Record price for this lil, possibly hot, usb drive?
It has it's lovers, it has it's haters! Same as the store has it's lovers and haters due to the low prices, people can't believe it's been legit! But they are!
Record price for this lil, possibly hot, usb drive?
It has it's lovers, it has it's haters! Same as the store has it's lovers and haters due to the low prices, people can't believe it's been legit! But they are!
Listing history shows that it has been $38.19 from 28-Apr and 03-May and $37.59 between 03-May and 04-May.
Shh :P What's $0.70 between friends? lol
Good call
$0.70 cents could well be a chomp bar.. :(
or a curly wurly
Went through 2 of these, some very hot potatoes!
when you say that you "went through 2 of these" do you mean that they didn't last and/or crapped out after some time?
his house burnt down from the heat of these along with the USB so he had to buy another house and USB
Yep. Had one, used to overheat all the time, lost all my data after a month or so. Got a replacement sent out to me and had the same thing happen again. I had mine plugged in all the time to store my music library. I'm sure it's fine to use these casually here and there, but I wouldn't recommend putting any valuable data on there and leaving it stuck in your computer the whole time.
Good to know as music's precisely what I was going to be storing on these.
Can confirm that they're fine for quick transfers. Mine hasn't given me any problems…yet
I should have read the comments before buying the 16GB version for $8 from MSY. I haven't tried mine yet, but thinking of using it in my car to play music. Hope it doesn't burn the car down :).
Just in time for the Winter.
Good to store your (pirated) GOT seasons on.
You've used the word "it's" 4x in your description, yet only once correctly.
Sorry, I forgot I should care about grammar nazis
You spent an extra keystroke/effort and included the apostrophe and ended up making it incorrect.
It does get quite painful to read.
'' '''''''''''''''''''
Hav'e a fe'w extra's
Dont y'a jus't hat'e i't whe'n someon'e doe's somethin'g lik'e thi's?
Doe's thi's mes's wit'h you'r hea'd?
Learn't you'r lesso'n ye't?
Tho'u shal't no't correc't thing's o'n th'e interne't.
Actually, all in error
Received a USB (SanDisk Extreme) from them today. Took nearly a month to arrive but that was inline with their eBay delivery estimate
Appears to be genuine
Any heating issues so far?
Mine is the Extreme not the Ultra. Was just commenting that they are a repurable seller but expect postage to take a while
be warned - this thing heats up so bad that my laptop stays hot after i eject the usb
Just bought this to put movies on it to watch on my tablet or laptop, DVD player, hope it's good and doesn't Heat up like a few people are saying!
It will heat up.
You reckon it will heat up enough to damage my TV or DVD Player or even the laptop???
Nah, it should be fine. The only concern is the longevity of the drive.
I would like to share my view with other ozbargain members. There are heaps of fake USB flash/thumb drive out there, same as for memory cards. That's why there are so many bad experiences among our members. Be careful when purchasing on ebay only buy from a reliable/reputable shop. I do realise we are here on ozbargain but we just cannot solely go with the cheapest price when talking about saving/protecting our precious data.
I personally have 2 SanDisk Curze Ultra Fit USB3.0 drive, both plugged permanently on my Laptop and desktop as my Windows File History drive and I have no issues with overheat or lost of data.
I do understand that there are many fake ebay sellers out there, but sinceritytradingau are known for selling genuine products.
86K feedback for a store that only sells USBs/SDs/memory, with not a single bit of feedback confirming that these are fake from h2testw.
They also have a US store with 223K feedback
One of the biggest memory sellers in the world, definitely not fake. Also feel free to check out past ozbargain deals
Please don't get me wrong @LYL. I'm not here targeting any particular shop/store and surely not in any means referring to SincerityTradingAU. I am only trying to inform other members some possible reasons for experiencing the overheating and/or lost of data with their drives.
I'm pretty sure the one I got from a previous OzBargin was genuine. SanDisk agreed 'cause they replaced it when I complained about overheating and aborted (large) transfers. The replacement one sent to me directly by SanDisk did exactly the same thing. So genuine ones have this issue, and most likely knock off's too, due to the size causing heat dissipation issues.
These will heat up as they are very small and fast. Good price though for a tiny casual storage.
Agree that these do heat up, have genuine 32GB and 16GB versions at least 4 all run hot but have not failed. They do take more current than the extreme pro from SANDISK, so possibly just different technology internally. But not a bad product.
I'd like to get something small for my car stereo USB single DIN, and the size of this unit looks just about perfect.
It concerns me that this Sandisk heats up so much, and being the intent of the unit is to stay plugged in to serve music files to the player, sounds counterintuitive.
To conclude, based on people's experience here, get this unit only as temporary massive storage, and only use it sparingly as it will overheat if used continuously. Store in a FINDABLE safe place, other than a USB port.
In summary, a badly designed product…. wtf.
Experienced this one overheating many times when transferring files.
I had it on my Xbox One to play a movie. It disconnected a few minutes in.
Price is AU $40.59 now :(
They keep upping the price (see revision history), it's now over 10% more than it was a few days ago. went from $38.29 to $42.19 today.
Can't say it's due to the USD/AUD exchange as it hasn't shifted that much and they didn't put it down when it went the other direction first.
Waiting for an answer from wife just cost me and extra 10%….peed off
70c cheaper yesterday - could be moving with exchange rate changes.…