How Stressed Are You OzBargainers?

Stress, as difficult as it might be to accept, is an important part of our lives. It can bring out the best in us, motivating us toward ever greater heights of personal achievement.

But too much stress, or feeling unable to cope with it, can take a serious toll on our well-being. Follow the flowchart to find out if you might be suffering from serious stress.

While you're here, please share some of your stress-busting tips. I could use them. Others might too.


Poll Options

  • 46
  • 139
    A little stressed.
  • 44
  • 81
    Very stressed.


      • +1

        No, but they are 2 years apart.

  • This is going to sound weird, but I have to wear a red hat for work and uh. It must be a nervous tick or something as I'm always pulling it down and a certain spot is now black.

    • Hubby wears a lab coat even though his job doesn't require him to wear one. He insisted that a clause, stipulating that his organisation provides him with a clean, pressed one daily, be added to his employment contract. It's his security blanket.Now that's weird.

      There's something to be said about a man in a lab coat though…They sure look sexy ;)

      • Mrs JJB
  • +8

    There are no words to describe how stressed I am. Just divorced, studying full time, part time job, raising 3 kids who are in my care 100%….

    • +4

      My heart goes out to you, AussieDolphin :( Hang in there!


      • +3

        Thank you, Wiki. I am trying. Will be up until the early hours to try and get ahead with assignments and theory work.

        • What are you studying AussieDolphin?

          How many hours do you manage to sleep?

        • +2


          That's a scary question GameChanger. I am studying at Bachelor of Education. One of my units this semester is also a practical placement unit. Some nights I can't sleep at all but when I do I probably get about 5 hours sleep a night. I'm aware it's not enough and I do feel run down too. Thought I would add that I contemplated dropping 2 units but this semester is almost over and the extra debt I would incur because it is after the census date is not worth it.

        • @AussieDolphin: wow you're anazing. Much respect for people like you!

          Do you drink lots of caffeine to stay awake? Or any other supplements ?

        • +1


          Thank you. I am trying really hard and it took a marriage breakup for me to realise that I have not reached my full potential yet. I don't even have coffee in my house but I do occasionally have a glass of coke. I think the lack of sleep is more to do with stress and the demands of university and family life. I take a multivitamin daily after breakfast =) and that's about it. No alcohol or anything else.

    • +4

      Reminds me of the pursuit of happiness. Hang in there, years fly by and you'll finish your course of and look back at the difficult times before you know it.

  • I don't do stress. I'm pretty dann relaxed in nearly all situations. My last job was stressful as hell

  • +4

    I'm calm.

    I'm fortunate to have always been able to sleep well and right away. After getting married my sleep has improved as I go to sleep earlier than before and so am getting more sleep.

    Over the last 7 years I have consciously eaten healthily; on the rare lapses it's not too bad - e.g. Margherita pizza for dinner tonight.

    The most important change for me was that after a quick rise to a senior role with a lot of responsibility that was somewhat stressful because the roles were always just more advanced than my capability and experience at the time, I took a long career break and then when I came back to work, worked hard but have included coasting time. My wife just reminded me that I've coasted in my early years as well - I've always been interested in a lot of things. After the career break I lost all ambition equivalent to making general manager by the time I was 30 (one of my implicit goals after finishing uni).

    During my career break I brought a lot more balance into my life including making a contribution through sustainability and helping others. I also did a heck of a lot of sports and this has continued to this day.

    I've been making more time to spend with my parents as they get older but can do a lot more here.

    Oh, and my relationship with the Mrs is good, except when I'm in the bad books, but this doesn't last more than a day. There are one or two niggling things that could escalate in the future because I procrastinate, but I am aware of them and they are manageable. The Mrs just asked what "manageable" means - that I can manage her expectations or manage the outcome… hmm…

    • Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed your post.

    • +1

      You sound like you could be slightly on the spectrum. But thanks for sharing.

  • +1

    Fishing. Period.

  • +2

    I watched a TED Talk video recently on stress that I found somewhat reassuring about stress and it's place in our daily life. I guess not all stress is bad depending on what you make of it.

  • +1

    From very stressed to too much. :-(
    But I get the $$$ to spend on bargains.

  • +1

    Just a little Stressed.

    Final Year of University before I graduate with my Bachelors. So stressing a little bit about what the future holds, finding a new job, moving away, etc.

    But I find just taking a break at least once or twice a week to go do things you enjoy or spend time with friends and family (if you like them) really helps. It means I can have another go at that assignment or whatever with a fresh view. :)

  • +1

    Did the DASS test (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) with doctor - only high on the stress. Speaking with people - heard Mindfulness app is quite good. Just about to check it out.

  • +3

    Blaze up and listen to slayer, or play darts

  • +1

    I'm really stressed about not getting any bargains on eneloops anymore….

  • Boring and same sexual position for 7 years without possibility of any new and exciting sex ….stresses the hell out of me

    • Have you asked your wife to change?

    • Al Bundy from Married with Children is that you? "No Peggy, NO".

    • +1

      Use your other wrist

  • +3

    Why worry about anything? When has it ever done any good?
    If your alive, got a roof over your head and food and grog in your belly then life is good imo

    • That's a good point. I like.

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