I'm just wondering if Woolworths accepts AmEx with no surchage? For both online and in-store, only one of the two, or neither.
Does Woolworths accept AmEx with no surcharge?
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for online https://woolworths.inbenta.com/?sessionId=t1niuagfurj74l0f1g… says "We accept payments by credit or debit card – MasterCard, VISA, AMEX and Diners. You can also pay with your PayPal account or Wish gift cards"
If it doesn't mention a surcharge, there probably isn't one. Just try it and find out.
Thanks guys. Novice question but do i use the 15 digit code or the 19 digit code?
The card number is only 15 digits.
Unless they also want the CVV (Card Verification Value) which is the other 4 digits above the card number on the right. But if they want the CVV, it will be requested as a different field.Type it in here and we will check it for you ;)
Not only do they accept Amex, but you also get bonus reward points with certain Amex cards, like the David Jones Amex.
Yep, they accept it and no surcharge. Coles also.
EDIT: I have only tried in-store, not sure about online.