This was posted 8 years 10 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth $30.95 AU PSN + More Price Drops


Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth - Digital Edition $69.95 $30.95

Get exclusive rewards with Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth - Digital edition

This Edition includes:
- Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth full game
- Black versions of Agumon & Gabumon!
- Agumon in both the male or female hero costume
- Agumon in Tai Kamiya's costume & goggles!
- Digivolutions of Beezlebumon Blast Mode & Cherubimon Black
- Uselful Item Set
- 2 themes


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  • Dam, my account is setup with a US account. Hopefully the same sale kinda applies there also.

    • Nope, the sale is not for US accounts as well. Thats a shame. Anyone know if I can purchase it with a AU account and play it with my USA account. also being able to remote play via Vita?

      • +2

        You can, as long as both accounts are on the same PS4. I had to set up an Aussie account to download DLC for a region locked Australian game. The DLC would not download on my US account, but once I set up my Aussie one and downloaded it on that account, it was available on my US account.

        • Do as LongJohn suggests, i have my AUS, US & Canadian account all existing alongside each other just fine on my PS4(& PS3 too for that matter, just don't get my started on the VITA).

      • I believe it's next week that the annual Golden Week sale should be happening for US PSN, so hopefully it'll be in that sale.

        • oh yeah bring it on.. big discounts on Japanese produced games.. lots of RPGs :)

        • ok I googled and Golden Week in Japan is from 29th April to 5th May, so the sale on US PSN should be May 3rd onwards.

          arghh want to wait and see what is on offer.. but might miss out on AU digimon cyber sleuth for $30….

  • +1

    $20 for Mad Max. Great discount

  • +1

    +1 for Life is Strange at $14.95. Great game.

  • +1

    Highly recommend Digimon Cyber Slueth - amazing game that feels like a mix between Pokemon and Persona 4. Soundtrack is by the guy who did the Danganronpa ones.
    Brought back a lot of memories of watching the show as a kid when seeing all the Digimon :) . Also you are guaranteed to put at least 20 hrs into it so worth the money

    • does it have local pvp?

      • apparently it does, but i havent tried it out for myself yet (still going on story lol), maybe someone else might know

  • If you haven't played it already, get Okami HD for that price. It's worth any price I reckon. One of the best games of all time in my opinion. It's a game that's every bit as good as everyone says it is.

    • +1

      It seems a shame it's only available on PS3 and not PS4 (or even Vita).

      • +1

        Given how remaster happy Sony have been lately I'd say a PS4 version is likely soon enough, though it is disappointing that there isn't one for the Vita as it seems designed for it.

  • HMM…..!!!!

    I've been eyeing on digimon for awhile now… Would it be best to get the PS vita version?? Im not really crazy about the graphics, i heard they're just slightly different… Anyone could share their opinions?

    • Same. I've been looking for a while too. I'll be getting PS4 purely because i'm out of space on Vita memory card. God those things are overpriced

    • I have it on vita and it runs perfectly, iirc only difference is 60fps ps4 and 30fps vita. Ive only had very few issues in certain areas, the game would just lag ever so slightly, nothing game breaking. I guess loading times on ps4 would be quicker too.

  • how long does the AU store sale run for please?

    • according to the info in the description 14 days left :)

      • thanks for the info (sorry missed that), will see what offers the US PSN store has this weekend and if they can't match the AU store then I may end up buying Digimon and Hundred Knight Story.

        • Agree, hundred knights seems to be a bargain… I'm planning on getting neptunia rebirthv3, neptunia U and digimon (still deciding vita or ps4 >.<)

        • @piggiepanda: hold off for a few days and see what the US Golden Week sales offer (usually big discounts on JRPGs), I bought Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragments for $5 USD during a recent sale and it's $18 AUD on sale here.

          Personally I'll buy for PS4, I have a PS TV but it's literally only been switched on a few times.

        • @piggiepanda: well, very underwhelmed by Golden Week sale offers.. think all I'm going to buy at the moment is Digimon Cybe rsleuth from the AU store (it's $35.99 USD for PSN+ member son the US store).

        • @gizmomelb: Yeah i just saw it. Not much good games this flash sale… Rogue galaxy was cheap though and the better version between AU/US… But i've already bought it on the AU acct TT_TT.

          I bought Digimon, its so nostalgic seeing the digimons but the gameplay is a bit disappointing for me cause the camera and feels so slow pace after playing the neptunia series xD

  • Bit gutted I bought Disgaea 5 physical for $50 last week when it's now $40 digital (which I prefer)

  • ok well US Golden week sale has started, but so far AU prices seem to be mostly better, at least in regards to RPG pricing.!/en-us/golden-week-sale/cid=…

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