Etag of Old Vehicle


i recently sold a vehicle.
what do i do with the physical e-tag of a sold vehicle?
I checked on rms website and all it states is remove it from the old car.

but it also says for additional vehicles it charges $40 per tag. (vehicle #2/3 are no tag charge. but vehicle #4 5 have charge)
so if i buy say vehicle #4 i have to pay $40.
but for vehicle #2 and #3 its free.

i worry if i keep this tag with me and say later on i buy vehicle #4 it will charge me?
there is no clarity on what to do with the tags.
I order a new tag because - the base is stuck to the old car and i could not get it to budge.

i am upto vehicle #3 - as i rotate after a car reaches close to 100,000 kms.



  • normally you would return it no ?
    but sounds like you broke it ?

    • nope not broken.
      so just walk into any RMS and return?

  • You paid a deposit on it, so you should take it, even if you break it, to exchange for a new one, so you don't have too many tags on your account.

    Or at least have RMS deactivate it or you may pay for tolls using it.

    • where can i find this procedure online?

      • Just take the tag to any RMS service centre and they will replace it. Doesn't it just slide out of the mount? You don't have to take the mount.

  • +1

    I order a new tag because - the base is stuck to the old car and i could not get it to budge.

    Just ask for new tag base they are usual free.

    i am upto vehicle #3 - as i rotate after a car reaches close to 100,000 kms.

    I think it's not the number of cars you've had it the number of cars you have at one time. If your just changing cars use the same tag and advise the RMS number plate change.

  • +1

    The number of cars you have or have had is not relevant. You can use one tag for two or more cars (that is why the tag can be removed from the mount). You can have up to 3 tags without paying any more than the one $40 tag fee however if you need more than 3 tags on the same account then you have to pay a further $40 per tag.

    You can (and I would suggest you do) connect each tag with the car registration it is used for (you can do this online easy enough) and even more importantly remove the car registration from the tag and account once you have sold the car, should you not do this and the new owner doesn't have a tag and uses a toll road your tag will be charged.

    • all the online bits are complete..
      i.e. notice of disposal lodged Plus removed the old rego from my account.

      i am only concerned re the hardware still being with me.

      • The tag is in your name (presumably) and attached to your account and not connected to the car you have sold, once you have removed it from your account. You can return the tag to the RMS if not required however you can also just keep it until you do need it. I had a company car for 15 months with a company tag and sold my personal car and just kept the tag that was in the car I sold in a drawer at home, when I changed jobs and bought a new car I then put the tag in my new car, no problem (I did have to get them to send me a new mount, which they did at no charge).

        • thank you ..answers my question.

  • As mentioned, it's the number of tags you have in your possession at the moment, not the number of cars you've had.. You can swap cars and just put your tag in them until the end of time (although a tag only has a life of 5 - 7 years before it dies).

  • Just be sure to remove the rego of that vehicle from the tag. If they use tollways and you haven't done that you will be billed.

  • all done thank you

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