My Seagate Expansion 1TB Portable HDD has stopped functioning and is making a clicking/beeping sound when I connect it to a computer. I have spoken with Seagate and they said they will replace my product, though I need my data to be recovered from it before I send it to them.
Anyone have any tips for this? I requested a quote from 2 websites and they said upwards of $200, which is way too much for me to pay.
just use your backup that you would have made. (I guess you havent got a back up)
the only way is to pay and they will pull the drive apart doing so , so seagate wont replace after its done.
You may be able to remove it from the case and plug it into another case, hoping that it is the connector/interface thats faulty and the drive itself is OK, but I highly doubt that is the problem.