This was posted 8 years 10 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle (AU/NZ eShop codes)


Pay US$1 or more for:

  • Retro City Rampage: DX (3DS)
  • Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U)
  • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Wii U) and (3DS)
  • a coupon for 10% off Humble Monthly for new subscribers

Pay more than the average price to also receive:

  • Freedom Planet (Wii U)
  • Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure (3DS)
  • Citizens of Earth (Wii U) or (3DS)
  • an exclusive Retro City Rampage Nintendo 3DS theme

Pay US$13 or more for all of that plus:

  • Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition (3DS)
  • Darksiders II (Wii U).

List of available eShop regions:

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Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +1

    Love the idea, but I only have a 3DS and no Wii U, so only half the value to be had.

    • +3

      I also only have a 3DS, however it's still good enough value IMO. Especially when you actually consider what the Wii U games are:
      Shantae is an old game, plus you get it for 3DS anyway.
      Freedom Planet whilst being recent and with high reviews it's still just a 2D retro platformer.
      Darksiders II has been in so many bundles for PC most people would already have it.
      Affordable Space Adventures is the only Wii U exclusive that seems interesting.

      • I'm happy to chip in $5 for the WiiU games if that helps (not interested in Citizen Of Earth). I don't need 3DS codes.

  • Is it one code per game or one code per tier?

    • +1

      One code per game.

      • I'm presuming you bought the bundle already. Regardless, cheers!

    • +4

      Btw, I should mention, for Citizens of Earth you do have to choose either 3DS or Wii U. You don't get codes for both.

      Shantae you do get codes for both.

  • +3

    Retro city rampage is a great game for $1! Great deal!

  • +7

    Wow a Nintendo humble bundle! Interested!

    • -2

      DAM SON!

    • +2

      Yea … we missed out on the last one, so it's really awesome we're eligible for this bundle.

  • $1 for Affordable Space Adventures, that's nuts! Cracking deal!

  • +3

    Very tempting, not because I'm interested in any of the games, but more because the prices looks like a real bargain! >.<

    • +6

      That's the spirit

  • If anyone is interested in buying the wii U games send me a message, I only have a 3ds.

    • Hi mate..
      would love to get the codes if you still have them

  • +2

    For those wondering, all prices are in USD!

    It'll cost about $16.77 AUD for all games ($13 tier).

    • More games will be added though, so interesting to see which ones they do add for the value.

      • Do we have to pay for it again with the new games or do we get them inclusive?

        • +1

          If you pay more than the average the first time, you will unlock them. I do believe it's not for the $1 option according to HB. I went for the $13, it's good value.

    • +1

      Updated prices with US$.

    • +1

      $17.43 for me just now. Thanks Paypal! -_-

      • Just paid through PayPal. $16.43. Don't know why you got hit for an extra dollar.

      • I also paid with Paypal and got hit with the extra dollar =_=

        • Paypal exchange rates are really bad.

      • I also got charged this..

  • I paid thru paypal but didn't get the code yet. It may take longer than before?

    • NVM, i just got the codes. It took 30 mins to arrive in my email.

    • Confirmation email has the link for the codes

  • Already have a couple of these but still great value. Cheers! … bought for Retro City Rampage alone.

  • Damn - only have a 3DS, and already have both US$1 games.
    But +1 for the awesomeness of a Nintendo Humble bundle!!

    1. buy affordable space adventures
    2. get friends
  • -2

    I'll take any left over Wii U codes if people don't need em!

    • +8

      Don't be such a cheap skate. This is for charity.

  • +1

    I'm assuming we don't get MyNintendo points for these purchases?

    • Hmm, didn't think of that. It's possible, we'll have to wait and see.

      • Confirmed, no. The platinum points for using the eShop are showing up, but there are no gold points showing for entering the codes.

    • +1

      You don't. It would be too easy to exploit, the My Nintendo gold coins are for purchases made through the eShop, these are not.

    • Nintendo points only through Nintendo's eShop or Miitomo.

  • I got Shantae when it first came out on the 3DS and thoroughly enjoyed it, this bundle looks to be pretty sweet.

  • +2

    Anyone with a Wii U want to go halves on the $13 bundle with me?

  • Tbh, I feel kind of ambivalent about this. My beloved Nintendo and Humble Bundle just dont sound right to me.

    Still recced it though. Cracking good deal.

  • Retro City Rampage for $1?!

    Yes please, and for charity too.

  • Just bought them all

  • +3

    Hi, anyone wants the Wii U codes? I only have 3DS, will give those for free, just pm me

    • Thank you very much!!

    • all gone :)

  • great thanks, just got them all!

  • +1

    Worth it alone for Rhythm Thief and Space Adventures.

  • +3

    If anyone wants the codes for Retro City Rampage and Shantae and the Pirate's Curse for 3DS for free, PM me.

    • +4

      Both now taken. Spread the love.

  • +6

    hey guys PM me for wii U codes first in best dressed.

    • all gone

  • Any predictions on which other games they will add?

    • +1

      My prediction is one indie title (no idea which) and a first generation release like Resident Evil Mercenaries (Capcoms involvement with SSFIV makes me think this even more).

      • I think you might be right…another Capcom title might be added to the BTA games.

        If only Shovel Knight was included!

  • +1

    Nice deal. I only wanted space adventures. Bargain for $1. Good price for the other games but I know I'll never get to them.

    Anything in there a must have though? I have both platforms.

    • +1

      If you haven't got a PC, then:
      Retro City Rampage: DX
      Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
      Freedom Planet
      Darksiders II

      Affordable Space Adventures
      Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure

      If you want on the go:
      Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

  • Great deals! Thanks

  • How do we add these codes into our WiiU?

    • When you are in the eShop, there is a button at the top to redeem codes.

      • Thanks! eShop on the WiiU or eShop on the computer? I'm hoping to just copy and paste the codes into my account :)

        • +2

          On the WiiU, Australians can't activate codes using the web portal like some other countries can, not yet at least.

        • @emwearz:
          Thanks for that! That makes sense now.

  • I've only got a Wii U. Anyone interested in taking the Nintendo 3DS codes from me? Let's work out a deal.

  • +1

    Affordable Space Adventures & Shantae codes for Wii U here if anyone wants them.

    Send me a message with a dirty joke included and they're all yours.

    Edit - And gone to silverrat23 who had an epic dirty joke that i'll be telling at work tomorrow. Cheers mate!

    • please tell me the joke, i need to know!

      • +5

        "I was at a dance one night.
        They played the Twist. I did the twist.
        They played the Locomotion. I did the locomotion.
        They played Come On Eileen. I got kicked out."

        • thanks, that put a smile on my face :)

        • @baldy: Eileen?

  • +1

    Shantae is incredible if you like Metroidvania's.

    Freedom Planet is rockin' if you like Sonic.

    Darksiders 2 is sweet if you like dark 3D Zelda's.

    Citizens of Earth is great if you like earthbound.
    ^Does anyone know if they've patched all the bugs out of this game?

    Awesome bundle, wish I didn't already own half of them! (still bought it anyway)

    • lol, me too, bought it to give to family.

  • Love it, I have both a 3ds and a Wii U. I wonder if anyone got the whole bundle without paying anything by getting both sets of codes from the people giving them away here @~@

    Although I'd be more impressed if someone bought the top tier and gave the whole lot away!

  • Oh well, I had SF4 3DS, unbeknown to me :P

    get in quick! B0LC1FMV5J279NP2

    • +2

      Thanks, I got it!

  • Hi, I would like to trade the WiiU codes for some 3DS codes as I have two kids with 3DSs.

    PM me if you have a 3DS code to swap for the WiiU. Thanks!

  • I want Citizens of Earth 3DS or Wii U(American version) I have some steam games for trade :D

  • Bought the lot as I own both a Wii U as well as a 3DS. The only thing I own from this bundle is Affordable Space Adventures. I'm willing to trade my spare code for either the Wii U or 3DS version of Citizens of Earth.

  • I got this the other day when it started up and it made me realize something

    Holy shit, I've been using the included memory card in my New 3DSXL for like a year, I really don't do a lot of digital Nintendo shit, do I?

  • +2

    Thanks OP bought it today.

    Just an idea I was thinking of, if you're going to pay the full amount, maybe wait until towards the end of the deal to do it. This keeps the average down?

    Might get downvoted due to charity, but this is OzBargain not OzCharity! :D

  • 3 new games have been added. Anyone doesnt have a wii u want to sell runbow let me know

  • Anyone have a code for Citizens of Earth on the 3DS they don't need, but would like some Wii U codes? I have spares for Affordable Space Adventures and Runbow.

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