GTX 1080/1070 Thoughts?

With the release of these Pascal graphics cards, what are you satisfied about/ dissatisfied about?
For me, the price point was quite nice for me, hitting quite a sweet spot of where the 980TIs reigned, meaning that those last gen cards will go down in price.


  • +1

    New flagship is always the best time to get a good deal on a more sensibly-priced GPU.

  • I'm getting a 1070.

  • +1

    Some people were saying RIP AMD. I am likely to get 1080 or 1070, but I wanna see what Polaris would bring to the table first (just in case AMD brings something nice to the table). Besides, I wouldn't be able to get my hands on 1080 or 1070 until Polaris gets announced anyways.

    • Mmm, I agree as well, I want to see what AMD can do this time. Even though last time they really disappointed me with the re-branding of their products, I can't say I don't have high hopes for Polaris.

  • +1

    At this point I'm only going on the conference which seemed like an hour of hyperbole.

    $379 = $500?

    $599 = $800?

    I also dont like how it suddenly overnight made 970s 980s and Titans worth much less.

    But yeah, let's see what Polaris brings to the table.

    I honestly do not want to spend $500+ on a card. If AMD brings us 2/3rd of the performance for $300 then that is fine by me.

    Some of us do not need the Rolls Royce performance for the Rolls Royce price.

    • Don't think our prices would be that low.

      With the Australia tax, you're probably looking at $1000+ for the 1080. Unless you want to import in which case the warranty is inferior or even non existent depending on the manufacturer.

      My 980ti dropped in value too but I don't mind it since the value of technology is improving. I'm more excited I'll be able to pick up a better card soon, hopefully the 1080ti.

      • Based on those prices I'd say that the 1070 would be retailing for about 600-700 and the 1080 for about 1000 - 1300. I was more interested when they claimed that even the 1070 had a performance increase over the Titan X

  • +1

    i'll stick with my 780.
    PC gaming is nowhere near as demanding on graphical resources thanks to the potato consoles.

    • But with VR coming round the corner, it might be a good time to invest in a good one, but its also logical to just wait out for VR technology to stabilize before committing money.

      • +1

        yeah VR needs alot more support, development and as you said stabilizing to be considered upgrading for :(
        older vid cards handle current games pretty well anyways.

      • Yeah, I'm waiting for VR to "stabilise". And by stabilise, I mean "cost less than 1000 AUD plus controllers".

        I'm thinking the actual "Year of VR" will be 2017 or even 2018. By that time, there should be sub-$500 options that don't suck, so more than a couple of hundred people in the whole country will actually be able to get one…

  • +2

    In true OzBargainer style, I still like my 970, which is a rather cheap high end card because of that whole VRAM debacle. Good thing the only games I play are Dwarf Fortress and indie games, so I don't need much VRAM. Dark Souls 3 worked just fine on it, too, so I'm sorted. But the price of the new ones are nice. I'll probably buy in when the next generation AFTER this one gets cheap; gotta stretch it as much as possible.

    • Yeah, I was thinking of doing the same, if i was to buy a 1070 or a 1080 I would really need to be shown insane numbers before I can actually be tempted to buy one of them.

    • +1

      Yep, my 970 will last me until I replace it with the 1370, I reckon.

      • Games are sort of petering out in terms of graphics=quality ratio, after all. No point in upgrading a card at $600 a pop every year to play your Battlefronts and your CoDs when they consistantly get 50s and 60s in reviews. Which relies on DLCs and in-app transactions to survive on their billion-dollar budget.

        Next industry crash when? ET Atari HD Re-release on Xbox One, don't fail me now.

        • +2

          If you're gaming at 1080p, like the vast majority of gamers still are, then a 970 will hit 60fps on pretty much all games at the highest settings. You really only need the grunt of these newer cards for hi-res, high framerate (I.e VR)

        • +1

          @johnno07: Unless you want Nvidia hairworks and maximum bush draw distance on the Witcher 3! That's one I ran into troubles with.

          I had to settle for only very high bush distance :(

        • @FrankMcFuzz: Ah yes you are correct. I forgot the reduced bush in The Witcher 3.

  • $199 for an AMD RX 480 4gb will get you 70% the 1080P performance of a $379-449 GTX 1070

    $229 Will get you an AMD RX 480 8GB

    $229x2 ($458) for 2x Crossfire AMD RX 480's will get you the performance of a $599-$699 GTX 1080 and AMD Claims at a lower power usage then then GTX 1080

    $299 Will get you a soon to be released AMD RX 490 8GB That will give you performance close too a GTX 1070 at $379-460

    $599ish around Christmas time will get you a AMD Vega 10 (14nm Fury3) GPU that will be much faster then a GTX 1080 and a GPU that will compete with GTX 1080 Ti and Titan 2 ( when the come out early 2017

    "All Prices are in US Dollars" and based off press release info so far.…

    • Good comparisons of the bottom line.

  • crossfire is dead, aint worth the pain and this is someone who had three crossfire machines in succession

    Also $199 us is probably close to $350 aud. esp. during release.

    Its dead on with a 970. Of course a 480 is a superior choice to a 970 right now but just putting it out there.

    • If the prices of a 970 continue dropping I might just consider it anyway.

  • If you are gaming on a 1080p/60Hz monitor, which most people no doubt are, there is no reason to upgrade to a card this powerful. Even 1440p could be catered to by a last gen card.

    To all of the NVIDIA fans who are celebrating the idea of AMD failing to compete: consider what happens if AMD goes away and we only have one manufacturer, i.e. a monopoly, making and selling video cards. Do you think they'll take your fanboyism into account when they are calculating pricing? You should want strong competition.

    (I own both NVIDIA and AMD cards, so no, I am not an AMD fanboy.)

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