Hi all,
I am after some help with regards to which government entity I can contact with regards to some queries I have regarding the termination of my property management agent.
I have been unhappy with my managing agent for quite some time but have stuck with them as I was not sure which property management agency I wanted to move to, however, I have recently found a reputable agent and am thinking of transferring.
The reasons that I am unhappy with the current agent:
- loss of rent due to one of my tenants doing a runner, they tenant left and the key was mailed back to us two weeks after before they had realised what has happened, instead of calling to do an inspect before the key was mailed back to us.
- Poor screening of tenants, most of the tenants I have had up to now have been poorly screened, I have had a total of 4 tenants up to this point, the fourth one being quite recent and I have yet to experience anything bad and the first tenant was actually the previous owner. The other two tenants have either run away, or caused massive issues with the strata's pet policy and subsequently left due to the agent mishandling the issue.
- Left my property vacant for a month because they "did not have the staff" to do an open house
- Recently withheld a payment without reason and took almost 2 weeks to send me the payment.
These issues all happened within the span of a year and a bit. I would love to terminate the contract with them and move on as quickly as possible but I have no idea as to which government body would be able to provide with the necessary laws on this matter. I would rather not go to a solicitor if possible as they are somewhat costly.
Can anyone suggest which government body I can approach or look up so I can get some information as to how to get out of my current situation as soon as possible?
Thank you.
-Edit 1-
Forgot to mention that I am in NSW, not too sure if there are any state specific websites or if it is a national one.
Why do you think the government should help you? Surely you can do this yourself?
Read the agreement you entered with the current agency. Has it expired? Read the terms around termination. Has it got a notice period? Penalty for early termination?
If you are not bound by the agreement, let them know the last day you wish them to act for you, and the the documentation you want them to forward (copies of leases etc.).
I would suggest also asking the new agency if they are happy to look after the change over.
This stuff isn't government business, it is a private contract between you and an agent. If you really feel you need assistance, you need to talk to a lawyer.