Virgin mobile- got taken for a ride

Hello , I'm new to ozbargain, but I thought I'd share my experience with Virgin mobile;
Early in April I went to Virgin mobile store to get prepaid sim and port my number over to Virgin from Optus, got pay rise cap $19 plus $2 for the sim.
It took four days for my number to port over to Virgin from Optus- ok it was the weekend;
Then , for my $19 I got 0.06 ( 6 cents) call credit, when I was supposed to get about $100 call credit- I haven't been able to make one phone call.
I tried over the next few weeks calling Virgin, wasting countless hours on the phone with them, I tried calling the store, but they said I have to call customer service .
The response I got was either I haven't paid - but I can see the $21 deducted to Virgin mobile on my credit card statement,

but then sometimes they agree I paid, but say I must have used up the credit- but I haven't made one call from that phone, and Virgin can't tell me of any calls I made.

Finally I just said to Virgin I'm going to ask my bank to do a charge back if they don't give me what I paid for, they finally agreed, said they'll take care of it , hung up-
But they gave me $19 call credit for my $19. Instead of about $100 call credit for my $19.
I've wasted so many weeks , and hours on the phone, I'm over it, and I'm just going to go today to Aldi ;

Just thought I'd give a heads up if anyone is considering Virgin mobile,

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Virgin Mobile
Virgin Mobile


  • +1

    Agree their Customer service is hopeless.

    Should complain to TIO

    Cost THEM money so they sit up and take notice.

  • +3

    Complain to TIO. It's been my experience that telcos have "built TIO into the system" which translated means they do not give a toss about any customers request because they're figured out that ignoring the customer and waiting for the lesser number of TIO complaints earns higher profits results.

    Hence in future you should learn the lesson: if a telco refuses you once in such a matter just do the minimum necessary to make a complaint, don't argue with the monkey on the phone and immediately escalate it to TIO. Have an aim of spending less than 60 seconds talking to the thieves because it seems to me that part of the tactic is to just wear people down.

    Because Australia's telcos are scum who have no problems with stealing money from customers as happened in your case and they will continue to do so whilst it remains more profitable than not doing so.

  • Did you get any call reference numbers from those calls that you made?
    And honestly, their online chat team is miles better than their call service so just a heads up for anyone wanting to contact them

    • I didn't get reference numbers, as in the past I've found that reference numbers mean jack-
      "oh we are sorry you received misinformation ";

      and I first tried online chat when my number took ages to port over,
      they said it's because Optus and Virgin use the same towers?

      I thought that should make it quicker,
      but who knows;
      but when it finally ported and saw only 6 cents call credit ,
      I didn't want to have anymore online discussions;
      I just wanted to call up and them fix it.

      • Intra-network porting has always been slower then inter-network. Not sure why.

  • I haven't been a Virgin Mobile customer for almost 2 years but I found their Facebook team great at resolving issues

  • +1

    This is yet another example of how pathitic Virgin Mobile are. They are groundbreaking in the development of new and innovative ways to rip customers off and fail to support them. Good work Virgin!

  • You're right. Virgin customer is the worse of all the ones I've used. Telco customer service is bad as it is, but virgin is the worst. There is no goodwill let along getting what is rightfully yours as stated i contract.

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