gap will never get smaller. I say this as a XB1 owner.
Having said that, I am more than happy with my XB1 and I have had no desire to get a PS4 yet (other than that it was also new and shiny and I want new and shiny haha). I'll pick up a PS4 soon though, as despite not really enjoying Uncharted 1-3, Uncharted 4 looks fantastic (and by soon I mean when the new model gets announced, not buying the soon to be replaced one).
@MrFunSocks: If you do pick one up for Uncharted 4 you should get the Uncharted 1-3 HD trilogy release for the PS4 as they have made a few quality of life improvements to the old titles as well as making them all run at a buttery smooth 60fps. The most notable change other than the 1080p 60fps is that they have changed the movement & aiming / gun handling in all 3 games to be consistent and massively improved compared to their original releases which has made it much more enjoyable for me. With the new aim handling code and 60fps Uncharted feels like a completely different game, the gun fights feel so much more smooth now. I tried to play the first 2 on PS3 but something felt off about them, the remaster has made it so much more enjoyable to me so it's definitely worth having another look at.
Is the difference between a 7780 and a 7870 a ~40% resolution increase with a higher, more stable framerate, with more and better graphical effects? If so then sure, it's like that - cause that is the difference in actual real performance.Playstation claimed superiority with their cell processor with the ps3 as well and the games ran the same and in many cases worse than the xbox 360. The gap between raw processing power in GPU and CPU was even greater than it is with the Xbox one and PS4(5 extra CPU cores at the same Mhz) and a more powerful GPU to boot.
However Microsoft with a far inferior system closed the gap quite easily. Same thing happened in the early lifecycle of the ps3 the ps3 did everything better but that is because it is easy when they don't understand the architectures fully and why there is such a dramatic increase in graphics quality between the launch of consoles and the end life of them.
There is more to the systems than just the raw CPU and GPU numbers. They created Direct X which is what everyone programs against. There are plenty of things about the architecture that we are not privvy to or would understand. If the architectures and API meant nothing then the blockbuster amazing graphics would hit the consoles day 1 which just never happens. At the end of the day Microsoft engineers are lightyears ahead of Sony's.
Playstation claimed superiority with their cell processor with the ps3
Yeh but those claims were unfounded. The Cell was a good number cruncher, but not a good general purpose CPU for video games. Multithreading was in its infancy at the time, and the multiple SPUs in the Cell weren't general purpose, meaning certain ones could only do audio while others could only do physics, etc. It was, to put it bluntly, stupid - which is why it didn't catch on. The 360 on the other hand had 3 cores each with 2 threads, all general purpose. Much easier to program for, ran at the same speed as the Cell, and had the same number of threads. This made it much easier to use, and in real world usage, it was easier to get more power than the Cell.
The gap between raw processing power in GPU and CPU was even greater than it is with the Xbox one and PS4
Not really. The GPU in the 360 was unquestionably better than the one in the PS3. This is 100% fact that cannot be disputed. The Cell had higher on paper processing figures than the Xenon in the 360, extremely high numbers that didn't relate to actual usage for video games, so when they combine them with the lackluster PS3 GPU numbers it still was much higher than the 360s combined but more accurate numbers.
There is more to the systems than just the raw CPU and GPU numbers.
There is, but less so these days when the systems are the same architecture with 90% the same parts just with the XB1 lower spec'd on those parts.
If the architectures and API meant nothing then the blockbuster amazing graphics would hit the consoles day 1 which just never happens.
This generation the graphics won't improve in leaps and bounds like previous generations, because the architecture and APIs are already mature and well known and understood by developers. Look at games like Ryse - a launch title that is still pretty much unmatched on the XB1 and holds its own against even current PS4 exclusives in terms of graphics. These consoles are just low-mid range gaming PCs, there is nothing exotic about them that developers have to get their head around to extract power. This is why Sony/MS are already looking at upgrading - games we are getting now are almost as good as they would be in another 5 years time because the ceilings of these consoles was much lower than in previous generations comared to where it was at day 1.
At the end of the day Microsoft engineers are lightyears ahead of Sony's.
Even if that was true, it doesn't matter - you can't make up for the huge hardware gap. You just can't. To do 1080p on the XB1 you have to make sacrifices elsewhere that you don't have to on the PS4. The PS4 can just brute force 1080p compared to the XB1.
Same guys claiming the 50% increase in power (Which it isn't) are the same guys claiming the PS3 dominance.
Not really. The GPU in the 360 was unquestionably better than the one in the PS3. This is 100% fact that cannot be disputed. The Cell had higher on paper processing figures than the Xenon in the 360, extremely high numbers that didn't relate to actual usage for video games, so when they combine them with the lackluster PS3 GPU numbers it still was much higher than the 360s combined but more accurate numbers.
PS3's GPU was faster, Microsoft had the better architecture hence the 360 won the war. At the start that wasn't the case.
This generation the graphics won't improve in leaps and bounds like previous generations, because the architecture and APIs are already mature and well known and understood by developers. Look at games like Ryse - a launch title that is still pretty much unmatched on the XB1 and holds its own against even current PS4 exclusives in terms of graphics. These consoles are just low-mid range gaming PCs, there is nothing exotic about them that developers have to get their head around to extract power. This is why Sony/MS are already looking at upgrading - games we are getting now are almost as good as they would be in another 5 years time because the ceilings of these consoles was much lower than in previous generations comared to where it was at day 1.
Funny how all the xbox exclusives right now have no dramas hitting the 1080p and have graphics that are on par with PS4's. Yet a lot of the games released on both are exactly the same just a few developers seem to struggle.
Now granted utilizing things like MS's SRam are more difficult and it is easier just to scale everything back then utilize it but the huge difference will be clawed back. I am not saying Xbox will be better but the difference between the consoles isn't enough to justify the resolution cuts. That is on the developers.
Even if that was true, it doesn't matter - you can't make up for the huge hardware gap. You just can't. To do 1080p on the XB1 you have to make sacrifices elsewhere that you don't have to on the PS4. The PS4 can just brute force 1080p compared to the XB1.
1080 isn't exactly a big feat for graphics regardless of the game. The fact both consoles couldn't do 1080 with battlefront points to the fact there is plenty more optimizations available for both systems. However MS got backwards compatibility working and that is a massive feat and I still have no idea how they achieved that so quickly. Only some engineering wizardry would have allowed that to happen.
The PS4 will always have the edge my point is it isn't enough for you to actually consider it over the Xbox one. Most of the exclusives are heading Microsofts way. If graphics are that important get a PC end of story.
PS3's GPU was faster
In clock speed sure, but I said the GPU was better in the 360, not faster. The 360s GPU is better by all expert accounts. Unified shaders alone gave it a huge advantage.
Funny how all the xbox exclusives right now have no dramas hitting the 1080p
Depends what you call "no dramas". Halo 5 has dynamic resolution, so not true 1080p the majority of the time. Forza has no drama hitting it, but its a track racer with no dynamic weather or lighting, so it's to be expected.
have graphics that are on par with PS4's
That's the debatable part. Uncharted 4 looks incredible. The Order 1886 looks amazing graphically. Even Infamous Second Son looks better than most XB1 exclusives.Yet a lot of the games released on both are exactly the same just a few developers seem to struggle.
Some are exactly the same, most are not. Most are either 720p XB1 and 900p PS4 or 900p XB1 and 1080p PS4. Most have a slighly more stable framerate on PS4 too, with better effects like shadow quality, SSAO, etc.
the difference between the consoles isn't enough to justify the resolution cuts.
Disagree on this one. The GPU on the PS4 is roughly 30% stronger. It's an apples vs apples comparison with no room for opinions. It has more ROPs etc, fact. 30% is massive. Resolution is one of the biggest GPU power eater, so a game having to run on a console with slower RAM and a 30% worse GPU generally means lowering the resolution is the most effective way to get the game running well.
However MS got backwards compatibility working and that is a massive feat and I still have no idea how they achieved that so quickly. Only some engineering wizardry would have allowed that to happen.
Agreed on that. Absolutely incredible work, something which most experts thought was literally impossible.
The PS4 will always have the edge my point is it isn't enough for you to actually consider it over the Xbox one.
While I agree, I'm not someone who is tied up in graphics. Gameplay > graphics IMO. I'd rather 720p/60fps than 1080p/30fps any day of the week. For those who are just graphics ponies though, the difference in graphics is there. Some games it's negligible, others it's quite noticeable.
While I agree, I'm not someone who is tied up in graphics. Gameplay > graphics IMO. I'd rather 720p/60fps than 1080p/30fps any day of the week. For those who are just graphics ponies though, the difference in graphics is there. Some games it's negligible, others it's quite noticeable.
Yep why the Wii U is my most used console of the current generation, followed by the xbox one and the PS4 is dead last. Really regret buying the PS4 tbh. I prefer the Xbox controller while my wife loves the ps4 one, then again I hate the wii u gamepad more than both of them but the games make me endure it.
My experience is that the Optus network is far more congested in Melbourne. Also terrible reception here (0 bars) in the inner North (7km from the CBD).
also in the north west, always get 2 bar max, LTE speed test hovering around 7mbs anytime of the day.
The only thing Telstra provide other than what optus has are surprise network outages.
Sorry if I troll but Telstra isn't any better… And to be honest for 50 bucks I can't get 11gb data per month from crapstra.
Can we choose another console or xbox only?
Considering MS are clearly involved in this deal, I'm going to say no.
Sell it, invest it in a ps4 or keep the cash. I myself like the Xbox one, but I sold it recently as I was travelling, but I had no complaints about it.
The previous deal was 1TB and you could go on smaller value plans, I got one and sold the Xbox on gumtree.
Can't say I like the Lumia as a phone.Hardly free you can get a much better phone iat an $80 plan. Not unless you really want a 950xl and an $80plan
Don't think this is much of a deal just a way to get people or kids to buy the 950……
Who invited the Sony Fanboy?
Hi Guys
Let me know if you guys want this deal ….
Can sweeten the deal with some extra discounts depending on various things .Shoot me an email
[email protected]Thanks
What if I wanted to get a Samsung Galaxy S7 on an $80 or above plan? Can the XBOX One bundle be thrown in?
I'll just say yes to make you feel better.
The Xbox and Lumia are Microsoft products. :)
so what? did you see that the associate with from Optus? this is the Optus deal not MS
You have no clue.
Anyone can be associated with Optus. All you have to do is tick the box when making a comment. I don't advise taking his bait, though. Better to go through the website or call Optus.
You're not going to get a different phone.
but his e-mail is @optusbusinesscentre so he's legit optus businessman confirmed
What i tried to say was .. I can do one or 2 months free if you porting your number from an another provider
Can I change the phone to Xperia Z5 and a PS4 + uncharted 4?
It doesn't work like that, kid.
hahaha owned
I have a Lumia 640, it's my third Windows phone, and just like the OS it's fine for a while then it starts to feel slow and little bugs become apparent. My next phone will not be a Windows phone, put it that way. I raved about them at first now I'm over them, so avoid I'd say, especially for this price sheesh, buy a nice iPhone or Galaxy!
The 640 feels slow to me out of the box, especially when switching between apps. The 640 only uses an s400 like first gen moto g so it's to be expected that it wouldn't be fast.
Not worth it at all for this phone.
Windows phones don't have a high resell value and the phone will drop considerably in price over the months.
Yeah, resell value is low on my requirements list. I don't think many people buy phones based on their resell value.
The phone is great for work purposes, though.I used to support Windows platform as I find it works better than Android and I dare say iOS.
The lack of apps and updates is really shocking though, I don't know if they fixed it now.
This deal was around for the preorder. Made a tidy profit by selling the Xbox and the phone. I would of loved to use the phone, but it was lacking in too many apps that I used on a regular basis.
Sony x Pro + psk4k I would sign up in heart beat
If only the Optus network didn't suck in my area… Stuck with the devil that is Telstra. :(