This was posted 8 years 10 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Parking + $5 All Day Parking on ANZAC Day at Selected Secure Parking Carparks


Just received an email from Secure Parking on their Anzac Day offers, will be useful for those attending the Dawn Service, and for those heading into the city.

[VIC] - 474 St Kilda Road
[NSW] - Allianz Centre - 186 Sussex Street (Time Restriction: Enter after 2am - exit 12pm)
[QLD] - Cathedral Square Car Park
[SA] - State Centre Car Park, 172 Gawler Place (FREE parking for RSL members, their family +affiliates, no need to book, Time Restriction: Enter after 7am - exit 7pm)

[SA] - Use code 'ANZAC2016'
The Terrace on North Terrace, The Plaza Car Park
[WA] - Use code 'ANZAC2016'
Fortsecue Car Park, QV1 Car Park, Westralia Square
[QLD] - Use code 'ANZACCITY'
Parkade Car Park, 12 Creek Street Car Park, Emirates Car Park, 200 Mary Street Car Park

*For more information regarding road closures click on go to deal
** Must book using Secure-a-spot prior to arrival

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Secure Parking
Secure Parking

closed Comments

    [VIC] - 474 St Kilda Road

    It's CLOSED on public holidays……

    • Looks like they're making it an exception for ANZAC Day.
      "In Melbourne, FREE parking for those attending or participating in the ANZAC Day dawn service or parade will be offered at 474 St Kilda Road car park."

      • It's a fair way from the Shrine and even further from the city…

        You'll be up for around $8 per person to catch a tram both ways…

        • meh free parking, and it's not that much of a walk really.

        • -1


          it's not that much of a walk really.

          3.1 km to the Shrine

          4.8 km to the City

        • Fare evasion is free jv.

        • @KaptnKaos:

          Fare evasion is free jv.

          So is illegal parking if you don't get caught…

        • @jv:

          Much easier to fare evade in Melbourne than illegally park…

  • +1

    Enter and exit times apply.

    Allianz Centre - 186 Sussex Street will be providing FREE parking for those attending/participating in the ANZAC Day dawn service or parade in the Sydney CBD (enter after 2am - exit 12pm).

    • Cheers, added that in

    • exit 12pm

      No 2-up then… :(

  • -2

    Is it legal to use the acronym "ANZAC" as a code, given in this context it's a promotion of sorts? It's a nice gesure and all but I understand there are penalties for stepping outside the very tight boundaries of how it can be used commercially.

    • -1

      the very tight boundaries of how it can be used commercially.

      Please list boundaries.

      • +2

        Please list boundaries.

        Can only be used commercially with th authority of the Minister for Veterans' Affairs.’…

        a penalty of up to 12 months imprisonment may apply. Under the Crimes Act 1914, a penalty of up to $10,200 for a natural person and $51,000 for a body corporate may be imposed by the Court, instead of imprisonment.

        • Secure Parking, in support of our ANZAC’s, will be offering free parking

          • From the secure parking website

          When can the word Anzac be used without permission from the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs?
          The words 'Anzac Day' may be used in connection with certain events or entertainment held on 25 April itself, or on consecutive days including 25 April.

          • From the dva website


        • +1


          The words 'Anzac Day' may be used

          But not the word 'ANZAC' as per Sir Casm's comment…

  • too bad there's no free offer for whole day parking in NSW

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