Looking for a Plan/New Phone

I'm looking at getting a new plan and possibly a new phone. I'm tossing between [$19.99 TPG] (https://www.tpg.com.au/forms/t4gA.pdf), $19.99 iinet or the $24.90 amaysim.

TPG has:
* 1.5GB Included Data
* $550 Included Value for Calls and Text (SMS & MMS) to Standard Australian Numbers & International Numbers
* Unlimited Calls to TPG Mobile & TPG Home Phone
* Vodafone network

iiNet has:
* 2GB data
* $400 calls
* Optus network

Amaysim has:
* 1.5GB data
* Unlimited calls and text to standard
* Unlimited calls to 10 countries
* Unlimited texts to 32 countries

At the moment, TPG has a deal until June, new customers can sign up for the $19.99/month deal and get $0 for the SIM and $10 a month for 6 months. I think that's a fantastic offer given that I never finish the $550 credit and 1.5GB is more than enough, so I'm tending towards that option. I'm with vodafone at the moment, the service has been fine so far but not sure whether it would be better to give the optus network a try.

Otherwise, I was thinking about purchasing a plan. I'm currently on a $35/month vodafone plan and after having a look around, I could not find a plan that's less than $40/month. I'm happy with my Sony Xperia Z at the moment, although it has some battery issues caused by the software which Sony has neglected to fix. I'm happy to go with anything Sony, but nothing LG, their phones have given me headaches.

So I'm wondering would it be best to buy outright and then go with a BYO plan or stick with a plan which includes the mobile? I'm considering the sony xperia M5 as a possible option.


  • +1

    It is ALWAYS best to buy outright and go with a sim only plan. Just do the math. I would also suggest that you could wipe your current phone (to get rid of all the bloatware) and re-install a custom rom to try solve the battery issues and/or buy a new battery if you are still happy with it. Lots of info on how to do this online.

    • I would never go through the process of rooting my phone again. I did that on my old phone because it kept freezing. After rooting and installing a custom rom, it still froze had even bricked.

      Battery issues are a minor hindrance, I can live with that. Thanks for the advice.

  • +1

    I would go for iiNet or Amaysim over TPG due to their weird "deposit" that they apparently often refuse to refund.

    As for comparing plans v BYO, you just have to calculate the total cost over, say, 2 years.

    BYO: handset price + 24 * plan cost
    Plan: 24 * (plan cost + handset repayment)

    It's not entirely comparing apples with oranges though: on a plan, you'll get Australian stock with a proper warranty, whereas if you buy grey you will lose that. But being on BYO gives you the flexibility to change carriers if a better offer comes along.

    Sometimes (albeit rarely) it can be more cost-effective to go on a plan with a phone.

    • Thank you. I had no idea about the unrefundable "deposit". I'll be wary of that.

  • +1

    iiNet and Amaysim use the Optus 4G network, whereas TPG is on Vodafone 4G - this may be relevant if coverage is important to you.

    Personally I'd avoid TPG because they have had some very shady practices, such as changing their mobile terms so that the "security deposit" became a "prepayment" and making it difficult for customers to get it refunded. Also incase you travel they require $500 deposit simply to activate international roaming.

    • Coverage is not too big of an issue at the moment. I'm quite satisfied with the coverage Vodafone has provided so far. At least these two companies don't have constant outages unlike Telstra :P

      I'll look into the deposit. Thanks!

  • +1

    Have a look at the VAYA plans. Might be what you're after. http://www.vaya.net.au/?option=Mobile&4Gsimonly&PowerPlan
    For $2 more you can get their Unlimited plans which include unlimited talk and sms http://www.vaya.net.au/?option=Mobile&4Gsimonly&Unlimited

    • I did but their fees pretty much drove me away, especially the $30 disconnection fee and $1 BPay fee.

  • +1

    There's also Kogan. https://koganmobile.com.au/plans/
    They're on Vodafone as well.

    I've been on TPG for years. I've personally never had a problem with them. Their online account management app is terrible though. Looks like something out of the 90's. I've been looking around for a better deal for a while, but based on my use, I haven't found anything better.

    It's what matters most to you, I guess. For me, it's basically what comes out of my pocket. I make do with what I get after that.

    I ask myself these questions when I look for a new provider:
    - Do I need unlimited calls?
    - Do I need to make international calls and SMSes?
    - Am I already happy on the Vodafone network?

    • The value for Kogan looks really good! Thanks for bringing that up. I'm not too sure about the credibility of their services but will definitely have a look.

      Don't really need unlimited national and international calls and coverage with voda has been pretty good so far. I'm really looking for a plan with a ton of data and a decent call/text credit limit. $30 would be the max I'd go for in a BYO plan.

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