Pre-Purchase Total War: WARHAMMER now and get the Chaos Warriors Race Pack for free
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Pre-Purchase Total War: WARHAMMER now and get the Chaos Warriors Race Pack for free
Feel free to use this link to sign up under my referral and get me sum credits (why not I guess:))
This publisher is a massive tard for making chaos dlc. I'm close to purchasing, but all other total war games are flops on release.
Also, I am ideologically against preordering games anymore - burnt too many times.
You guys buying? Or wait for proper sale? My love of warhammer is overwhelming rationality.
Every Total War game that has come out at early release is broken or full of glitches, after a few months it will be fully patched and not putting Chaos as a core race is a shame, I would not buy this game. Wait for the complete edition if you are going to buy it and don't pay full price because of what they doing to games today.
Im a sucker for warhammer…will purchase on release.
I checked with CD keys and they said they dont know if chaos race is included so they havnt advertised it…still waiting to confirm from dev or supplier.
any word back from cd keys on the chaos race?
We would like to confirm that our version does include a Pre-Order bonus of "the Chaos Warriors Race Pack"
you also put the price up.
agreed, OP deal is better than cdkeys now. -edit, until you factor in the payment fee at gamingdragons… jesus hidden fees annoy me.
Also, I read that the Chaos dlc is now free for purchases within the first week.
I'm guessing that means that EVERY key reseller now contains the chaos pack, but of course this is worth confirming before purchase.…
Best price is now $40.51 USD…where did you read about the DLC?
Many places.…
I purchased by the way, send me your steam Id fellow bargaineers.…
$40.31 USD here +5% off for FB like.
Though its not clear if the race pack is included? Should be for all preorder keys you would think.