This was posted 8 years 9 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Uncharted 4 PS4 $69, Doom PS4/XB1 $69, PS4 1TB Bundle $499, 30% off Blu-Rays + More @ Big W

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Some Big W Deals. Starts Thursday :)

30% Off All Blu-Rays
Jurassic World Blu-Ray $13
TV On DVD 2 For $30
Magnum Chocolate Bars 35g 5 For $5 (Save $4.95)
Arnott's Tim Tam or Mint Slice Value Packs 337g $2.25 (Save $2.25)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End PS4 $69 - Releases 10/05
Doom PS4/XB1 $69/PC $59 - Releases 13/05
Nintendo 3DS AC Adaptor $15
PS4 1TB + Uncharted 4 + Daddy's Home Blu-Ray $499
Purchase Any Optus Mobile & Receive a $20 Big W Gift Card - Oppo F1 $199
Pedigree 12x 1.2kg Dog Food Can Varieties $24 (Save $18)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Uncharted or Doom?

    • +4

      Doom multiplayer beta was pretty bad…definitely turned me off getting it until it's in a bargain bin, and even then I'm not sure I'd buy. Only saving grace is if it has an amazing campaign, which is highly unlikely.

      • It's funny to read all the reviews on the beta because people seem to be so split; on one side people say it's horrible and on the other side they give it praise. Didn't get to try it out during beta but reading the reviews from players was interesting.

        • +1

          I guess all reviews are subjective like that and the only way to know if you'll like it is to play it. I know for a fact that if I took user opinions and reviews as gospel, then I would have missed out on playing stacks of games which I thought were really fun!

          CrazyMexican, if your having troubles deciding, get both, make up your own mind, sell quickly whilst it has value, and the most you'll lose is a few dollars.

        • +1

          doom is not worth getting unless you are really desperate for a new game

          there are many problems with the beta and I doubt much will change

          penalizing players for using melee in a 1v2 (using glory kill you are literally locked into a melee animation and unable to do anything)
          god like spawns that make no sense and are awarded randomly (imagine a cod 10+ killstreak reward being handed out randomly)
          removal of all skill (guess its been dumbed down so that anyone can get a kill)

      • +2

        The new Doom seems to have more in common with the original Doom and Doom II games (very fast paced action, no reloading even with shotguns, ammo pickups and conservation, secret areas, locked doors requiring coloured keys, etc). I think people hate it because Doom is a very old school game… and gaming has moved on from that.

        If you like Doom and Doom II (like I do), then you are likely going to love this game. If you are more interested in modern FPS shooters, maybe wait until it's cheaper.

        • +3

          I love Doom I & Doom II, doom connector recently came back up online and i've been playing online again :)

          The new DOOM is really slow paced, everything feels too slow in it to be a proper DOOM game as it is slower even than Quake Live. The movement system in it has no allowance for any sort of movement tricks to speed yourself up so the skill ceiling is quite low. They have had to massively reduce the damage that the rocket launcher does because you don't actually move fast enough to dodge rockets and they have shoehorned in some alt-fires to the guns where for the rocket launcher it lets you detonate the rockets mid air and hit people with splash when it normally would be a miss.

          The multiplayer is horribly designed for fans of modern or old school shooters alike. The movement is Halo speed which makes sense when you consider the multiplayer was outsourced to the same company who made the Halo 4 multiplayer. It feels like they made a Halo multiplayer with a Doom skin on it then tried to shoe horn in the burn cards & titans (demon rune spawn in this game) from Titanfall.
          I think the hits to the movement speed and rocket speed is so that the game would work better for console players which is weird when you consider that Call of Duty is much faster paced than this and seems to be a huge hit on consoles….

          The company this was outsourced to is also the same company who was responsible for the multiplayer portion of Call of Duty Ghosts which is widely regarded as the worst Call of Duty title released. There's a reason the Steam store rating for the beta was negative and not mixed or positive….

          If you loved the old Doom I / Doom II you should download Zandronum & Doom Connector and jump on that, they still hold up really well today and are incredibly fast paced. This new Doom is too slow. I'm still keeping my pre-order though because I have high hopes for the SnapMap / coop stuff since it looks very promising in what we have seen in videos.

          Doom Connector -
          Zandronum -

    • +10

      Have you played Uncharted 1, 2 & 3? If yes, then definitely Uncharted.

      • +12

        if not, definitely uncharted

        regardless of not playing the first ones uncharted is still a great cinematic experience.
        I don't like or play games but i played the first 3 as a story experience

      • I enjoyed the story aspect of the Uncharted games, but found the combat really frustrating. If there is a difficulty setting for "Here For The Story," then I'll be really happy. I'd be happier still if actually owned a PS4, of course :P

    • +9

      This one is a no brainer…definitely go with Uncharted. In addition, Uncharted 4 multiplayer is super fun. It is probably the best of the series. Doom beta on the other hand disappointed me.

    • It's almost offensive to compare them against one another.

      On one side you have the most popular game series on PlayStation and the other a generic reboot of a once godly game.

      Do yourself a favour and get Uncharted 4. We are talking about a game of the year release here.

    • +2

      Uncharted 4 by far :)

    • No

    • +2

      A delicious bag of donuts or swift kick in the balls?

    • +1


  • I was on the fence with Uncharted 4 but at that price I think I'll get it.

    • +21

      On the fence with uncharted? This is release of the year. Its a must have game if you own a PS4.

      • +1

        Don't you want to read a review first?

        I didn't dig uncharted 3 at all. 2 was good, but only for 1 playthrough.

  • +1

    Ozgameshop has doom at 64.99 free shipping on ps4 and xboxone

    • +4

      I'd pay the extra $4 and get it on release day.

      • If you pre order it usually arrives release day or sometimes a day before

    • How is Doom only $65?

  • Where did you see Uncharted 4 for $69? I can't seem to find it on the website

    • Catalogues would be in the mail. Online one isn't uploaded until Wednesday or Thursday.

    • Yeah what Yuri said but it should be up later tonight :)

      • Any chance you have a Target catalogue too?

  • Sweet! Didn't even realise uncharted 4 would be released so soon! I usually don't preorder games but I'm making an exception since console games can be resold and a game like uncharted will have plenty of buyers.

    • +2

      So soon? It has had several delays haha

  • Anyone know where you can find game price comparisons for new titles?

  • So, once this goes live you will be able to pre-order Uncharted 4 online or not?

  • +1

    pick one from these games:
    fallout 4, uncharted 4, division
    what do you guys recommend?

    i know they are different types of games.

    frankly. if i could go back to the release day, i wouldve bought the division at a discounted price. it seems fun. i like fallout, played 1,2 and 3, but they used an old engine for fo 4, what is disappointing. That's the reason i didnt get it on day 1. uncharted 4 is surely a great game. i really loved uncharted 2 and also finished uncharted 3. but imo, uncharted 3 was boring compared to uncharted 2. maybe i expected too much.

    anyway, what do you guys think? is division worth getting at the moment (IF i can find a good price), or fallout?

    btw, doom sucks. the "old" doom III was one of the biggest jokes in the game history ever.

    • +4

      Uncharted 4 will be the game of the year, on any console. The Witcher 3 was the game of the year 2015, this'll be game of the year 2016.

      Division is better than Fallout.

      • +4

        Nice to know you can see the future. What else happens?

        • +7

          Nintendo releases the NX and proves they still have no idea what their core audience wants by still including full amiibo support.
          Microsoft and Sony both release follow up consoles to their still-new console generation, thus entering a videogame 'arms race' to get better technology in their consoles; which both still play the same games, that still havn't been optimised with current tech.
          DeNa buys Pluto
          Notch found dead in Hollywood mansion, clutching a disk with "Infiniminer" written on it
          Tim Schafer decides you don't get to play Psychonauts 2 until 2019, despite finishing it in early 2017; starts a kickstarter to pay for voice acting and goes way over budget twice.
          Peter Molyneux still hasn't broken out of the asylum
          Indiana Jones 5 is set 2 years from now, Indi spends the whole movie looking for the ancient relic known as the "Kinect".
          Ubisoft decides to set all their games in BC with the success of Primal and the excitement behind rumoured AssCreed Egypt, starts to hype Tom Clancy's Gladiator and Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Troy. Ubi saves millions on art assets, especially female ones.
          EA releases the new Battlefront game; it's just a command prompt that runs "Hello World" and they still make billions.
          And, now for the REAL shocker: A new Call of Duty game comes out.

        • +2

          @FrankMcFuzz: all that is plausible but a new cod? You are crazy

    • Well I think it is safe to know what you are getting with uncharted and fallout since they are sequels. The division is much better if you have at least one other person to play with. It is good if you want to shoot things and upgrade your stuff but it is nothing mind blowing.

    • +3

      I have 200 hours+ in the division but it's not as great as you say. The devs nerfed the hell out of crafting and you need significantly more materials to make items. Everything is very grindy atm and those who didn't get in early and farm will struggle to get on par with everyone else.

      • Not sure if you are talking about me but I do not like the division very much. I only play it to chat with friends. Got it on release and I am on level 17 or so. Not sure how you do not think its great but have played it for 200 hours lol. If I dont think something is great I wont play it for 200 minutes haha

    • +2

      Division is a poor game that is fundamentally broken, you will see critical reviews of it all over the internet.

      Fallout 4 is boring in comparison to the past Fallout titles, you have no real choices throughout the storyline and are better off playing Fallout New Vegas.

      Uncharted 4 looks to be another blockbuster hit. I played the multiplayer demo and it was lots of fun.

      • +1

        Naughty Dog are so well-staffed, talented, and dedicated to the medium now that it is nearly impossible for them to put a foot wrong. I for one, have no doubts, but I do about literally everything else coming from any other dev (LOOKING AT YOU, GEARS 4)

        • I think gears peaked with Gears of War 2, Dom's storyline was fantastic.

        • +1

          @Agret: I kind of understand what they wanted to do with 3, but it doesn't change the fact that I didn't care about Marcus Fenix's dad. I wanted to know who spooky queen was, but they didn't feel like saying, 'just coz'. lol.

          But I am especially skeptical about Gears 4, because Microsoft did to Gears what they did to Halo; created a company (with an in-universe related title) to make that specific franchise and nothing else, and lose the personality of the entire franchise during the lobotomy.

          Halo 1, 2, and 3 were called Halo 1, 2, and 3 because they were about Master Chief's struggle against the aliens who wanted to use the Halo rings. They were canonical entires into the main franchise. Halo Reach, ODST, and Wars feature no Halo rings, so they weren't given a canonical numbering. Halo 4 is called Halo 4 but contains no Halo rings, but the number means that it's considered a core entry. So, in other words, Halo isn't even about Halo anymore, they might as well call it "Master Chief" or "Cortana". They only give out numbers now because core entires make more money than spin-offs. Disgusting.

          If Gears 4 doesn't contain any Locust or core story elements from the first three, I'm out, I'm just straight out.

    • +1

      Thanks guys.

      i read some comments and reviews about division. its still broken (for now). I am not going to buy a FO4 any time soon either. Forgot about witcher 3, i will keep an eye on this game. it is really a good one. i missed the $20ish sold by coop a couple of weeks ago

      i guess i will continue with borderlands, the game i got for free as a xb gold member. the graphics is so poor on xb1 though.

      • +1

        If you are enjoying Borderlands you should look into getting Battleborn which is coming out very soon. It has a very similar style of co-op campaign gameplay. It also has a competitive MOBA style mode as well. You can unlock gear in the singleplayer/coop modes and take it over to the PvP mode as well :D

      • are you serious? all these people put their effort in to tell you uncharted 4 and now you reveal you don't even have a ps4 and not even considering it? trolling?

        • i didnt say i did not have a ps4. the fact is i have both xb1 and ps4.

        • @alwayseric:

          Then why not consider to buy uncharted after everyone recommend?

        • -1

          @suicine94: how about stfu, troll!

    • Uncharted

  • +2

    Target will probably do Uncharted for $64 …. only a few dollars but hey ….. i pre order at EB and then price match when its released so it doesnt bother me either way

    I think the new Tomb Raider will be out on the PS4 as well soon … any xbox owners play that , was it as good as the first?

    • you cant price match uncharted 4 at EBgames because its an exclusive to EB games eddition of the "standard" version of the game called Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Standard Plus Edition

      Standard Plus Edition includes:

      Heist Drake Multiplayer Skin
      Snow Weapon Multiplayer Skin
      Alternative Box Art on reverse of cover

      lol… im in the same boat. Are those extra's worth the $35 extra cost?.. hmmm

      • Yeah have heard that before. I'm wanting to price match as have some EB credit to use.

        I'll give it a go on release day, if EB won't price match, I'll walk up the road to Big W!

        • I asked EB when I was buying a white console today.

          I warned them is the version different.
          But EB price matched the pre order for me.

      • yeh if they dont price match I will shift it to tomb raider and buy cheaper somewhere else….the extra skin crap is definately NOT worth $35

        I think they will though or they will lose heaps of sales

      • This has happened to a few games. Unless the staff are total dicks they won't say no to a price match.

  • Hows Doom ? Anyone played the single player yet? Multiplayer looks fun,

    From what i gather Doom isn't the same as the early ones, but its like the Xbox remake on 360? Any word yet?

    If it is, it still sounds fun.

    I've enjoyed Devils THird as far as wackier shooters go this generation, if its still kind of like Doom i'd be cool with that.

    Doom 3 was decent.

    • DOOM doesn't come out until the 13th of May so nobody has played the singleplayer yet, the multiplayer is horrible though avoid that entirely. It plays like a really slow paced unreal tournament crossed with Halo & Titanfall. The multiplayer was outsourced to the same company who was responsible for the horrendous Call of Duty Ghosts multiplayer which was widely regarded as the worst Call of Duty title ever which is something of an accomplishment in itself. It's like they tried to be "hip" and appeal to everyone by just taking elements randomly from other multiplayer shooter titles without stopping to think of what they were trying to make, it will be dead faster than Battlefront.

      I'm still keeping my DOOM order because i'm keen to play the singleplayer and mess around with SnapMap and play some co-op action.

  • Uncharted 4 is out!! Holy cheap I'm so excited!

    • Uncharted 4 comes out on the Tue, 10 May 2016

      • +14

        Funnily enough, that happens to be the same day I fall ill.

  • +11

    I honestly think if you own a PlayStation 4, and don't buy Uncharted - you should trade in your console and change to the other side…

    • +2

      why somebody would downvote this is beyond me. not buying uncharted for ps4 is like not buying gow for xb1

      • Or Halo.

      • -1

        I bought ps4 for street fighter V

    • Not everyone buys a PS4 just for Uncharted. Lets see, what do I have (on PS4) that the other side (Xbone?) does not offer? Bloodborne, The Last of Us, Tearaway Unfolded, Driveclub, Knack, Infamous: Second Son & First Light, LittleBigPlanet 3, Until Dawn, Samurai Warriors, Dragon Quest Heroes, Helldivers, Galak-Z, War of the Monsters, God of War 3, Killzone, Tales of Zestiria, Sword Art Online, Journey, Ratchet & Clank. So no, people should not trade in their console and change to the other side if they don't buy Uncharted because PS4 also offers other exclusives. I'll pick up Uncharted eventually though, just not for $69.

      Personally I think PS4 is worth buying just for Bloodborne but that's just my opinion and everyone's interests are different so I'm not going to say "I honestly think if you own a PlayStation 4, and don't buy [Bloodborne] - you should trade in your console and change to the other side…"

      • You'll be tripping over in a frenzy trying to get your pants to get to the store on release morning once you get a whiff of the reviews.

    • even if you don't own a ps4 you should still be uncharted 4

  • Good. Hope my local Big W has fixed all there price check scanners by then. Last time I was down there on thursday all the scanners were offline and not working. Just a hassle not to be able to quickly scan all the unpriced videos.

  • Great find ! I'm using this for ebgames price match.

    Getting uncharted 4

    Doom I'm waiting for price to go lower, I played beta and it was lame.

    ID Software is not the same since Carmack left

  • Cancelled my Pre-order on PSN! Save $10 although I prefer digital download.

  • Great to see so many people interested in Uncharted 4. I'm a bit of a super nerd when it comes to Uncharted but I genuinely didn't think so many other people were interested. GOTY for sure and improves on the originals in every way. 8 days.

  • jbhfi have a deal on some new release games where you trade in 2 selected games and get it free does anyone know if uncharted 4 will have this deal or is it only for games that have been out for a couple weeks ?

  • Do they have Uncharted 4 for PS3??

    My son wants it, but we only have the PS3 not PS4 - he loves the first 3.

    • +1

      its only made for ps4

  • can I pre-order Uncharted 4 from Target ? Got to get it there as I have a voucher to use, can't find a link

    • Don't think you can. Maybe just do a click and collect when it gets released? I actually wondered the same thing but maybe it's not close enough to release date.

      • +1

        I wouldn't do Click and Collect on the website. You can't just buy it online and get it same day in store. They will send you a copy from the warehouse. Also Target's delivery is slow, you will be waiting 1-2 weeks for it.

  • Are these ps4's black or white?

    • i would almost be tempted to get the 500gb then put a 2TB drive in if i was buying now. Took hardly any effort to upgrade mine to the 2TB drives.

  • can you use the wish gift card from cashrewards and get further 5% discount at bigW from that?

  • OMG!!! DOG FOOD! YUM! Pedigree 12x 1.2kg Dog Food Can Varieties $24 (Save $18)I'm going to eat so much dog food! woof!

  • Target has Uncharted 4 and Doom for $69 as well. I'll get it there as I get staff discount :) .…

    • I'll get it from whichever has stock. I'll go Big W first since the deal was originally that but if this talk of unreliable launch day releases is true I'll check out Target.

  • Price matched at JB North Sydney without issues.

  • Thanks for this good find OP. I went the local ebgames and they happily priced matched UNCHARTED 4 from their ridicolus $99 to $69 on launch day!

    Good deal for an AAA ps4 exclusive on launch day. Guy in front of me paid $99 I felt sorry for him!

  • For those in Melbourne CBD target is out of stock for uncharted 4 but Big W had a fair bit of stock left when I was there, about an hour ago.

  • Wondering if anyone bought the bundle from Big W or Target,

    Got mine today but there was no seal on the box, is this normal or abnormal?

    Thanks all.

    • no seals on ps4 boxes anymore

  • Elizabeth St (Melb CBD) JB wouldnt price match as they said Big W and Target have sold out

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