This was posted 8 years 10 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

500GB Xbox One Console + Gears of War Ultimate Edition + Halo: Master Chief Collection $398 @ EB Games


Credit to earth at BS

This bundle includes:

500GB Xbox One Console
Halo: Master Chief Collection
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Download Token

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Should I buy this or wait for EFOY deals next month?

    • +3

      Wait. Also rumours of a 1.5 version being announced next month.

      • Do you think it'll work like the 3DS and New 3DS? IMO a 1.5 model that changes anything in the CPU/RAM/GPU than can affect games (its been done before in 360/PS3, but down-clocked) is a stupid move considering their whole 'console stability' market, but I can see maybe 1TB hybrid drives as the base model..?

        • Both PS4.5 and Xbox OnePointFive/Two remours are highly unsettling. People stuck with console for 20 years because you had a lot more safety in the hardware than you did on PC; Your Gamecube's graphics card wasn't going to need an upgrade after 2 years, and you wouldn't need to buy new RAM for your PS2. If they're going to make you buy a whole new console every three years, then they're going to head into some really shakey territory.

          Microsoft have confirmed that they want to bring out multiple Xbox One hardware iterations, starting this year in fact. Buying either a Bone or PS4 this close E3 is being a poor consumer, and inviting buyer's remorse. Hopefully this means they're just making a slim model and not touching the hardware much past that, but the setup of the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) means they want to get the Xbone up to par with PC to make Xbone ports work better on Windows 10, which is very, very unsettling for people interested the platform.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: Those same old rumours & FUD have been doing the rounds for ages…there's just as many contradictory (equally plausible) reports that MS have no intention whatsoever of abandoning the platform as it stands now at any time in the foreseeable future.

  • +3

    Oh, eb on the front page

    • +2

      They must have a sale on /s

  • -2

    Just wait a month or two. The release of both the consoles was a disaster due to the 5yr+ old technology standards they dumped in them hoping no one would notice & it's got to the point where they are about to release a new revised version with improved hardware and performance. So all the current iterations of the XBONE are about to get flogged off as quick and cheap as humanly possible. Also, the end of financial year sales start pretty soon, too.

    • Nice try, trollmeister.

    • +1

      How many times do you feel it is necessary to make the same repetitive posts highlighting your personal preference for PC gaming?

      • It just goes to show the shithouse state of moderation on OzB when clear persistent trolling (and that's all it is) by this fool is allowed to go unchecked despite numerous reports, whilst other first time offenders are pulled into line for much less.

        I've really gotta wonder if this goose is a mate of a mod???

        • -2

          People getting their fee-fee's hurt inside their little safe spaces because someone points out a fact, isn't trolling. Not only have the mods agreed with me in that regard, they've changed the titles multiple times in deal posts after I pointed out those factual inconsistencies, too.

          Users like Firefly on the other hand who repeatedly ( and post the same comments over and over without adding to the discussion - that's actually trolling.

        • @infinite:

          How many times do you feel it is necessary to make the same repetitive posts highlighting your personal preference for PC gaming?

          PS I like how you are getting your fee-fees hurt every time I point out the fact you are posting the same repetitive off-topic comments about how you prefer pc gaming which add nothing to the discussion about whether the bargain is a good one while remaining strangely silent on the numerous obvious drawbacks of of gaming. On a bargain website, boring people with comments about how they should choose a more expensive option because that's what you prefer - that's actually trolling.

          Edit: I see the mods have agreed with me in that regard, they've marked your post as off-topic after I pointed out the irrelevancies of your comment. I would encourage everyone who is as bored of your repetitive off-topic comments to report them to the mods as being off-topic.

  • +2

    Buying this bundle enables you to play the same games you have experienced before on a previous generation xD
    Good deal!

  • +1

    This.. Is not cheap. This is the old 500gig Xbox bundled with some very cheap games.

    • +1

      Of course not, it is EB Games. Do you expect a good deal from the Lords of Satan or something?

  • +1

    EB take back consoles within the seven day return period, give them a wipe over with a chux cloth and then resell them as new. Tread carefully when buying anything from EB. Check all seals, if they're busted, tell them they can keep their used goods and walk away.

  • +3

    Awesome games, I really want to get an Xbox One so that I can play these EXCLUSIVE GAMES that I can't get ANYWHERE ELSE.

    Except oh wait, I already have these games, and have played them through multiple times each almost a decade ago. SO that's what we're doing to advertise our flagship console now; bundling it with games from a decade ago. 400 dollars to replay old games, which, mind you, I can do for free.

    Console exclusives when?

    • I haven't been keeping up, where we at with Xbone exclusives? Forza 5 (shit by all accounts), Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5 (no local multi, lel?)..?

      • +2

        Forza 5, Forza 6 and Forza Horizon 2 are the only exclusives people like to throw at me when I accuse the Boner of having nothing influential. Racing games haven't really progressed past the Xbox360 and PS3 generation as far as mechanics are concerned; games look pretty sure, but there are only so many ways to race a car. Forza 6 however, is being confirmed as being released on Windows 10 this year, and for free too.

        On the other side of the coin, we have Halo 5, as you've said. 343 confirmed Halo 6, obviously, and teased that it will have splitscreen. Too little too late from the aborted Halo devs; give it back to Bungie before you entirely milk the franchise, because 343 have no idea what Halo is or what it means. You've likely seen my rant about how Halo isn't even about the Halo rings anymore. They might as well call it Armoured Mary Sue and Blueboobs Travel the Cosmos and Awake Millenium Old Threats, the Game.

        DON'T FORGET TITANFALL. Remember how that was going to be the best thing? Oh no it has 2 hours of content, oh nooooooo…. And it's on PC anyway.

        Anything else (I don't know, are we still counting Peggle 2 as an xbone exclusive?) is either on PC as well or doesn't have anything worth mentioning. I know we're getting GoW, Crackdown, Recore, Fable, new Rareware game, and a few others titles at E3 this year, but those are likely going to be on Windows 10 anyway thanks to UWP, and I have a PC capable of running them. Looks like the Xbox One is a redundant purchase for PC Masterracers, considering exclusives are all but a forgotten dream for Xbox. I don't hate the console, I love my Xbox 360, it was my favourite console for almost 7 years, I've been dying to get an XB1, but Microsoft seems to want to cut me off at every logical turn.

        Perhaps it just feels like the XB1 has nothing comparable, considering Sony just released Uncharted 4 to expected results.

        So in other words, if you buy a PC for roughly 1500, you get access to every single new XB1 game, access to steam, access to Humble Bundle games for delicious ozbargain cheapsies, and access to indie games that are only available on dev websites. It's worth the additional buy in price, as far as I'm concerned, considering there are still unique games on the platform. I buy a videogame console to play videogames, get rid of this media crap and put your focus back into videogames before we all drown in half-assed open world games and Big W Bluray Bundles. If you don't play a lot of games, sure, it's great for casuals who just want to shell out for the new big EA, Activision, Ubisoft game-a-year that you can get on anything, but if you're 'weird' like me and want to play more than just shooting and sport, it's a dangerous option. And if you have the same games on all the consoles then… Why would you buy the one with "Microsoft" on the box?

        (Bias justification; I hate PS4 too)

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