So Colgate-Palmolive has been hit with one of the biggest fines in Australian corporate history.
And now Woolworths is possibly facing a similar penalty for their involvement in the cartel.
Here are links to some articles on the fine:……
At least the attempted price gouging was stopped in this case. But it was only because industry insiders blew the whistle. So I wonder how widespread is such corruption and which companies and industries are getting away with it.
Hopefully by being bargain savvy shoppers we can avoid falling victim to corrupt corporate greed and price gouging, or at least minimise its impact on us.
By it's nature it's going to be hidden so it's tough to say but I would assume it's commonplace.
In any case what is not hidden - or at least some of it isn't - is that the owners of major brands influence government policy as much as they can on a continous basis to benefit themselves.