Title is self-explanatory, its a FREE 250 points parcel credited to your FlyBuys account for filling out the form correctly. Before people start complaining about SPAM, there is an option to select if "…you wish to receive other promotional material".
Offer is available between 29 March 2010 and 29 March 2011. To qualify for this offer, members must provide their FlyBuys membership number at the time of signing up to the Kmart Tyre & Auto Car Insurance Reminder Service. Members may sign up online at ktas.com.au/insurance. Maximum number of FlyBuys bonus points for this offer is 250 per FlyBuys membership. FlyBuys bonus points collected from this promotion will be credited to qualifying members’ accounts approximately 6 weeks after signing up. Standard FlyBuys terms and conditions apply and are available at flybuys.com.au.
well.. its good for a freebie… but i'm still wondering what can i do with 250 FB points?