Any reviews out for this yet ?
Best price going around ?
Thanks guys
Looks interesting but gearbox apart from borderlands seem to underwhelm
Any reviews out for this yet ?
Best price going around ?
Thanks guys
Looks interesting but gearbox apart from borderlands seem to underwhelm
I wouldn't say Gearbox seem to underwhelm, but more-like "Gearbox seem to overshoot." Most of their more risky decisions recently have been other promising, in-development games that everybody wanted, only to find that the project has been entirely unsalvageable. Hoping to get by on 2 half-finished games that primarily functioned on nostalgia alone. Though it's not fair to pin the worst movie licensed videogame of all time solely on Gearbox, Alien Colonial Marines, their quality with non-borderlands games does tend to be somewhat well below par. Or is it above par? Being under par is good, right? Well, they did the bad side of par. Anyway, luckily, I had no hopes for Duke Nukem, OR Alien anyway so I wasn't underwhelmed.
Even considering all that, my least favourite Gearbox move has been openly insulting the Xbone and PS4, only to go back on that and remaster Borderlands 2 and PS, rather than making a whole new game specifically for the gen they just up the bloom and anti-aliasing. If they're just going to turn into "The Borderlands company", I don't know how I feel about that. But initial reviews for Battleborn are on steam and seem to be very positive, most people comparing it to Overwatch and even saying they prefer BB. It's going to be an interesting month for online multiplayer co-op-competitive shooters, but just from history's sake I would say Overwatch is going to come out on top.
Tl;dr, yes I heard this is good, buy on steam or from EB so you have returning options though lol.
It has only just occurred to me that Battleborn and Overwatch are not the same game. I think the only footage I've seen of them (or perhaps one of them? Not sure tbh) has been in JB Hi-fi or EB on the screens in there and I obviously didn't pay it much attention there either. I've never once bothered to click a link to it or read a story until now and I'm pretty much over shooters nowadays which is weird as for a few years it was by far my favorite genre.
PS/ PS has also totally turned me off of Borderlands, that game was a PoS.
Considering that i joined the Alpha test and Played on the closed beta test too, i will give you some of my opinion on this game, in the Alpha, i actually having a blast with this game, its like the 1st time i actually play this game the heroes are great, the gameplay was great, only things like the unbalance heroes bugs me, also, i don't know if anyone notices this but i was having performance issue in the beta test, they game is litteraly unplayable, massive stuterring and such, and also a lame UI design makes me stay away from this game, its such a shame that this game that i enjoyed way back return with a bad impression, and also the humor in this game is a bit lacking, thats just from my POV though
if you like repetition then the game is for you.
not enough content tbh
That post could be defining any shooter released this side of 2012.
haha true :P
Way I see Battleborn it's going to hold players attention for a month or two then fade away into obscurity like every other failed online shooter (Evolve, Destiny, Titnfall etc)
Destiny did not fail, it cannot be held in the same space as Evolve or Titanfail.
No game that sells 6.3m copies in its first month can be called a failure, that's more than most games ever sell lol.
@Where's_That_Cake: I heard it got good after the Taken King, but, I put it down after my first raid lol.
But yes, I feel like Battleborn is also going to become one of those ghostly communities with a skeleton crew manning half a server by June, whereas there are still people playing Destiny, for whatever reason. The Division is also dropping pretty sharply on steam's stats page, despite initial sales.
The big companies can't bear to make a game with staying power, otherwise consumers won't buy the 80,000th iteration of Battlefield 1, you know, the first Battlefield game, that's coming out nearly 2 decades after the first Battlefield game.
Buy from Steam. Play it for 1.5 hours. Refund it. Then decide if you actually want to buy it for cheaper from elsewhere.