We've had a really good response from OzBargain in the past, so we're extending this offer for OzBargain people ONLY. You let us know that our entry-level plan has been overkill for most of your requirements, so we made this plan especially for you :)
Here's what you get:
- 500 MB space
- 25 GB transfer
- 1 addon domain
We support PHP, Perl/CGI, Python, MySQL, all the good stuff.
Jump over to https://billing.chombo.com.au/cart.php?a=add&pid=25 to sign up - you won't find this plan on our website or order form!
Let us know if you have any questions or queries.
As usual, we've had a massive show of support from our OzBargain friends - to all of you that signed up (and there are a fair few!), thank you so much for your support