Looking for a 3.5" HDD IDE & SATA to USB enclosure

I have a few old HDDs I like to use as external drives for my PVR.
I've found on MSY they have a Ritmo brand that goes for $23. But with my experiences with Ritmo, I'd rather not buy that brand.
Anyone have any good suggestions on a reliable brand at a good price?


  • I'm happy with the Astone one I bought a while back. Mind you I only use this drive for backups so I don't really stress it.

  • Hmm… according to http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/24644 Astone isnt reliable

    • Too bad then, please don't tell my enclosure. If it fails, I'll toss it out. Hopefully by that time my HD will be obsolete also. lol!

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