Feedback on this VR Ready Build

Hey guys! First time poster, long time lurker here. I'm planning a new build. I have my parts list sorted out but I wanted some opinions before I start purchasing things. I didn't really want to spend excess of $1,500 and so far it comes to $1,700+ when purchasing for local stores (PCCG etc) which is fine I'll spend that much if I have to. I think I've done alright for the price but opinions are welcome. I am wanting this build to be VR ready and a little future proof whilst sticking to a rough budget.

Motherboard: MSI B150 Gaming M3 Motherboard @ $189
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700k @ $484
Cooler: Cryorig H7 CPU Cooler @ $55
RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB @ $105
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB @ $499
HDD 1: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB SSD @ $125
HDD 2: Seagate Barracuda 2TB @ $99
Case: Corsair Graphite 230T @ $99
PSU: Corsair VS550 ATX Power Supply @ $69
Extra Fans: Aerocool DS Fan 140mm Red LED Fan (x2) @ $58
Splitter: 4 Pin IDE 1-to-2 Molex IDE Power Supply Y Splitter Exentsion Cable @ $4.20

I could probably lower some prices by going to alternative stores near by but so far that's all from PCCG except for the splitter. I'm not a fan of MSY so I won't go to them but yeah. I am mainly after opinions on the hardware and confirmation that it'll be alright for VR :) I may choose to hold off on the GPU till last as 980's and stuff will drop in price due to the 1070 and 1080's coming out.

Thanks in advance!


  • +2

    the speed difference between i7 and i5 is not worth the price hike of >$120 IMO, get an i5-6600

    what speed is the RAM - more than 2133 is a waste of money

    don't bother with extra cpu cooler

    don't get extra cooling fans

    get larger 500gb EVO SSD

    • Second this, the i5 definitely won't be a limitation.

      I currently have an i5 4670k with a GTX780 (which is about equivalent to 970) and the cpu is fine without overclocking.

      Would recommend more ssd storage, it fills up pretty quickly with modern games.

      Plus invest in a decent psu.

  • +3

    The Nvidia 1080 and 1070 are due in the next couple of months. You'd be crazy to buy a system "VR Ready" now. I'd hold off.…

    • Yeah I did see that. I was thinking of buying and building the rest of the system and maybe even throwing my 750 Ti in there till the 1070 is out lol Keep the GPU till last.

  • I'm a fan of saving money over shop loyalty…so id choose somewhere else over pccg

    • Got no issues in going elsewhere. PCCG is just close. I also use CPL.

      • are prices for those components cheaper at msy ?

        • Yep but I've had a bad experience using them. They are a pain in the ass when it comes to warranties. Never again. Rather pay a little more than give them my money.

  • You'll need a Z170 motherboard if you want to OC that 6700K and maybe consider swapping out that Corsair VS PSU for a better one (Antec/Seasonic/XFX are all pretty decent). Check out this tiered list of PSUs for alternatives -…

    Use to double-check compatibility.

    • I wasn't planning on overclocking. I've been told to go for the i7 6700 but the 6700k is $20 more if that so I thought screw it. And I've already revised my PSU choice. Going for a XFX PSU now.

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