This was posted 8 years 9 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Cycling Jersey with Bicycle Network Membership (inc insurance) ($122)


Bicycle Network has an offer where if you join up now, you get membership to June 2017.

Membership includes:
- Cycling insurance for injuries and 3rd party liability (this should be regarded as essential for all riders… if you cause a crash with 2 Porsches…$$)
- Ride On magazine delivered every 2 mths.
- Bike advocacy, discounts, etc.

The jersey is Hub brand and seems pretty good.

I have membership just for the insurance and I like the magazine - a free jersey worth around $70 is a nice bonus IMHO.

Concession membership and family rates also available. Enter code "together" at checkout and choose jersey size.
Note that the jersey is actually "Event unisex" on this sizing chart: NOT the "Elite mens" one that the BN page links to.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    so pay for membership and get a free jersey… not a free membership and jersey

    • Yeah, that's what it says - free jersey with your membership ($122).

  • -1

    Is info about this promotion online anywhere?
    Image of the jersey?

    • It was in an email:

      "As a member you receive:
      Comprehensive bike rider insurance
      Riders' Rights support
      Ride On magazine subscription
      Exclusive deals
      Helping to make bike riding better in NSW
      Sign up today using the promotional code TOGETHER and you'll also receive 4 free months of membership and a Bicycle Network jersey valued at $60."

        • Is that like how bush fire brigade trucks don't have rego, they shouldn't be allowed on the roads either?

        • -4


          10/10 for dumb comment. Are RFS vehicles used for recreational purposes? Try again…

        • +1

          Pay some effing rego and then maybe that will be a legitimate claim.

          Lots of cyclists also own cars. So they pay for rego, but don't use the road as much as you.
          So should car owners who don't cycle pay higher rego since they use the roads more?

        • -1


          Welcome to the non-sequitur club. I own a car AND a motorcycle, but I also spend 4 weeks O/S annually on holidays and several weeks of the year interstate. I also cycle but I stick to tracks / paths. Does that mean my rego should be adjusted because I don't use one vehicle more than the other, or whilst I am away? Of course it doesn't, nor does any other combination of factors. How can cyclists be treated as equals when they do not contribute equally terms of paying for access to the roads. Even with a usage based system instead of the current one size fits all access fee those who cycled & drove less would pay less.

        • @Sir Casm:

          How can cyclists be treated as equals when they do not contribute equally terms of paying for access to the roads.

          Right now, cyclists who own cars are paying exactly the same amount of rego as you, but they cause less wear and tear on the roads and reduce congestion.

          So since cyclists with cars are paying rego, they have just as much right to use the roads as you.

          I also cycle but I stick to tracks / paths.

          How much do you contribute for access to tracks/paths?

        • +1

          I was refraining from commenting because I assumed you were trolling because of your username, but clearly no-one knows what they're talking about.

          Rego does not pay for roads. Taxes pay for roads.

        • @damion:

          Yes, I concur - taxes in various forms, rates & tolls. Rego is an access fee levied against those who wish to use the roads, be that with a car, truck, bus, caravan or trailer etc. When cyclists are included then the playing field is levelled, especially given CTP considerations.


          Refer above, rego is an access fee, pay that and you can take your bike on the highway for all I care, but in the meantime, stay out of the way of those who a) have to pay to have their vehicle in a condition suitable to use the road and b) pay a fixed fee to use their vehicle on the road, regardless of how much use they derive or wear & tear they cause. As for tracks & paths, I pay the same as everyone else who uses a park - council rates.

        • +1

          @Sir Casm:

          There's no point getting into a back-and-forth with someone like you, so I'll just end with this summary:

          People who ride to work and also own cars pay the same amount of rego as you, and they cause less pollution, congestion, and wear and tear on the roads than you.

          That is all.

        • -1


          Nice strawman, "I'm not going to continue discussing so here's my opinion, kthxbye". Gutless.

        • @Sir Casm: Nice attempt to draw a response, but I'm too familiar with posts like that. :)

  • hmm.. mine was automatically renewed a week ago…

  • I know they've had this promotion for a while but I can't see mention of the jersey anywhere on their signup page. Is it over?

    And this is the closest image I could find of their jerseys, though it's for an old promotion,

  • +2
    • Currently in a massive disagreement with this organisation who are extremely misleading with their advertising.
      Once they have your credit card details they direct debit every quarter, which was something they advised would not happen.
      Sadly off to Consumer Protection about this mob.
      Be very careful in your dealings!
    • You must have chosen "recurring payment" instead of "once off" in your payment screen.

  • Anyone can comment how this mob is better than Bicycle NSW for NSW residents?

    • I've been trying to find out and can't really tell, but I was with BNSW for 2 yrs to have insurance, and got nothing except a small discount off Spring Cycle and that sort of thing - so I thought I'd give these guys a try and at least get Ride On magazine and a jersey. These guys organise some big events and run training rides etc so that's something.

      • The events and training rides are mostly in Victoria and I believe they don't offer any discounts for members:(

        • The Orange Newcrest Challenge was huge last month.
          I also know plenty of people who go to Vic for one or two of these events.
          As they started in Vic it's natural that that's where the focus is. As they have recently moved into NSW and the Orange Challenge appeared quickly, I'm positive that we'll see more NSW events…

  • I cycle daily: sensibly, attentively and within the laws. I have a geniune question. How might I cause an accident between two vehicles, Porsches or not?

    • because one braked or swerved to avoid you and hit the other?

      • But in what scenario would I have been the cause - surely the driver that wasn't paying attention and had to brake or swerve would be the cause?

        • You never know. Everyone makes mistakes. Hundreds of drivers a day make mistakes and cause crashes. Sometimes cyclists do too. Hence why we have insurance, because we're not perfect.

  • +1

    Does not matter. In NSW, everyone is out to get you. Cars, trucks, postmen, dogs, cats, politicians… So, always cyclists fault.

    • +2

      You omitted the Daily Telegraph.

  • On a more serious note. I have tossing up between a free Jersey here and Bicycle NSW.

    Looking through the policies quickly, seems like Bicycle NSW has superior coverage @ $20m, compared to $10m here. But free jersey vs probability of accident… coin toss methinks.

  • Got my member pack - great. The jersey is good quality, plain blue with BN logo and name; also got Ride on magazine, a front light, a snaplock bag for valuables, and an Ass Saver. Happy!

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